New Content - Implemented Source Terminal

I'm not sure if this should go in a separate feature request thread, but when you amazing people figure out how to count extrudes, could we get a daily preference for it? I'd like to extrude some food/booze in my logout script if I forgot to earlier in the day, so it would be nice to check the preference before trying. Thank you for all your hard work!
I think the following is the plan:

1) Turn off automatic result processing for choice.php?whichchoice=1191

I tried tackling that, got most of the way there, but then got stuck.

ResponseTextParser.hasResult() is the obvious place to handle that, and checking for choice.php with whichchoice=1191 is easy enough. But catching campground.php?action=terminal (checking for this URL doesn't work, which didn't surprise me) which redirects to choice.php?forceoption=0 requires parsing the page to know that we shouldn't be parsing the page...

Then there's chat commands, which give URLs like choice.php?forceoption=1&input=extrude+-f+spam.ext.

16992 adds some handling, but more is needed.
I think we want to leave ResponseTextParser.hasResult alone since we want the option to register the request for that choice and also to refresh status if needed - to notice new effects, say.

We can add a hook called by ChoiceManager.postChoice1 to disable subsequent result processing and by ChoiceManager.postChoice2 to enable it. Let me try that.
Seems to work. Revision 16993.

Thanks for ChoiceManager.handleSourceTerminal; that's the right place to finish handling this.
And the crowd goes wild as Veracity scores for the win with an amazing assist from lost!

Now we can worry about less essential, but still required features like...
  • The coinmaster for extruding creations. Or is this going to be a creation method?
  • A command for buffing and enquire.
  • Tracking for tomorrows enquire. An underline preference would be right.
  • Tracking for today's educational choices. I suppose two preferences since there can be two skills since that is easier than one preference and separating them with a comma.
  • Tracking for RAMs. That's needed for all kinds of stuff. Check it whenever the user does a status command. Add a chip whenever successfully used.
  • A preference (or maybe four preferences) that keeps track of all .edu, ext, enq, enh that are known by the user. Check it whenever an appropriate command is issued and add whenever a file is successfully used.
  • It would be really nice if mp_cost() knows the cost of a Terminal educate.
  • Enhance and Enquire duration is based on RAMS. KoLmafia should know that.
  • Terminal can give two or three buffs based on RAM. KoLmafia should know that,

Wow. That's a longer list than I expected.
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Rollover doesn't reset your chosen enquiry buff. So a non-underlined preference would do. I believe you have to set it again after ascending, though.
[*]Tracking for today's educational choices. I suppose two preferences since there can be two skills since that is easier than one preference and separating them with a comma.

Didn't somebody already post an "educate" response with *three* skill slots?
Edit: I should try having the latest version before posting stuff, removed some irrelevant stuff.

My current plan is to have upgrades parsed when using the "status" command (already have the parsing written for this). PRAM, GRAM, and SPAM will get their own settings, and all of the other chips would go into a single comma-separated list in a single setting.
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From my settings file, after doing a "status" command:

sourceTerminalChips=PRAM chips installed\: 0; enhancements extended</div><div>GRAM chips installed\: 0; enquiries extended</div><div>SPAM chips installed\: 0; education costs reduced</div><div>INGRAM,ASHRAM,SCRAM

It appears some HTML is being captured along with the other info.

Page HTML is attached.

Extruded a DRAM chip, then installed it. Did "status" again.

sourceTerminalChips=PRAM chips installed\: 0; enhancements extended</div><div>GRAM chips installed\: 0; enquiries extended</div><div>SPAM chips installed\: 0; education costs reduced</div><div>DRAM,INGRAM,ASHRAM,SCRAM


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Please add a wandering monster window for the digitize skill!

I was okay without it, but now that I know I can digitize Source Agents it is very important not to get surprised by them.
Please add a wandering monster window for the digitize skill!

I was okay without it, but now that I know I can digitize Source Agents it is very important not to get surprised by them.

Hehe. I did that my last run too. They kept sneaking up on me and knocking the snot out of me.
Please add a wandering monster window for the digitize skill!

Without knowing the back end of these counters, is it possible to tell the difference between romantic arrow and digitize wandering monsters? Currently looks like digitize recurrences reset the romantic arrow counter
There is no special text when a digitize monster shows up, like there is for an arrowed/winked monster. That makes it difficult to track with certainty.
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