briefcase drink
Charging flywheel...
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Toggling handle...
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 0 (22? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101000
Tab configuration: 021102 (200)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: DOWN
Antennae charge: 0
Last action results: That flywheel sound you heard earlier reaches a fever pitch, and then cuts out. The case emanates warmth., You flip the handle down.
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Toggling handle...
Setting tabs to number 728...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Collecting from left drawer.
You acquire exploding cigar (3)
Collecting from right drawer.
You acquire exploding cigar (3)
Opening case...
You acquire an item: golden gun
You acquire golden gum (3)
You acquire an item: tiny plastic golden gundam
briefcase status
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 211212 (697)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
briefcase buff meat
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 201212 (696)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Buff command disabled while tabs are moving. Try "briefcase stop".
briefcase stop
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 211202 (694)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Loading briefcase...
Tabs stopped.
briefcase buff meat
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 13 (9? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101000
Tab configuration: 000000 (0)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Best found target number: 10 unlocking 1 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 10...
Clicking button 1. (+10)
Clicking tab 4.
You acquire an effect: Goldentongue (50)
Best found target number: 110 unlocking 1 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 110...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking tab 3.
You acquire an effect: Thunderspell (50)
Best found target number: 210 unlocking 2 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 210...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking tab 5.
Unable to gain buff A View to Some Meat.Gained Thunderspell (50 turns) and Goldentongue (50 turns).