Aah, I'd wondered why it never uses Fire Death Ray, even in combats where one spell if just barely less than a 1-shot. Are there any other free 1-round stuns to add to this list? Fire Death Ray is skill 7150.
1 HP costs 0,184μ. ( 130, / 185 )
1 MP costs 1,4μ. ( 66, / 385 )
Factoring in Scarysauce: (6,) damage, retal
Running BatBrain version: /\/\^v^/\/\ (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.18 (current)
Running WHAM version: 5.1 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 1034.
WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for The Beefhemoth.
WHAM: No need to do anything with The Beefhemoth.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
Value of stat gain: 710,94μ
Value of stat gain: 710,94μ
ATT: 325, (94,% × 85,49, death in 2)
DEF: 325, (8,59% × 35,97, win in 118)
HP: 1*025,, Value: 710,94 μ, RES: 0
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Evaluating 'max(82.0,max(105.0,163.0))'...
Evaluating 'ceil(L/3.0)*4.5*5'...
Evaluating '1.2*(12+min(0.15*163.0,20)+min(-80.0,40)+0.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(3.5+min(0.1*163.0,10)+min(-90.0+7.5,10))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*3.0'...
Evaluating 'min(1,effect(jabanero))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+7.5,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(22+min(0.3*163.0,30)+min(-90.0+7.5,25))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*16.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*16.0)'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*28.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*28.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(2.5+min(-90.0+15.0,5))'...
Evaluating '(1+0.5*min(1,effect(sugar rush)))*1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Options built! (82 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1034.
WHAM: Current MP = 66 out of 385.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: Current HP = 130 out of 185.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a The Beefhemoth. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 325 or 325 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 325 or 325 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 1025 or 1025 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 25.
WHAM: Monster HP is 1025.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 29; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
use 5560 does hurt the monster for 15.0 and is ok.
use 5561 does hurt the monster for 0.0 and is ok.
skill 86 does hurt the monster for 10.0 and is ok.
use 3114 does hurt the monster for 25.0 and is ok.
skill 1022 does hurt the monster for 19.0 and is ok.
skill 3004 does hurt the monster for 0.0 and is ok.
use 4119 does hurt the monster for 1025.0 and is ok.
Value of stat gain: 710,94μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 4119 (round 1, profit: -800,)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1034.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1034.
use 5560 does hurt the monster for 15.0 and is ok.
use 5561 does hurt the monster for 0.0 and is ok.
skill 86 does hurt the monster for 10.0 and is ok.
use 3114 does hurt the monster for 25.0 and is ok.
skill 1022 does hurt the monster for 19.0 and is ok.
skill 3004 does hurt the monster for 0.0 and is ok.
use 4119 does hurt the monster for 1025.0 and is ok.
Value of stat gain: 710,94μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 4119 (round 1, profit: -800,)
WHAM: No need to stun this monster
Monster HP is 1025 according to Mafia and 1025.0 according to BatBrain
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Evaluating 'max(82.0,max(105.0,163.0))'...
Evaluating 'ceil(L/3.0)*4.5*5'...
Evaluating '1.2*(12+min(0.15*163.0,20)+min(-80.0,40)+0.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(3.5+min(0.1*163.0,10)+min(-90.0+7.5,10))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*3.0'...
Evaluating 'min(1,effect(jabanero))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+7.5,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(22+min(0.3*163.0,30)+min(-90.0+7.5,25))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*16.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*16.0)'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*28.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*28.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(2.5+min(-90.0+15.0,5))'...
Evaluating '(1+0.5*min(1,effect(sugar rush)))*1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Options built! (81 actions)
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Evaluating 'max(82.0,max(105.0,163.0))'...
Evaluating 'ceil(L/3.0)*4.5*5'...
Evaluating '1.2*(12+min(0.15*163.0,20)+min(-80.0,40)+0.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(3.5+min(0.1*163.0,10)+min(-90.0+7.5,10))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*3.0'...
