Scarehobo part collector


This script will collect parts for scarehobos, using phials (I intend to eventually make versions that use elemental cookbooks or Flavour of Magic). Unlike the script previously posted, this one actually visits Richard to determine which part is needed most (ties are broken randomly), and chooses the appropriate phial, or no phial if skins are needed. Richard is revisited after each phial is used up, so the script should work reasonably well even if there are other players active in Town Square.

Requirements: access to Hobopolis Town Square (obviously), and a combat action or CCS that will reliably overkill hobos. (The script will automatically abort if you ever accidentally get a hobo nickel.) You should set the choice adventure options to ignore the Marketplace and Tent, or use a bit of +combat to keep those adventures from appearing in the first place.

The script takes one parameter, which is the number of adventures you want to spend. Entering zero, or leaving this blank, will use all of your available adventures.

Note that the script does NOT actually make the scarehobos. (Optimal use of the Tent requires scarehobos to be carefully deployed, which is far beyond the scope of this script.) Just keep Richard's Redoubt open in the relay browser, and click "What can I do to help?" to refresh it when you want to make more.

If you already have an elemental effect (perhaps left over from a previous run of the script), it will use up the remaining turns (even if that produces a kind of part that isn't the most needed one) rather than using a SGEEA. I could probably be convinced that this isn't the most desirable behavior.

The script will abort if it looks like you've got enough parts to finish off the remaining hobos, but this is inherently inexact. After making all of the scarehobos you can, you may (or may not) be able to run the script again to collect more parts. I wouldn't be surprised if the last few hobos require manual adventuring - this aspect of the script hasn't been tested yet.

Disclaimer: use this script at your own risk. I refuse to accept responsibility if it ruins your hamster run.


Sorry, I haven't been very active in Hobopolis recently, so I haven't had any reason to work on this script.

Based on my experience with the original version, I'm not sure you'd be very happy with a spellslinging version, anyway - there would be no general way to get it to produce skins when that's the most-needed hobo part.
[quote author=tOaDeR link=topic=1897.msg10895#msg10895 date=1231108183]
whats the status on a version of this using elemental cookbooks?

Skins is the easiest thing. Just use Weapon of the Pastalord since it does fully non-elemental damage if you have no chefstaff.

Anyway, my experience with killing Hobos with tuned elemental damage (through Flavour of Magic) has shown that if I have a strong Chefstaff and enough dam+%, then I can do this if I use Stuffed Mortar Shell followed by Weapon of the Pastalord. Weapon's half non-elemental damage will screw you up if you don't use mortar shell first and if your dam+% isn't large enough. You need a very high level indeed in order to do this without the first spell to weaken the hobo.

For obvious reasons I much prefer using Fearful Fettucini to make skulls.
i'm actually very happy with this script. after i got mafia set right(auto-attack-attack with weapon, skip marketplace, make sure i can overkill), it works very well. i had to even out the parts yesterday after running this with parts already there, but after that it worked great. i'm a Sauceror right now, so i get 15 turns per phial, but since i'm doing a solo run that doesn't matter.
Helpful script. Thanks.

I wrote a simple "brute forcer" that I used prior to this:

# 5xScareHobos.txt
# Makes Scarehobos in batches of 5

use phial hot; adv 5 town sq
use phial cold; adv 5 town sq
use phial stench; adv 5 town sq
use phial spoo; adv 5 town sq
use phial sleaz; adv 5 town sq
adv 5 town square
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It works great. Maybe it shouldn't stop when a battle appears in the browser.
Ecxept for that I used it and for all my 350 turns it worked excellent.
Thank You very much!
I'd love to see a Flavor of Magic version of this; if it could select the part and then follow my combat script I could make parts very easily.
I'd love to see a Flavor of Magic version of this; if it could select the part and then follow my combat script I could make parts very easily.
It wouldn't be hard to adapt. In fact I thought it sounded interesting to do, so I spent about 15 minutes doing so for you.

Just be very careful with this since flavor of magic only flavors HALF the damage done by Weapon of the Pastalord. I recommend a powerful chefstaff and using mortar shell to soften up the enemy first. In my experience the stuffed mortar shell was necessary to avoid making nickels until I reached level 25 since I needed to do over 1000 points with my pastalord to use it alone. Like this:

[ Town Square ]
1: entangling noodles
2: Stuffed Mortar Shell
3: Weapon of the Pastalord

I've never tested this modification, so please let me know if it works properly. :D


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Cool, B. You need to modify it to put the notify on the 1st line (as is, it doesn't run). Also, you might want to check for the number of turns of the flavor currently active - I had 5k turns at the start, and it merrily chugged away making eyeballs. Otherwise, seems to be working well!
You're saying that you had 5K turns of cold active when you started, so it simply continued to make eyeballs? Hmmm... It should probably decide what flavor to use at the start of the script without concern for what your current flavor is... and max it at 20 parts collected before rechecking... Does that sound right?
Flavour lasts 40 turns, so that might be a better basis than 20. I'd just say if the parts you're creating exceed the parts of which you have the least by >40, then it's time to switch parts.
As a Pastamancer I had outfits that did damage for each element. So I just wrote a .txt file like the one below and ran it as a script once Mafia was open. Obviously you'd have to change the amount of adventures used depending on how many you wanted to spend. You could set it to 5 or even 1 (hamster runs) and run it as often as needed.

# Town Square

outfit cold
adv 40 town square

outfit hot
adv 40 town square

outfit sleaze
adv 40 town square

outfit stench
adv 40 town square

use 8 phial of spookiness
outfit main
adv 80 town square

I'm sure you could also use the flavor of magic skills as well:

# Town Square

cast spirit of peppermint
adv 40 town square
# uneffect spirit of peppermint

hobo nickles

Is there a command i can put in the cgi so the hobo nickles wont stop the script? iv tried everything you suggested to no avail.
Well, the script is meant for making parts but if you're not bothered, just comment out lines 107 and 108.
His problem is probably that he's getting nickels from a Lil' Businessman Kit while he's getting parts.

It'd be better to see if you'd gained a hobo part from the combat, rather than checking to make sure you didn't get a nickel. It seems like it should be possible - mafia shows hobo parts in the session results as if they're gained items. But I've no idea how to access that with ASH.
There is no way to access session results, however there is a solution to the problem.

When you are not in combat, the function run_combat() will return the last page load from the previous combat. So, run_combat().contains_text("hobo nickel") is your friend.
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Ah, that's really handy. I reckon I'd try replacing lines 107-108 with
if (!(run_combat().contains_text("Richard emerges") | run_combat().contains_text("Richard pops"))){
abort("Richard didn't take any parts - adjust your combat strategy!");
I tweaked the version Bale posted of this script if anyone is interested. I noticed that it didn't transition over properly between flavors of magic, so that was fixed. I also altered how it gathered each item, opting to grab the maximum amount to keep things level. That is, if you have 100 of one item and only 10 of the others, it will gather each in 90 chunk segments. However, if you are even, then it will grab in chunks of 5, or enough to cap out that item, whichever is lower.

