New Content - Implemented Source Terminal

We also need the consumption data for (the items you get from) booze.ext and food.ext - which DO work on The Source path.
This didn't work for me:

> terminal enhance items

ATDT1137374242     ... enhance items

ie. I didn't get the items.enh buff. Does this function via chat - in other words, do I need to be logged into chat for it to work? Or should it work in the CLI/a script independent of chat status?

I actually have no idea how you got that. You can get away with "terminal enhance item", and "terminal enhance itemanyoldgarbagethrownonhere" will work just as well with how it's coded.

The requests are campground.php (following the redirect to choice.php) and then choice.php. I just checkd to make sure that it works without opening chat at all.

The CLI output isn't based on the response at all, so I wouldn't expect output like that even with some unexpected failure.

Old modem command code, ah the days of typing in ATDT to pick up the line and dial. Some joke content from the source terminal about "dialing into the source" maybe?
That output is what you would get if you put a / in front of the input, "/terminal enhance items". Then mafia would send it directly as a chat command and it will fail.

You can only use /terminal from a frame in the same window as the main frame, from what I can tell, so any chat command dependency would fail spectacularly with this command.
Portscan is limited to 3 uses per day and Duplicate is limited to 1 (successful) use per day. Should those also get underscore preferences?
These were added on the second - they were cheap in the mall and my multis spaded them quickly.
OK, I see the data for hacked gibson in inebriety.txt, but when I look in the Booze section of the Item Manager, I do not see it.

I am in The Source. As I mentioned, on that path, consumables extruded by the Source Terminal do give you stats...
r17027 fixes this. If more consumables give stats in the Source in the future, we may want to change this to check for set membership.
I actually have no idea how you got that. You can get away with "terminal enhance item", and "terminal enhance itemanyoldgarbagethrownonhere" will work just as well with how it's coded.

The requests are campground.php (following the redirect to choice.php) and then choice.php. I just checkd to make sure that it works without opening chat at all.

The CLI output isn't based on the response at all, so I wouldn't expect output like that even with some unexpected failure.

In r17030, no variation of "terminal enhance item*" works for me in the CLI, and the cli_execute() that Bale posted earlier in the thread also does not work. None of these approaches get me the buff. Here's a full set of CLI input and output (with linebreaks removed for brevity):

> ash have_effect($effect[items.enh])
Returned: 0
> terminal enhance item
ATDT1137374242 ... enhance item
Returned: void
> ash have_effect($effect[items.enh])
Returned: 0
> terminal enhance items
ATDT1137374242 ... enhance items
Returned: void
> ash have_effect($effect[items.enh])
Returned: 0
> terminal enhance items.enh
ATDT1137374242 ... enhance items.enh
Returned: void
> ash have_effect($effect[items.enh])
Returned: 0
> ash cli_execute("terminal enhance item");
ATDT1137374242 ... enhance item
Returned: void
Returned: true
> ash have_effect($effect[items.enh])
Returned: 0

I initially thought maybe this issue was caused by my chat usage. We previously determined that my using the Loathing Chat pane precluded me from entering "/terminal *" in chat and getting it to work. But the above failure occurs whether or not I have the Loathing Chat pane open. So I don't think that's the problem.
Refresh status? Last I heard, ResultProcessor still didn't process gaining items / effects from the Source Terminal.
Processes items fine. As far as I now, we doesn't process effects yet.

Look at ChoiceManager.handleSourceTerminal. The "extrude" command is finished, but the "enhance" command doesn't check for success and parse the acquired effect + duration.
I'm thinking about just triggering an ApiRequest there instead of having a bunch of code to figure out which buff and what duration. That still won't print anything to the CLI, leaving plenty of people confused about not seeing the output (and probably leading to bug reports months from now about not processing items), and I really don't know how to handle that from handleSourceTerminal.

But all of this is unrelated to the fact that PaladinWhite is seeing "ATDT1137374242" as a result of using the CLI command. I guess he should get a debug log, and maybe something will show up from that.
I've added two items to my list of desired features.
  • Portscan is limited to 3 uses per day. _sourceTerminalPortscan would be useful to track the number of times it was used.
  • Duplicate is limited to 1 use a day. _sourceTerminalDuplicate would be useful to track if it was used.
  • A preference (or maybe four preferences) that keeps track of all .edu, ext, enq, enh files that are known by the user.
    Check it whenever an appropriate command is issued and add whenever a file is successfully used.
  • Log terminal extrude
But all of this is unrelated to the fact that PaladinWhite is seeing "ATDT1137374242" as a result of using the CLI command. I guess he should get a debug log, and maybe something will show up from that.

Debug log is attached. I just tried "terminal enhance items", since every permutation is equally nonfunctional. And I did verify that I'm not getting the effect by doing "refresh effects" and checking the list in the relay browser.

View attachment DEBUG_20160625.txt
Debug log is attached. I just tried "terminal enhance items", since every permutation is equally nonfunctional. And I did verify that I'm not getting the effect by doing "refresh effects" and checking the list in the relay browser.

View attachment 8831

This method is finally working, as of this morning. I have... no explanation for this. But I'm not going to ask too many questions, lest it break again :P

On a completely unrelated note, how is the sourceTerminalChips preference formatted? Comma-separated list? I've already installed all the tradeable chips, so Mafia doesn't know about them, and I haven't managed to get a 4-letter chip drop yet :( But I'd like to get my preference up-to-date, for OCD purposes.