Evaluating 'min(1,effect(jabanero))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+7.5,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(22+min(0.3*163.0,30)+min(-90.0+7.5,25))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*16.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*16.0)'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*28.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*28.0)'...
Evaluating '1.2*(2.5+min(-90.0+15.0,5))'...
Evaluating '(1+0.5*min(1,effect(sugar rush)))*1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '1.2*(16+min(0.2*163.0,25)+min(-90.0+0.0,15))'...
Evaluating '-min(1,effect(jalape))*1.12*10.0'...
Evaluating 'max(1,min(1,effect(jabanero))*0.29*10.0)'...
Options built! (82 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 1,02 seconds.
WHAM: Debug printing the damage dealt by your options.
WHAM: old-school flying disc: 1025,00 potential damage (raw damage: 3000,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: crusty hula hoop: 1025,00 potential damage (raw damage: 3967,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: red wagon: 1025,00 potential damage (raw damage: 3776,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: rickety old unicycle: 1025,00 potential damage (raw damage: 7478,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: shard of double-ice: 163,00 potential damage (raw damage: 163,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d20: 126,00 potential damage (raw damage: 126,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d8: 90,00 potential damage (raw damage: 90,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: love song of sugary cuteness: 82,00 potential damage (raw damage: 82,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d12: 78,00 potential damage (raw damage: 78,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d6: 73,50 potential damage (raw damage: 73,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: NG: 55,00 potential damage (raw damage: 55,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Rain-Doh orange agent: 50,00 potential damage (raw damage: 50,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: bus pass: 47,00 potential damage (raw damage: 47,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: photoprotoneutron torpedo: 40,00 potential damage (raw damage: 40,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Wassail: 37,56 potential damage (raw damage: 37,56) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: imp air: 37,50 potential damage (raw damage: 37,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Offensive Joke: 35,00 potential damage (raw damage: 35,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil: 25,00 potential damage (raw damage: 25,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot: 25,00 potential damage (raw damage: 25,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: pygmy blowgun: 25,00 potential damage (raw damage: 25,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: plot hole: 22,50 potential damage (raw damage: 22,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: frigid ninja stars: 22,00 potential damage (raw damage: 22,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: flaregun: 19,80 potential damage (raw damage: 19,80) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Clobber: 19,00 potential damage (raw damage: 19,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Weapon of the Pastalord: 18,06 potential damage (raw damage: 18,06) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Saucegeyser: 17,46 potential damage (raw damage: 17,46) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Rain-Doh blue balls: 15,00 potential damage (raw damage: 15,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: mariachi G-string: 12,50 potential damage (raw damage: 12,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Silent Slice: 10,00 potential damage (raw damage: 10,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Silent Squirt: 10,00 potential damage (raw damage: 10,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Silent Slam: 10,00 potential damage (raw damage: 10,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Lunging Thrust-Smack: 9,71 potential damage (raw damage: 9,71) and a hitchance of 9,00%.
WHAM: Attack with your weapon: 8,95 potential damage (raw damage: 8,95) and a hitchance of 8,59%.
WHAM: baseball: 7,00 potential damage (raw damage: 7,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: sonar-in-a-biscuit: 6,00 potential damage (raw damage: 6,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: leftovers of indeterminate origin: 5,50 potential damage (raw damage: 5,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: spectre scepter: 4,25 potential damage (raw damage: 4,25) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Knob Goblin firecracker: 3,00 potential damage (raw damage: 3,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: razor-sharp can lid: 2,50 potential damage (raw damage: 2,50) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Rain-Doh indigo cup: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Entangling Noodles: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Stealth Mistletoe: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Salsaball: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -87,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Stream of Sauce: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -82,80) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Saucy Salve: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Saucestorm: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -49,80) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Käsesoßesturm: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -58,80) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Cannelloni Cannon: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -57,60) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Wave of Sauce: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -36,60) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Surge of Icing: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -58,80) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: disease: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: magical mystery juice: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: wussiness potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: inkwell: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: black pepper: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d10: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: big glob of skin: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: powdered organs: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Knob Goblin superseltzer: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: spider web: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: chaos butterfly: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: murky potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: -14,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: fizzy potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: milky potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: swirly potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: bubbly potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: effervescent potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: dark potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: fancy bath salts: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: cloudy potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: wumpus-hair net: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: divine cracker: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: 30669 scroll: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: smoky potion: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: lawn dart: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: barbed-wire fence: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: bronzed locust: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: 64067 scroll: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: soggy used band-aid: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: 668 scroll: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: tropical orchid: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: d4: 0,00 potential damage (raw damage: 0,00) and a hitchance of 100,00%.
