Encounter: The Big Wisniewski
Round 0: chef_rannos wins initiative!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
BCC: Run_Combat() being used normally.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Round 2: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 2: chef_rannos tries to steal an item!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 3: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 4: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 4: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 5 but KoL thinks it is round 4
You gain 5 hit points
Round 5: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 5: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 6 but KoL thinks it is round 5
Round 6: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 6: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 32 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 6: the big wisniewski takes 32 damage.
You gain 32 Mojo Points
Round 6: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 5 hit points
Round 7: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 8: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 43 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 8: the big wisniewski takes 43 damage.
You gain 43 Mojo Points
Round 8: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 8: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 9: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 9: MP-Gamer de-rezzes him for 40 damage, then offers you a drink out of his identity disc. It's a little too intimate for your comfort, but it's still refreshing.
Round 9: the big wisniewski takes 40 damage.
You gain 40 Mojo Points
Round 9: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 9: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 10: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 10: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 27 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 10: the big wisniewski takes 27 damage.
You gain 27 Mojo Points
Round 10: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 10: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 11: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 12: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 12: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 13: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 13: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 13: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 14: the big wisniewski takes 9 damage.
Round 14: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 22 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 14: the big wisniewski takes 22 damage.
You gain 22 Mojo Points
Round 14: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 14: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 15: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 15: MP-Gamer's bells jingle merrily.
Round 15: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 42 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 15: the big wisniewski takes 42 damage.
You gain 42 Mojo Points
Round 15: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 15: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 16: the big wisniewski takes 9 damage.
Round 16: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 41 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 16: the big wisniewski takes 41 damage.
You gain 41 Mojo Points
Round 16: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 17: the big wisniewski drops 1 attack power.
Round 17: the big wisniewski drops 2 defense.
Round 17: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 28 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 17: the big wisniewski takes 28 damage.
You gain 28 Mojo Points
Round 17: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 18: the big wisniewski takes 9 damage.
Round 18: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 18: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 19: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 19: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 40 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 19: the big wisniewski takes 40 damage.
You gain 40 Mojo Points
Round 19: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 20: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 20: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 21: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 21: the big wisniewski drops 2 defense.
Round 21: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 21: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 5 hit points
Round 22: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 41 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 22: the big wisniewski takes 41 damage.
You gain 41 Mojo Points
Round 22: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 23: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 23: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 24: the big wisniewski takes 8 damage.
Round 24: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 24: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 5 hit points
Round 25: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 25: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 26: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 26: the big wisniewski drops 1 defense.
Round 26: MP-Gamer bounces his disc off of him for 31 damage, and it ricochets into you, giving you quite a shock.
Round 26: the big wisniewski takes 31 damage.
You gain 31 Mojo Points
Round 26: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 26: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 27: the big wisniewski drops 2 attack power.
Round 27: the big wisniewski drops 1 defense.
Round 27: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 27: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 28: the big wisniewski drops 3 attack power.
Round 28: the big wisniewski drops 3 defense.
Round 28: MP-Gamer's bells jingle merrily.
Round 28: MP-Gamer de-rezzes him for 30 damage, then offers you a drink out of his identity disc. It's a little too intimate for your comfort, but it's still refreshing.
Round 28: the big wisniewski takes 30 damage.
You gain 30 Mojo Points
Round 28: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 29: the big wisniewski takes 9 damage.
Round 29: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 29: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 30: the big wisniewski takes 10 damage.
Round 30: MP-Gamer drives a square around him, trapping him in a glowing orange box. That's a good deal, that orange box!
Round 30: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 31: the big wisniewski takes 9 damage.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: Unable to delevel until you can kill the monster without it killing you. Try it yourself.
WHAM: Unable to determine a valid combat strategy. For your benefit here are the numbers for you combat skills.
WHAM: Attack with your weapon: 254.80 potential damage (raw damage: 236.21) and a hitchance of 97.73%.
WHAM: Moxious Maneuver: 227.70 potential damage (raw damage: 227.70) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: PADL Phone: 175.00 potential damage (raw damage: 175.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Saucegeyser: 147.45 potential damage (raw damage: 98.30) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Fearful Fettucini: 96.30 potential damage (raw damage: 96.30) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Wave of Sauce: 93.00 potential damage (raw damage: 62.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: tequila grenade: 87.00 potential damage (raw damage: 87.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Saucestorm: 76.50 potential damage (raw damage: 51.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: molotov cocktail cocktail: 72.00 potential damage (raw damage: 72.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: water pipe bomb: 65.00 potential damage (raw damage: 65.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: beer bomb: 65.00 potential damage (raw damage: 65.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Spectral Snapper: 56.00 potential damage (raw damage: 56.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: rocky raccoon: 55.00 potential damage (raw damage: 55.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: bus pass: 47.00 potential damage (raw damage: 47.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: frigid ninja stars: 44.00 potential damage (raw damage: 22.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: photoprotoneutron torpedo: 40.00 potential damage (raw damage: 40.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Cannelloni Cannon: 38.33 potential damage (raw damage: 32.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Stream of Sauce: 35.25 potential damage (raw damage: 23.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: cocktail napkin: 35.00 potential damage (raw damage: 35.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Chronic Indigestion: 22.50 potential damage (raw damage: 22.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: flaregun: 19.80 potential damage (raw damage: 19.80) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Ravioli Shurikens: 18.69 potential damage (raw damage: 15.16) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Face Stab: 16.50 potential damage (raw damage: 16.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Tango of Terror: 16.50 potential damage (raw damage: 16.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo: 9.00 potential damage (raw damage: 9.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: ancient poisoned dart: 8.00 potential damage (raw damage: 8.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Salsaball: 7.50 potential damage (raw damage: 7.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Dance of Doom: 7.00 potential damage (raw damage: 7.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: spectre scepter: 4.25 potential damage (raw damage: 4.25) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Knob Goblin firecracker: 3.00 potential damage (raw damage: 3.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Sing: 2.50 potential damage (raw damage: 2.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: razor-sharp can lid: 2.50 potential damage (raw damage: 2.50) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: Disco Eye-Poke: 2.00 potential damage (raw damage: 2.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: seal tooth: 1.00 potential damage (raw damage: 1.00) and a hitchance of 100.00%.
WHAM: You now have the knowledge needed to go forward and be victorious
Round 31: chef_rannos executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 32 but KoL thinks it is round 30
WHAM: Unable to figure out a combat strategy. Helpful information regarding your skills have been printed to the CLI
You're on your own, partner.
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