Now is probably a good time to mention a far easier solution is to just wear something that gives +1 HP regen. You can be beaten up and still mine, you just need at least 1 HP.
> svn checkout
Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
Repo validated.
svn: E170001: Authentication required for '/> GitHub'
SVN ERROR during checkout operation. Aborting...
Requests complete
I have no idea how I broke this:
Code:> svn checkout Starting Checkout... Validating repo... Repo validated. C:\Users\Dell\Dropbox\Mafia\svn\coandco-mafia-volcano-mining-trunk svn: E170001: Authentication required for '/> GitHub' SVN ERROR during checkout operation. Aborting... Done. Requests complete
> volcano_mining.ash
Saving outfit: Backup
Outfit saved
Putting on outfit: Volcano Mining
Equipment changed.
[883] The Velvet / Gold Mine (Mining)
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Script execution aborted (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sourceforge/kolmafia/webui/MineDecorator): (volcano_mining.ash, line 427)