import <Zlib.ash>
import <NCF Bountyhunting.ash>
boolean USE_PUTTY = to_boolean(vars["neocowfarm_puttybounty"]);
BountyInfo currentBounty = find_BHH_object( get_property( "currentBountyItem" ).to_item() );
void main( int round, string opponent, string text )
buffer mac; // macro in progress
string macro(string mac) // ASH function for submitting a macro
// Uncomment these when bug testing
# print( mac );
# print( "" );
# print( url_encode(mac) );
return visit_url("fight.php?action=macro¯otext="+url_encode(mac), true, true);
// We want to pickpocket regardless of what we're fighting
mac.append( 'pickpocket; ');
// Use spooky putty if advisable
if(get_property("spookyPuttyCopiesMade") != "5") // Check for available putties
if(item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) == 1)
abort("You have a spooky putty monster, use it!");
if(item_amount($item[spooky putty sheet]) == 0) // Make sure you have a putty sheet
abort("No putty!"); // don't even hit the server for your abort situation
if( item_drops(opponent.to_monster()) contains get_property("currentBountyItem").to_item() && currentBounty.bountyTarget - item_amount(currentBounty.bountyItem) > 1 )
) // Only use putty if the monster drops your current bounty item
mac.append( 'use spooky putty sheet; ' );
print("That monster doesn't drop your bounty item so putty was not used", "blue");
print("You're out of putties for today so spooky putty was not used", "blue");
print("You have opted not to use putty to speed up bounty hunting", "blue");
// Olfact the monster if you can, and if it drops your bounty item
if(item_drops(opponent.to_monster()) contains get_property("currentBountyItem").to_item() ) // Only olfact if the monster drops your current bounty item
if(have_skill($skill[transcendent olfaction]))
mac.append( 'skill transcendent olfaction; ' );
print("That monster doesn't drop your bounty item so it was not olfacted", "blue");
// Finish the fight
mac.append( 'while !pastround 25; attack; endwhile;' );
// Finally, submit the macro