Drat. Sorry I missed that. Yes, it trying to stasis. I thought it was trying to optimally kill. That's really strange, because my familiar was a sandworm. What's there to stasis for?Also, is it really worth stasising in the basement (which is what it was doing there)?
WHAM: Stasis option chosen: skill 3022 (round 16, profit: 31.71)
while ((to_profit(plink) > to_float(vars["BatMan_profitforstasis"]) || is_our_huckleberry()) &&
(round < maxround - (3 + WHAM_safetymargin) - kill_rounds(smacks) && die_rounds() > kill_rounds(smacks))) {
[1172] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 399)
Encounter: 80 Bottles of Beer on a Golem
Round 0: Crowther loses initiative!
Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage.
Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 801 hit points
You have plastic pumpkin bucket equipped: (8.66) damage,
You have navel ring of navel gazing equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.5
ATT: 8,772 (47% × 816.43, death in 15)
DEF: 8,772 (13.68% × 134.24, win in 276)
HP: 7,454, Value: 30,742.03 μ, RES: 0
WHAM: Monster HP is 7454.0.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; plastic pumpkin bucket; navel ring of navel gazing (0μ)0μ0 (8.66) Actual: 8.66 (0 μ/dmg)50% stun chance
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: Reached WHAM_round_limit while looking for a way to kill the monster. Executing the current strategy and continuing from there.
WHAM: We are going to 15-shot with Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt and Shieldbutt.
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 1: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage.
Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage.
You lose 819 hit points
Round 2: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 662 damage.
Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 824 hit points
Round 3: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 687 damage.
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 16 damage.
Round 4: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 676 damage.
Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage.
Round 5: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 667 damage.
Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage.
You lose 795 hit points
Round 6: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 669 damage.
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage.
You lose 819 hit points
Round 7: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 665 damage.
Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 18 damage.
Round 8: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 678 damage.
Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 799 hit points
Round 9: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 105 damage.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 27 damage.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 21 damage.
Round 10: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 115 damage.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage.
You lose 801 hit points
Round 11: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 123 damage.
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 43 damage.
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage.
Round 12: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 124 damage.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 27 damage.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage.
You lose 795 hit points
You lose an effect: Beaten Up
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 7458.0
lost the fight, quitting
Basement sucessfully automated for 3 out of 5 adventures.
[1173] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 399)
Encounter: 80 Bottles of Beer on a Golem
Strategy: /home/user/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [default]
Round 0: Crowther loses initiative!
Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage.
Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 798 hit points
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
1 HP costs 0.009μ. ( 5,456 / 6254 )
1 MP costs 3.364μ. ( 618 / 3725 )
Running BatBrain version: 1.38 (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.21 (current)
Running WHAM version: 5.5 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 1172.
WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for X Bottles of Beer on a Golem.
WHAM: No need to do anything with X Bottles of Beer on a Golem.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
You have plastic pumpkin bucket equipped: (9.98) damage,
You have navel ring of navel gazing equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.5
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
ATT: 8,772 (47% × 816.43, death in 15)
DEF: 8,772 (13.68% × 134.24, win in 264)
HP: 7,454, Value: 30,785.03 μ, RES: 0
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172.
WHAM: Current MP = 618 out of 3725.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: Current HP = 5456 out of 6254.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a X Bottles of Beer on a Golem. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 8772 or 8772 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 8772 or 7895 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 7454 or 7458 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 14.
WHAM: You have muscle = 3262, mysticality = 2221, and moxie = 2123
WHAM: Monster HP is 7454.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67)
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; plastic pumpkin bucket; navel ring of navel gazing (0μ)0μ0 (9.98) Actual: 9.98 (0 μ/dmg)50% stun chance
Building custom WHAM actions...
Custom WHAM actions built! (0 actions)
Building custom actions...
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
WHAM: Stasis option chosen: skill 1022 (round 1, profit: -1.76)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67)
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis loop complete.
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 0.08 seconds.
WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172.
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67)
WHAM: No profitable stun option
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 7454.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 1 (loop variable 0)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 7454.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 0).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 2, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 2 (loop variable 1)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 6766.625 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 3, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 3 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 6079.25 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 4, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 4 (loop variable 3)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 5391.875 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 3).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 5, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 5 (loop variable 4)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 4704.5 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 4).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 6, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 6 (loop variable 5)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 4017.125 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 5).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 7, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 6)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 3329.75 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 6).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 8, profit: -63.91)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 8 (loop variable 7)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 2642.375 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 7).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 9, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 9 (loop variable 8)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1955.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 8).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,767.84μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 10, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 10 (loop variable 9)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1774.7899967384337 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 9).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,750.65μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 11, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 11 (loop variable 10)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1594.5799934768675 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 10).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,733.47μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 12, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 12 (loop variable 11)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1414.3699902153012 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 11).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,716.28μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 13, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 13 (loop variable 12)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1234.159986953735 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 12).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,699.09μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 14, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 14 (loop variable 13)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1053.9499836921686 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 13).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,681.9μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 15, profit: -13.45)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 15 (loop variable 14)
Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 873.7399804306024 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 14).
