autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation


Active member
Hey guys, a really basic question. What level should I be when I run this script? I did one basement run years ago and I think I clovered up to level 25 or so before starting my run. Is that still necessary?
It used to be that people would start the basement at something like level 26 so as to hit level 30 and get a telescope piece at the same time.


New member
I've got Maximum Chill permed, but the script keeps using weapon attack against monsters like Grandfather's Ghost, which do no damage and cause it to lose. Is there a setting for that?


Staff member
The script does not choose your attack for you. You do that yourself via your Custom Combat script. For example, I have the following:

[ beast with x ears ]
skill saucegeyser

[ beast with x eyes ]
skill saucegeyser

[ x bottles of beer on a golem ]
item divine blowout

[ x stone golem ]
skill saucegeyser

[ x-dimensional horror ]
skill saucegeyser

[ x-headed hydra ]
skill saucegeyser
Obviously, set it up to YOUR characters skills...


Bug I just encountered:
If autoBasement_combat_maximizer_string is set to "", you get an error message on start-up saying "Unrecognized Modifier:" with nothing after it.
Changing the setting for autoBasement_combat_maximizer_string fixed this for me.


Active member
Did you set the combat_maximizer_string to "" or did you possibly also set the combat_stat to ""? It's designed to allow you to set your custom maximizer string or not, as you so choose. It's not allowed to have you opt out of actually setting which stat you'd like to use for combat.


New member
I'm having a problem with potion usage: it won't do it. I've got max price set at 2000, but basic reagent potions are less than 500 and it won't use them, not even the ones sitting in my inventory. Any idea what could be causing that?
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It uses potions as needed for stat tests/mp/hp tests, however it doesn't use potions for combat and instead relies on your CCS/Mood for that handling. If that's your problem.


I'm running the script myself, and I seem to be coming across the same issue.

zlib autoBasement_break_on_combat = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_element = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_floor = 500
zlib autoBasement_break_on_hp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_level = 30
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mox = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp_amount = 10000
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mus = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mys = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_reward = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_stat = false
zlib autoBasement_combat_equipment = navel ring of navel gazing
zlib autoBasement_combat_maximizer_string =
zlib autoBasement_combat_stat = Mysticality
zlib autoBasement_drink_to_buff = false
zlib autoBasement_eat_to_buff = false
zlib autoBasement_get_familiar_drops = false
zlib autoBasement_hop_on_up = false
zlib autoBasement_max_potion_price = 2500
zlib autoBasement_spleen_to_buff = false
zlib autoBasement_use_absolute_potions = false
zlib autoBasement_use_Disembodied_Hand = false
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer = false
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer_amount = 1000
zlib autoBasement_use_percentage_potions = true

Ps: It seems to be buffing mainstat alright, but off-stats don't get buffed.
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Active member
What it will do, unless I remember incorrectly, which I may do, is to buff the stat listed as autoBasement_combat_stat (in your case mysticality). Is that not working ok? It is assumed that your combat strategy will be able to handle the monsters given this buffing.
Any chance we could add a 4th matcher to the combat_stat matcher up at the top?
	case "i":	combat_stat = my_primestat(); break;
So I'm glad you took this idea, because it is a good one, but the code still looks for a second-letter "i", when logically it ought to be either "r" for "primestat" or "a" for "mainstat". (Or both?)

just uh fyi.

e: assuming I don't somehow have an out of date script; the changelog in my file ends in february which could be legit but still makes me wonder
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Active member
The last update was in February :)
I don't have much time to play nor code so nothing much is happening unless very important or I happen to have time as was the case now.

Script updated to look for the "r" in the second position of the word "prime" as it probably should've all along :)


Active member
Right. My time to code is very limited (even more so by second kid being born) and as such I'd like to know if anyone would want to help maintain this script. If yuo want to then please send me a message with your Sourceforge userID and I'll see if I can get it to work.


Active member
Since I still need to run this several times to finish up my telescopes, I could try to help this abort less.


Active member
That would probably be good. My one telescope I care about is fully upgraded and I only run the script to debug things. When you're level 45 things are a bit odd :)

Due to Sourceforge being what it is, you already have access to do whatever :)