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 1,31 seconds.
Round 31: livercat executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 32 but KoL thinks it is round 1
As the error message says, it's a SmartStasis problem. If you were in the SmartStasis thread you'd see that your advice is to edit SmartStasis and remove "the " from line 334. Because zarqon is a butt-head.
[1774] Oasis in the Desert
Encounter: blur
Strategy: C:\Users\User\Documents\KOL\ccs\auto1.ccs [default]
Round 0: DracoTrainer wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
1 HP costs 0.001μ. ( 133 / 144 )
1 MP costs 0.015μ. ( 126 / 201 )
Running BatBrain version: ~(^._.^) (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.18 (current)
Running WHAM version: 5.1 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 1773.
WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for Blur.
WHAM: No need to do anything with Blur.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
ATT: 141 (0% × 14.09, death in 1330000)
DEF: 131 (95.45% × 30.9, win in 6)
HP: 151, Value: 2,146.02 μ, RES: 0
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (44 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1773.
WHAM: Current MP = 126 out of 201.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: Current HP = 133 out of 144.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a Blur. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 141 or 141 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 131 or 131 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 146 or 146 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 5.
WHAM: Monster HP is 151.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 7008 (round 1, profit: -0.22)
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Fancypants Scarecrow (0μ)0μ--100% stun chance
Building custom WHAM actions...
Custom WHAM actions built! (0 actions)
Building custom actions...
Queued: pickpocket
Building options...
Options built! (44 actions)
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; pickpocket; call batround;
Round 1: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 1: DracoTrainer tries to steal an item!
Round 2: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Happened: pickpocket
Parsed round number: 2
Building options...
Options built! (44 actions)
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
palm frond (12.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 40.62% = 18.28
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
hot date (6.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 20.31% = 13.2
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
carbonated water lily (12.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 40.62% = 81.24
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
Attack action chosen: skill 7008 (round 2, profit: -0.22)
Queued: skill 5005; skill 5008
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 443.44μ
Attack action chosen: skill 7008 (round 4, profit: -0.22)
Queued: skill 5003; skill 5005; skill 5008
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
WHAM: Stasis option chosen: use 2678 (round 7, profit: 0)
drum machine (30.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 45μ * 33.85% = 15.23
hot date (5.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 65μ * 16.92% = 11
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +238.48008498577175): 200μ * 33.85% = 67.7
Value of stat gain: 391.88μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 7008 (round 7, profit: -0.22)
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis loop complete (queue still contains 2 actions).
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 5005; skill 5008; call batround; skill 5003; skill 5005; skill 5008; call batround;
Round 2: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 2: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE OF DOOM!
Round 3: blur takes 7 damage.
Round 3: blur drops 5 attack power.
Round 3: blur drops 5 defense.
Round 3: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 3: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Disco combo: Disco Nirvana
Round 4: blur takes 10 damage.
You acquire an effect: Disco Nirvana (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 4: blur drops 7 attack power.
Round 4: blur drops 7 defense.
Round 4: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 4: DracoTrainer casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 5: blur takes 2 damage.
Round 5: blur drops 3 attack power.
Round 5: blur drops 3 defense.
Round 5: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 5: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE OF DOOM!
Round 6: blur takes 8 damage.
Round 6: blur drops 5 attack power.
Round 6: blur drops 5 defense.
Round 6: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 6: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Disco combo: Disco Concentration
Round 7: blur takes 10 damage.
