Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

the thing about it is that it stops there and will not continue can anyone tell me why it stops and how to fix it?
Well, I'm not an expert on Ascend or Wossname (never actually used either of them), but it looks to me that Ascend checks your quest log and figures that you need to complete the Level 12 War so it calls wossname. Then wossname checks get_property("warProgress") and sees that mafia believes you already completed the war so it aborts.

Did you complete the level 12 war? What does your Quest log say about your war progress?

You could just move on the the sorceress with a CLI command:
ash include <Ascend.ash>; Sorceress(99999);

Edit: Did you complete the war on the Hippy side? Somehow I cannot find Ascend checking for that possibility. It seems unlikely dj_d missed that, so I'm probably misunderstanding something but...

dj_d, shouldn't
    if (QuestSteps[i] == "IslandWar")
      if (!contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For The Horde") && 
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "pirates to annihilate both"))
        return i;
    if (QuestSteps[i] == "IslandWar")
      if (!contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For The Horde") && 
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For Gaia!") &&
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "pirates to annihilate both"))
        return i;
? Or am I missing something obvious?
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Icon315: Don't quote me on this because I am not that sure about it, but most function related errors have to do with Zlib... Are you running a late version of zlib or any version at all for that fact? Try checking it or updating to fix the problem. Another error could be with an older version of kolmafia. If you are using something older, try updating that as well. If all else, I guess dj_d can better explain it and help fix teh problem. :P

EDIT: Then again, it may actually just be ascend.ash... Make sure the line in ascend.ash reads like this...

if (!explore_entire_city() || !finish_city())

You may have been editing and accidentally added something to mess it up. The line I pasted above is what is in my working version... Sorry if that does not help.

I'm getting the same issue: Function 'explore_entire_city( )' undefined (Ascend.ash, line 1214)

I tried the suggested edit, but it hasn't solved the problem. Running Mafia 13.8, Ascend 1.2, zLib 14.
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yes i beat it as a hippy i messed up and adventured outside of kolmafia and that got the counter off so i HAD to finish as a hippy and you really told me to type in "ash include <Ascend.ash>; Sorceress(99999)" and it came up "Unknown variable 'include' () Returned: void"
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I'm getting the same issue: Function 'explore_entire_city( )' undefined (Ascend.ash, line 1214)

I tried the suggested edit, but it hasn't solved the problem. Running Mafia 13.8, Ascend 1.2, zLib 14.

I figured out why this happens, YOu probably installed an update to a script that came from the Zip file, Ascend.ash is programed to work with the scripts that came with it....try to recopy the scripts...make sure that they are in the correct folder
This has been answered several times -- dj_d has not yet updated Ascend to work with the current MacGuffin script. If you want Ascend to work, install it and don't update anything -- although ZLib should still be safe to update. Otherwise, use it as a guideline -- if it gets an error on the Hidden City, run only the MacGuffin script until that quest is done, then pick up from there.
Yup, I could do that, except that the char is only 7th level-I don't even know why it's checking for the hidden city. As for using it as a guide, what happens is, I run the script, I get that error, and it stops. Can't really use that as a guide.

I'll redownload the script again, and see what happens with a fresh set.

ETA: With a fresh set, it does run enough to give me a list. It still doesn't do anything other than give me a list of what's done, (due to a 'blank page' error) but I can work with that.
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This has been answered several times -- dj_d has not yet updated Ascend to work with the current MacGuffin script. If you want Ascend to work, install it and don't update anything -- although ZLib should still be safe to update. Otherwise, use it as a guideline -- if it gets an error on the Hidden City, run only the MacGuffin script until that quest is done, then pick up from there.

Ascend.ash doesn't ask for you to update to the current version either macguffin or wossname I believe, but it will ask to upgrade zlib.
Oh, using this, even after I do the MacGuffin quest, it gives me "Function 'explore_entire_city( )' undefined (Ascend.ash, line 1214)" Is this something to do with ascend.ash, or macguffin.ash?
Look a few posts higher, and learn that you should only use the macguffin.ash that is included in

The forum's search function should be red and blink.
Oh, oops. Sorry!
I really am blind. :s

Edit: Is there a script called bounty.ash? Since I'm using dailygrind.ash now (in the package) and I don't have a script anywhere for bounty.ash, and I've searched the forums.
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dj_d, shouldn't
    if (QuestSteps[i] == "IslandWar")
      if (!contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For The Horde") && 
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "pirates to annihilate both"))
        return i;
    if (QuestSteps[i] == "IslandWar")
      if (!contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For The Horde") && 
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "For Gaia!") &&
	  !contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "pirates to annihilate both"))
        return i;
? Or am I missing something obvious?

That fixed it for me.
haunted wine cellar (random)

> Ascend
Bad location value: "haunted wine cellar (random)" (macguffin.ash, line 162)

I'm getting the above error running Ascend. The obvious thought is change random to automatic in the macguffin script, but the word random does not appear in that script, or any of the scripts in my script directory.

Anyone have any idea where I might look next?
Ran this on a character that was part way through. Only problem was the Steel Margarita. Changed line 164 of Ascend Status.ash to read
if (!visit_url("charsheet.php").contains_text("Liver of Steel"))
instead of
if (!contains_text(finishedQuestLog, "Azazel in Hell"))
Part of the issue could be changes in content since the character got the liver of steel. After it ascends I will try it again unchanged.
I can confirm that it has to do with not ascending since the Steel Margarita was introduced as I have two characters which haven't and have had to comment out the check for the margarita as well as the Knob encryption key.
For some reason when ascend.ash loses to Ed the Undying it starts adventuring in the desert unhydrated non-stop. I've observed this on two different occasions now. Is this a problem with ascend.ash or a problem with the version of MacGuffin.ash that's included?
Oh, oops. Sorry!
I really am blind. :s

Edit: Is there a script called bounty.ash? Since I'm using dailygrind.ash now (in the package) and I don't have a script anywhere for bounty.ash, and I've searched the forums.

I think the post is something like "BHH and friends".
deodorant bug?

My script just spent 300,000 meat buying and using deodorant on loop before i realized what it was doing... That made me a sad panda. It was during but idk why it'd be doing that. anyone else having this problem? sorry if it's already been addressed, I just don't know how to navigate the new forum setup yet :P

> Ascend
Bad location value: "haunted wine cellar (random)" (macguffin.ash, line 162)

I'm getting the above error running Ascend. The obvious thought is change random to automatic in the macguffin script, but the word random does not appear in that script, or any of the scripts in my script directory.

Anyone have any idea where I might look next?

Is it the new version of macguffin? Since the current version of ascend.ash (that I know of) doesn't work with the current version of macguffin.
If it's a newer version of ascend (I have 1.2) then I'm probably wrong.
You'll have to comment out the macguffin sections and run that part either manually, or manually start the new script.

Or, ya know, fix it altogether!