
Active member
What's wrong with the clockwork key drops? Does mafia have wrong info or... do you just avoid those due to unpopularity of the item?
monsters.txt lists it as 5%, but it is certainly lower. The wiki says 1.6%, which doesn't seem right. It's possible one key is 1% and one is 2% or something. I thought there was a recent discussion about this, but I didn't find it.


Active member
I talked about it back on post 604. A 2/2 or 2/1 chance would support my farming results. It's still a good farming zone, just not always as good as mafia tells us it is. :)


New member
I imagine that scripting this would be prohibitively challenging, but I think it would be a pretty nice if the script could select wielding a bindlestocking as a Seal Clubber and using Furious Wallop as an alternative to wielding a couple of 5-10% items (octopus spade + Ellsbury Skull, for example).

It seems like a lot of value is getting left on the table in that configuration.


Active member
The script uses the Mafia maximizer to do everything. Coding special exceptions to that seems like it would move it away form an all call automation. If you want to do that you can always run the script with simulation set to true and then use your own strategy to fight wherever the script thinks is best to go.


New member
On the topic of the KolMafia optimizer, do you happen to know why (when running this script) it keeps giving a baby gravy fairy priority over a gelatinous cubeling?

The cubeling appears to be a strictly better BGF.


New member
On the topic of the KolMafia optimizer, do you happen to know why (when running this script) it keeps giving a baby gravy fairy priority over a gelatinous cubeling?

The cubeling appears to be a strictly better BGF.

Upon further review, the character in question also has a slimeling. A BFG still ends up getting selected.


Staff member
The maximizer only considers familiars that are specifically included with +switch. It's likely that only the basic fairy is included for this script.


Active member
The should look at the item_Drop and meat_Drop modifiers of the different familiars when deciding which ones to include and which ones to skip. If that's not working I'm not sure what's happening. Mine seem to be running fine with my blavious kloop...

Also, I really need to look into the maximizer issue but it's hard to test something you never experience yourself (mine generally stops at 2-3 million options).


> version

KoLmafia v16.1 r13358

> farm

Changing "tavern cellar" to "The Typical Tavern Cellar" would get rid of this message (zlib.ash, line 648)
Changing "tavern cellar" to "The Typical Tavern Cellar" would get rid of this message (farm.ash, line 50)
Function 'eatdrink( int, int, int, boolean, float, int, int, int, boolean )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (farm.ash, line 1160)

Mafia and SVN are up to date, as near as I can tell.


Active member
Nope, nothing changed. EatDrink just wants an int for its 5th variable, which farm handles as "min(2000,results[0].meat * 0.75)" which has a 1/4 chance of actually being an int, unless it ends up above 2k. Then farm.ash does 2 ones that are halved, so a 50/50 chance of being an int. Easiest change is to just do to_int on those. But EatDrink hasn't changed... it's been wanting that for as long as I've been running it.


Active member
Nope, nothing changed. EatDrink just wants an int for its 5th variable, which farm handles as "min(2000,results[0].meat * 0.75)" which has a 1/4 chance of actually being an int, unless it ends up above 2k. Then farm.ash does 2 ones that are halved, so a 50/50 chance of being an int. Easiest change is to just do to_int on those. But EatDrink hasn't changed... it's been wanting that for as long as I've been running it.

Which is interesting since this is the first time I've ever seen this problem in a couple of years running farm.ash. I must've been very lucky with my non-ints :)


Staff member
News to me that ASH won't coerce a float to an int in a function call.

void testparams( int a )
    print( "I got " + a );

testparams( 1 );
testparams( 1.5 );
testparams( 2 );

> params

I got 1
I got 1
I got 2
Works fine.

Theraze, you're going to have to come up with another explanation.


New member
Took a quick look and I guess I should have realised that with the war going on i'd get this result.

Best location is The Themthar Hills :p

Might have to give this a go in aftercore :)


Active member
Well, line 1160 of farm is this:
			eatdrink(0,inebriety_limit() - 4,spleen_limit(),false,min(2000,results[0].meat * 0.75),5,1,1000,false); //Drink and spleen first, leave room for the sake
Not sure why it failed to work for Raven434. I'd throw out random corruption in their Java environment in that session and tell them to reboot, but I've been told recently that doesn't ever fix anything, so I suppose that this is just one of those times where the problem is unsolvable and they just can't use farm or EatDrink. :(


Active member
Maybe it's because there are several overloaded signatures for eatdrink() ?
int, int, int, boolean
int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, float, boolean, int, int, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean, int
int, int, int, boolean, int, int, int, int, boolean