You acquire an effect: Disco Concentration (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 7: blur drops 7 attack power.
Round 7: blur drops 7 defense.
Round 7: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Happened: skill 5003
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Parsed round number: 7
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 4.03 seconds.
WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 1773.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 1773.
drum machine (30.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 45μ * 35.85% = 16.13
hot date (5.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 65μ * 17.92% = 11.65
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 200μ * 35.85% = 71.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 7008 (round 7, profit: -0.22)
WHAM: No need to stun this monster
Monster HP is 109 according to Mafia and 114.0 according to BatBrain
Queued: skill 7008
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
drum machine (30.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 1,355μ * 100% = 1,355
palm frond (10.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 45μ * 35.85% = 16.13
hot date (5.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 65μ * 17.92% = 11.65
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +258.4800849857718): 200μ * 35.85% = 71.7
Value of stat gain: 484.69μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: attack (round 8, profit: 0)
Queued: attack
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Happened: skill 5003
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Parsed round number: 7
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.42 seconds.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, true, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Moxious Maneuver (macroid skill 7008). Estimated damage: 103.895001039505.
Queued: skill 7008
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Moxious Maneuver.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, true, false
WHAM: Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack). Estimated damage: 10.104998960494996.
Queued: attack
Building options...
Options built! (43 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued attack with your weapon.
WHAM: We are going to 2-shot with Moxious Maneuver and attack with your weapon.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 7008; call batround; attack; call batround;
Round 7: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 7: DracoTrainer casts MOXIOUS MANEUVER!
Round 8: blur takes 103 damage.
Round 8: DracoTrainer attacks!
Round 9: blur takes 32 damage.
Round 9: DracoTrainer wins the fight!
You gain 13 hit points
You gain 6 Mojo Points
You gain 233 Meat
After Battle: "Tell me, DracoTrainer, have you the proper ballroom dance training to dance the tango? No, I thought not. Very well, I shall demonstrate." He dances ferociously, clapping and stomping.
You acquire an item: drum machine
You acquire an item: palm frond
You gain 10 Fortitude
You gain 9 Enchantedness
You gain 20 Roguishness
Happened: skill 7008
Happened: attack
Parsed round number: 0
Look! You found 1 drum machine (1,355μ)!
Look! You found 1 palm frond (45μ)!
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 6.44 seconds.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 31 and that the turn number is 1774.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 31 and that the turn number is 1774.
If it could cast Flavor during combat, I'm sure it would.Would this script use Flavour of Magic if using spells?
Sadly, level 9 doesn't list all the other choices evaluated and their cost. Level 10 does. Still, I did notice one thing.I'm not sure why it's using Moxious Manoveur here to kill off monsters when I can definitely plink them to death. I ran it on a verbosity of 9 to see what the hell was happening but still don't get it.
Code:1 MP costs 0.015μ. ( 126 / 201 )
Ha! Too true. And if someone really believes everything in their inventory is free, they shouldn't complain about WHAM using more free MP than required. It's free after all.Unless UR was told to consider all inventory stuff as free, which would explain why it's so 'cheap', but...![]()
Would this script use Flavour of Magic if using spells?
Encounter: swarm of scarab beatles
Strategy: C:\Users\User\Documents\KOL\ccs\auto1.ccs [default]
Round 0: DracoTrainer wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
1 HP costs 0.011μ. ( 162 / 162 )
1 MP costs 3.846μ. ( 114 / 229 )
Running BatBrain version: ~(^._.^) (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.18 (current)
Running WHAM version: 5.1 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 2106.
WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for Swarm of Scarab Beatles.
WHAM: No need to do anything with Swarm of Scarab Beatles.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 519.06μ
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 519.06μ
ATT: 151 (0% × (15.09), death in 1620000)
DEF: 132 (95.45% × 31.9, win in 5)
HP: 151, Value: 1,871.32 μ, RES: 0 (-1) (1) (-1)
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 2106.
WHAM: Current MP = 114 out of 229.
WHAM: Your most profitable mp-restoring option is use 518.