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Value of stat gain: 30,664.72μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 16, profit: -13.45)
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Reached WHAM_round_limit while looking for a way to kill the monster. Executing the current strategy and continuing from there.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662.
Queued: skill 2005
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt.
WHAM: We are going to 15-shot with Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt and Shieldbutt.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround;
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 1: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 671 damage.
Round 2: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 684 damage.
Round 3: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage.
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage.
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage.
You lose 793 hit points
Round 4: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 692 damage.
Round 5: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 686 damage.
Round 6: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 673 damage.
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 827 hit points
Round 7: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 680 damage.
Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage.
You lose 804 hit points
Round 8: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 684 damage.
Round 9: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 183 damage.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 44 damage.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage.
Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage.
You lose 837 hit points
Round 10: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 127 damage.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 34 damage.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 37 damage.
Round 11: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 129 damage.
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 35 damage.
Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 12: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 132 damage.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 40 damage.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 29 damage.
Round 13: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 112 damage.
Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 47 damage.
Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 14: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 102 damage.
Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 34 damage.
Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage.
You lose 831 hit points
Round 15: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 138 damage.
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage.
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power.
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 36 damage.
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage.
Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage.
You lose 820 hit points
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Parsed round number: 16
Happened: crit
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 2.24 seconds.
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 671.0
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172.
Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky.
Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low.
Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky.
WHAM: No profitable stun option
Monster HP is 671 according to Mafia and 671.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 16 (loop variable 0)
Monster HP is 671 according to Mafia and 671.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 0).
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2022
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Happened: skill 2005
Parsed round number: 16
Happened: crit
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.06 seconds.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, false, false, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 671.0.
Queued: skill 2022
Building options...
Options built! (27 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper.
WHAM: We are going to 1-shot with Spectral Snapper.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 2022; call batround;
Round 16: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 16: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER!
Round 17: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage.
Round 17: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage.
Round 17: Crowther wins the fight!
You gain 4 hit points
You gain 5 Muscularity Points
You gain 1227 Strengthliness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 573 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 566 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
Happened: skill 2022
Parsed round number: 0
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 2.74 seconds.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 51 and that the turn number is 1173.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 51 and that the turn number is 1173.
Yes, I have the same thing happen to me, but it's always user error. I should have restored MP before combat. I like that it aborts to let me know I screwed up, even if it's trivial to funksling at couple of MMJ and restart WHAM. I do think it would be good if WHAM somehow detected low MP and suggested restoring some. Right now it just aborts and it's not easy to figure out why.Here's a discussion item...how about if you have MMJ in your inventory, and you're short on MP and WHAM can't figure out a safe way for you to kill the monster, it considers using the MMJ to then see if that would give it a way of killing the monster (safely).
For example, I'm doing an HCO PM run and I didn't notice my mood dropped me too low on MP before my next adventure (I had told it not to automatically restore from when I was playing turns early on). WHAM used entangling noodles, then aborted because it couldn't kill the monster. I funkslung 2 MMJs and used Weapon of the Pastalord (what WHAM had been using) and went on my way.
But, that's up for debate I guess if someone would want WHAM to use up their restores (especially if they were low on meat and/or couldn't buy cost effective ones).
Yes, I have the same thing happen to me, but it's always user error. I should have restored MP before combat. I like that it aborts to let me know I screwed up, even if it's trivial to funksling at couple of MMJ and restart WHAM. I do think it would be good if WHAM somehow detected low MP and suggested restoring some. Right now it just aborts and it's not easy to figure out why.
