If you aren't going to the back alley, then it costs you stats and gains you absolutely nothing.
I usually visit the artist if I plan to open the Moxie Guild. Otherwise I do not. Incidentally, with the hatter, the pail is more valuable than the meat from rat tails.
That will not be included in this script. Deciding to visit the artist is a player's decision.
HCN likes throwing bricks.
I thought the brick-pulling code was only for HCN, or was that announcing that you had ascended perhaps?
Generally I think some sort of alias, like the one slyz posted here, is used.
I figured that since bricks are a free pull there isn't any harm in pulling them for everyone, clannies and non-clannies alike. Is there a reason they should stay in Hangks?
Ooh please! Brick anyone in HCN if you can, we'd love you forever! (Bale is a good bet, as the script's author, but I could distribute them well.)
wait(gametime_to_int() > 84600000? 30: 180);
Also looking forward to the new challenge path -- I didn't find Trendy particularly exciting. So far, I think I liked Fistcore the best -- the skills were cool, the meat limitation was just challenging enough, and the flavor was excellent. Plus, yay passive skill!