WHAM: Your most profitable mp-restoring option is use 518.
WHAM: Your best MP restoring option available is: use 518
WHAM: Current HP = 162 out of 162.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a Swarm of Scarab Beatles. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 151 or 151 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 132 or 132 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 146 or 146 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 15.
WHAM: Monster HP is 151.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 519.06μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: attack (round 1, profit: -0.01)
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Fancypants Scarecrow (0μ)0μ--100% stun chance
Building custom WHAM actions...
Custom WHAM actions built! (0 actions)
Building custom actions...
Queued: pickpocket
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; pickpocket; call batround;
Round 1: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 1: DracoTrainer tries to steal an item!
Round 2: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Happened: pickpocket
Parsed round number: 2
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.2 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 4.52% = 6.11
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.2 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 4.52% = 6.11
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.2 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 4.52% = 6.11
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.2 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 4.52% = 6.11
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
savoy truffle (12.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 45.25% = 40.72
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
mojo filter (6.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 22.62% = 676.2
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (6.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 22.62% = 122.16
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
carbonated water lily (12.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 45.25% = 117.64
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
palm frond (12.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 45.25% = 20.36
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
hot date (6.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 22.62% = 14.7
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
happiness (6.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 22.62% = 144.79
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 519.06μ
Attack action chosen: attack (round 2, profit: -0.01)
Queued: skill 5003; skill 5005; skill 5008
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 402.19μ
Attack action chosen: attack (round 5, profit: -0.01)
Queued: skill 5005; skill 5008
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
WHAM: Stasis option chosen: use 185 (round 7, profit: 0)
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.77% = 5.09
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 90μ * 37.7% = 33.93
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 18.85% = 563.5
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 540μ * 18.85% = 101.8
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 260μ * 37.7% = 98.03
palm frond (10.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 45μ * 37.7% = 16.97
hot date (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 65μ * 18.85% = 12.25
happiness (5.0 @ +277.0483682299543): 640μ * 18.85% = 120.66
Value of stat gain: 295.63μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: attack (round 7, profit: -0.01)
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis loop complete (queue still contains 2 actions).
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 5003; skill 5005; skill 5008; call batround; skill 5005; skill 5008; call batround;
Round 2: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
Round 2: DracoTrainer casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 3: swarm of scarab beatles takes 1 damage.
Round 3: swarm of scarab beatles drops 3 attack power.
Round 3: swarm of scarab beatles drops 3 defense.
Round 3: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 3: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE OF DOOM!
Round 4: swarm of scarab beatles takes 16 damage.
Round 4: swarm of scarab beatles drops 10 attack power.
Round 4: swarm of scarab beatles drops 10 defense.
Round 4: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 4: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Disco combo: Disco Concentration
Round 5: swarm of scarab beatles takes 27 damage.
You acquire an effect: Disco Concentration (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 5: swarm of scarab beatles drops 21 attack power.
Round 5: swarm of scarab beatles drops 21 defense.
Round 5: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Round 5: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE OF DOOM!
Round 6: swarm of scarab beatles takes 14 damage.
Round 6: swarm of scarab beatles drops 10 attack power.
Round 6: swarm of scarab beatles drops 10 defense.
Round 6: DracoTrainer casts DISCO DANCE II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!
Disco combo: Disco Nirvana
Round 7: swarm of scarab beatles takes 30 damage.
You acquire an effect: Disco Nirvana (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 7: swarm of scarab beatles drops 21 attack power.
Round 7: swarm of scarab beatles drops 21 defense.
Round 7: "These trousers are so fancy they make me feel invincible!" Pete cries. "I am the matador and the bull, and the arena in which they fight! Make your move!" Your opponent shuffles nervously, not sure whether to step up or not.
Happened: skill 5003
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Happened: skill 5005
Happened: skill 5008
Parsed round number: 7
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 3.86 seconds.
WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 2106.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 2106.
