Thanks to lost for r17011. Now the list is much more manageable...
Updated list of features needed to support the Source Terminal
- The coinmaster for extruding creations. Or is this going to be a creation method with an extrude command?
- Commands for enhance and enquire.
- A preference (or maybe four preferences) that keeps track of all .edu, ext, enq, enh that are known by the user. Check it whenever an appropriate command is issued and add whenever a file is successfully used.
- It would be best if mp_cost() knows the cost of a Terminal educate.
- Enhance and Enquire duration is based on RAMS. KoLmafia should know that duration for the maximizer.
- Terminal can give two or three buffs based on RAM. KoLmafia should know that limit, for the maximizer.
Came here to mention the maximizer. Just did a run where I'd constantly forget about the buffs because they aren't in the maximizer![]()
Is it possible using spooky putty/rain-doh doesn't actually advance the in-game digitize monster window? If I digitize a monster with my 1 fax of the day, mafia sets the countdown counter window for the 1st digitize monster. Then I use 5x putty and 1x rain doh and the counter window has expired.
However when I start adventuring I don't hit the digitized monster immediately, in fact it just took me 5 regular adventuring turns after using fax/putties to hit the first digitize monster
It probably works like the Obtuse Angel and Reanimator where you need to hit adventure.php to start the timers. Mafia has never handled that properly, and doing so would be nontrivial.
[288] Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
Encounter: ninja snowman assassin NAMED NEIL
[289] The Black Forest
[299] The Defiled Nook
Encounter: ninja snowman assassin NAMED NEIL
[414] Sonofa Beach
Encounter: lobsterfrogman NAMED NEIL
[415] Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it
[425] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
Encounter: lobsterfrogman WITH SCIENCE!
Is it just an off-by-one thing?
// Don't forget to extrude, enquire and enhance from the Source Terminal
if(get_campground() contains $item[Source terminal]) {
static { int [item] extrude_cost; item [int] extrude;
extrude_cost[ $item[browser cookie] ] = 10;
extrude_cost[ $item[hacked gibson] ] = 10;
extrude_cost[ $item[software bug] ] = 10000;
extrude_cost[ $item[source essence] ] = 1;
foreach it,x in extrude_cost
extrude[ count(extrude) ] = it;
int terminalExtrudes = get_property("_sourceTerminalExtrudes").to_int();
if(terminalExtrudes < 3) {
sort extrude by -(mall_price(value) / to_float(mall_price($item[source essence]) * extrude_cost[value]));
if(extrude[0] != $item[source essence]) {
int x = 3 - terminalExtrudes;
for i from 1 to x {
retrieve_item(extrude_cost[ extrude[0] ], $item[source essence]);
cli_execute("terminal extrude "+ item_type(extrude[0]));
if(can_interact()) {
print("sell "+x+" "+to_plural(extrude[0])+" @ "+ mall_price(extrude[0]), "blue");
put_shop(mall_price(extrude[0]), 0, extrude[0]);
if(get_property("_sourceTerminalEnhanceUses").to_int() < 3)
for i from get_property("_sourceTerminalEnhanceUses").to_int() to 2
cli_execute("terminal enhance item");
if(get_property("sourceTerminalEnquiry") == "")
cli_execute("terminal enquiry familiar.enq");
> terminal enhance items
ATDT1137374242 ... enhance items