You've got to be kidding me. So I decided to go for the 400 floor goodies and got beaten up on floor 399!I tried to catch a verbosity 9, but WHAM won.Code:[1172] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 399) Encounter: 80 Bottles of Beer on a Golem Round 0: Crowther loses initiative! Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage. Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 801 hit points You have plastic pumpkin bucket equipped: (8.66) damage, You have navel ring of navel gazing equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.5 ATT: 8,772 (47% × 816.43, death in 15) DEF: 8,772 (13.68% × 134.24, win in 276) HP: 7,454, Value: 30,742.03 μ, RES: 0 WHAM: Monster HP is 7454.0. WHAM: Running SmartStasis Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; plastic pumpkin bucket; navel ring of navel gazing (0μ)0μ0 (8.66) Actual: 8.66 (0 μ/dmg)50% stun chance WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack WHAM: Reached WHAM_round_limit while looking for a way to kill the monster. Executing the current strategy and continuing from there. WHAM: We are going to 15-shot with Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt and Shieldbutt. Round 1: Crowther executes a macro! Round 1: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage. Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage. You lose 819 hit points Round 2: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 662 damage. Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 824 hit points Round 3: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 687 damage. Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 16 damage. Round 4: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 676 damage. Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage. Round 5: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 667 damage. Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage. You lose 795 hit points Round 6: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 669 damage. Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage. You lose 819 hit points Round 7: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 665 damage. Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 18 damage. Round 8: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 678 damage. Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 799 hit points Round 9: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 105 damage. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 27 damage. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 21 damage. Round 10: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 115 damage. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage. You lose 801 hit points Round 11: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 123 damage. Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 43 damage. Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage. Round 12: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 124 damage. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 27 damage. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage. You lose 795 hit points You lose an effect: Beaten Up WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 7458.0 lost the fight, quitting Basement sucessfully automated for 3 out of 5 adventures.
Getting hit close to 50% of the time for such huge numbers might be the issue.Code:[1173] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 399) Encounter: 80 Bottles of Beer on a Golem Strategy: /home/user/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [default] Round 0: Crowther loses initiative! Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage. Round 1: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 798 hit points Running ZLib version: r37 (current) 1 HP costs 0.009μ. ( 5,456 / 6254 ) 1 MP costs 3.364μ. ( 618 / 3725 ) Running BatBrain version: 1.38 (current) Running SmartStasis version: 3.21 (current) Running WHAM version: 5.5 (current) WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 1172. WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for X Bottles of Beer on a Golem. WHAM: No need to do anything with X Bottles of Beer on a Golem. WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain You have plastic pumpkin bucket equipped: (9.98) damage, You have navel ring of navel gazing equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.5 Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ ATT: 8,772 (47% × 816.43, death in 15) DEF: 8,772 (13.68% × 134.24, win in 264) HP: 7,454, Value: 30,785.03 μ, RES: 0 Parsed round number: 1 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172. WHAM: Current MP = 618 out of 3725. WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives. WHAM: Current HP = 5456 out of 6254. WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives. WHAM: You are fighting a X Bottles of Beer on a Golem. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 8772 or 8772 when given a monster name. WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 8772 or 7895 when given a monster name. WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 7454 or 7458 when given a monster name. WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 14. WHAM: You have muscle = 3262, mysticality = 2221, and moxie = 2123 WHAM: Monster HP is 7454.0. WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67) WHAM: Running SmartStasis Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; plastic pumpkin bucket; navel ring of navel gazing (0μ)0μ0 (9.98) Actual: 9.98 (0 μ/dmg)50% stun chance Building custom WHAM actions... Custom WHAM actions built! (0 actions) Building custom actions... Custom actions built! (0 actions) WHAM: Stasis option chosen: skill 1022 (round 1, profit: -1.76) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67) This monster is not your huckleberry. Stasis loop complete. WHAM: SmartStasis complete. WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 0.08 seconds. WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution. WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172. WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1172. Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 1, profit: -65.67) WHAM: No profitable stun option Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 7454.0 according to BatBrain. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 1 (loop variable 0) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 7454.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 0). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 2, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 2 (loop variable 1) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 6766.625 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 3, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 3 (loop variable 2) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 6079.25 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 4, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 4 (loop variable 3) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 5391.875 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 3). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 5, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 5 (loop variable 4) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 4704.5 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 4). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 6, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 6 (loop variable 5) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 4017.125 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 5). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 7, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 6) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 3329.75 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 6). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2022 (round 8, profit: -63.91) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 8 (loop variable 7) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 2642.375 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 7). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,785.03μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 9, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 9 (loop variable 8) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1955.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 8). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,767.84μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 10, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 10 (loop variable 9) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1774.7899967384337 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 9). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,750.65μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 11, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 11 (loop variable 10) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1594.5799934768675 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 10). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,733.47μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 12, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 12 (loop variable 11) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1414.3699902153012 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 11). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,716.28μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 13, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 13 (loop variable 12) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1234.159986953735 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 12). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,699.09μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 14, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 14 (loop variable 13) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 1053.9499836921686 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 13). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,681.9μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 15, profit: -13.45) WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 15 (loop variable 14) Monster HP is 7454 according to Mafia and 873.7399804306024 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 14). Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Value of stat gain: 30,664.72μ WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2005 (round 16, profit: -13.45) Parsed round number: 1 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Reached WHAM_round_limit while looking for a way to kill the monster. Executing the current strategy and continuing from there. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 677.4. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Shieldbutt (macroid skill 2005). Estimated damage: 170.2350032615662. Queued: skill 2005 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Shieldbutt. WHAM: We are going to 15-shot with Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Spectral Snapper, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt, Shieldbutt and Shieldbutt. Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2022; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; skill 2005; call batround; Round 1: Crowther executes a macro! Round 1: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 2: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 671 damage. Round 2: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 3: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 684 damage. Round 3: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage. Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage. Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 4: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 4 damage. You lose 793 hit points Round 4: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 5: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 692 damage. Round 5: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 6: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 686 damage. Round 6: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 673 damage. Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 7: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 827 hit points Round 7: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 680 damage. Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. Round 8: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage. You lose 804 hit points Round 8: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 9: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 684 damage. Round 9: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 183 damage. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 44 damage. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 2 damage. Round 10: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage. You lose 837 hit points Round 10: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 127 damage. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 34 damage. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 11: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 37 damage. Round 11: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 129 damage. Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 35 damage. Round 12: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 12: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 132 damage. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 40 damage. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 13: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 29 damage. Round 13: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 112 damage. Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 47 damage. Round 14: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 14: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 102 damage. Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 34 damage. Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 15: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 3 damage. You lose 831 hit points Round 15: Crowther casts SHIELDBUTT! Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 138 damage. Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 25 damage. Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem drops 5 attack power. Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 36 damage. Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 1 damage. Round 16: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 5 damage. You lose 820 hit points Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Parsed round number: 16 Happened: crit Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 2.24 seconds. WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 671.0 WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172. WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172. WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 16 and that the turn number is 1172. Skipping skill 1022 since it is too risky. Skipping attack since the hitchance is too low. Skipping skill 2005 since it is too risky. WHAM: No profitable stun option Monster HP is 671 according to Mafia and 671.0 according to BatBrain. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 16 (loop variable 0) Monster HP is 671 according to Mafia and 671.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 0). Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2022 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Happened: skill 2005 Parsed round number: 16 Happened: crit Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.06 seconds. WHAM: We can't Saucesplash. true, false, false, false, false WHAM: Enqueueing Spectral Snapper (macroid skill 2022). Estimated damage: 671.0. Queued: skill 2022 Building options... Options built! (27 actions) WHAM: Successfully enqueued Spectral Snapper. WHAM: We are going to 1-shot with Spectral Snapper. Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 24; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 2022; call batround; Round 16: Crowther executes a macro! Round 16: Crowther casts SPECTRAL SNAPPER! Round 17: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 668 damage. Round 17: x bottles of beer on a golem takes 28 damage. Round 17: Crowther wins the fight! You gain 4 hit points You gain 5 Muscularity Points You gain 1227 Strengthliness You gain a Muscle point! You gain 573 Mysteriousness You gain a Mysticality point! You gain 566 Sarcasm You gain a Moxie point! Happened: skill 2022 Parsed round number: 0 WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 2.74 seconds. WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 51 and that the turn number is 1173. WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 51 and that the turn number is 1173.
I think that's the thing I love most about WHAM. It finds that niche use that every spell has. When you mentioned radio, I realized that WHAM's going to be a little off until the spell changes are spaded and added to Bat Brain, etc.I think it is interesting that WHAM uses Spectral Snapper, especially since it was commented on the radio recently, by minmaxing users, that it's a useless spell![]()
Or set WHAM_noitemsplease to true as described in the first post.
Who knows, I'm using the default theme
That said: I know that people have reported problems with WHAM and Fernswarthy's Basement. Can anyone remember what specifically was the problem. I'm currently making a large overhaul of autoBasement and as such am adventuring in the basement a bit at the moment.
[ beast with x ears ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
[ beast with x eyes ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
[ default ]
consult wham.ash
attack with weapon
[ ghost of fernswarthy's grandfather ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
[ x bottles of beer on a golem ]
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
item toy deathbot
[ x stone golem ]
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
item toy deathbot
[ x-dimensional horror ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
[ x-headed hydra ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
On level 61 of the basement WHAM resorted to 45 rounds of Candyblast before deciding to kill a Fernswarthy's Ghost. Is WHAM_killit not working as it should?