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket (1.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.97% = 5.36
Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket (1.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.97% = 5.36
General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (1.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.97% = 5.36
Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket (1.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 135μ * 3.97% = 5.36
savoy truffle (10.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 90μ * 39.7% = 35.73
rocky raccoon (40.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 75μ * 100% = 75
mojo filter (5.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 2,989μ * 19.85% = 593.39
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (5.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 540μ * 19.85% = 107.2
carbonated water lily (10.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 260μ * 39.7% = 103.23
palm frond (10.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 45μ * 39.7% = 17.87
hot date (5.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 65μ * 19.85% = 12.9
happiness (5.0 @ +297.0483682299543): 640μ * 19.85% = 127.06
Value of stat gain: 519.06μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: attack (round 7, profit: -0.01)
WHAM: No need to stun this monster
Monster HP is 58 according to Mafia and 63.0 according to BatBrain
Queued: attack
Building options...
Options built! (40 actions)
WHAM: No valid attack options (Best option, 'use 2678', not good enough)
WHAM: Your most profitable deleveling option is use 866.
Can't enqueue 'use 866': combat too long.
WHAM: Unable to delevel until you can kill the monster without it killing you. Try it yourself.
WHAM: Unable to determine a valid combat strategy. For your benefit here are the numbers for your combat options.
WHAM: Cannelloni Cannon: 63.00 potential damage (raw damage: 76.80) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Moxious Maneuver: 63.00 potential damage (raw damage: 165.90) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: love song of naughty innuendo: 63.00 potential damage (raw damage: 216.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: d12: 63.00 potential damage (raw damage: 97.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Volcanometeor Showeruption: 63.00 potential damage (raw damage: 327.96) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Attack with your weapon: 62.90 potential damage (raw damage: 62.90) and a hitchance of 95.45%.
WHAM: rocky raccoon: 55.00 potential damage (raw damage: 55.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Battlie Light Saver: 49.00 potential damage (raw damage: 49.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: razor-tipped yo-yo: 40.00 potential damage (raw damage: 40.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: monomolecular yo-yo: 40.00 potential damage (raw damage: 40.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Duskwalker syringe: 38.00 potential damage (raw damage: 38.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Offensive Joke: 35.00 potential damage (raw damage: 35.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: yo-yo: 35.00 potential damage (raw damage: 35.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo: 27.00 potential damage (raw damage: 27.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Face Stab: 16.50 potential damage (raw damage: 16.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Dance of Doom: 14.00 potential damage (raw damage: 14.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: cinnamon troll doll: 8.00 potential damage (raw damage: 4.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: ancient poisoned dart: 8.00 potential damage (raw damage: 8.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: spectre scepter: 6.38 potential damage (raw damage: 4.25) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Eye-Poke: 2.00 potential damage (raw damage: 2.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Suckerpunch: 1.00 potential damage (raw damage: 1.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Silent Slice: 1.00 potential damage (raw damage: 10.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Silent Squirt: 1.00 potential damage (raw damage: 10.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: magical mystery juice: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: fat stacks of cash: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Entangling Noodles: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: possessed top: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: gyroscope: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: vial of patchouli oil: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: top: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: imitation crab meat: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: 33398 scroll: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: pool torpedo: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: 30669 scroll: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: blue plastic oyster egg: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: red plastic oyster egg: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: gob of wet hair: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: shaving cream: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: soggy used band-aid: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: scented massage oil: 0.00 potential damage (raw damage: 0.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: You now have the knowledge needed to go forward and be victorious
Round 7: DracoTrainer executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 8 but KoL thinks it is round 7
WHAM: Unable to figure out a combat strategy. Helpful information regarding your skills have been printed to the CLI
You're on your own, partner.
Smart. I'm updating my day one HCNP script!I use Spirit of Peppermint pretty much all my HC run because I don't fight many cold based monsters.
If you have Immaculate Seasoning permed, and fight a cold based monster with spirit of peppermint up, the script should decide not to use pasta spells and use sauce spells instead (assuming it's picking spells for killing) since the sauce spells would align hot (since cold would do 1 damage) and then you'll still get the bonus damage computed in, since it doesn't tune sauce spells.