
Amazing scrip, thank you very much.

I am curious though, what is solve actually solving? I looked at the list of stuff that unlock does and it seems to be everything... but apparently not?

Also solve would spend some 10 minutes doing something, and end up only consuming 1 click and then saying done, without any apparent change. Am I supposed to just keep on running it?
I think once or twice it errored out for taking too long, I will note the log if it happens again.

Also, I only have 2 buffs listed on my GUI (item and meat). As well as "random buff" and "identify buff" buttons. Clicking identify will give me a random buff, but not add it to the GUI list. Am I misunderstanding something here?
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In the first post of this thread is a link to this which says,
solve - unlocks everything we know how to unlock, also solves puzzles. You may want the "unlock" command instead.
I've seen the puzzle solver get stuck. I just reset the case and it worked fine. You only ever need to solve it once and it takes a few days worth of clicks.
facepalm. I just realized why only 2 buffs appeared. I was in g lover. the other buffs must have not had a g in them and were hidden...

In the first post of this thread is a link to this which says
I have read that, but what does that mean? So, its unlock + puzzles, but what puzzles are those?
I looked at the wiki and as far as I can tell every puzzle mentioned in the wiki page is covered by unlock.

I've seen the puzzle solver get stuck. I just reset the case and it worked fine. You only ever need to solve it once and it takes a few days worth of clicks.
Thank you for the advice. I actually didn't need to reset after all, it just started working today.
Maybe it has something to do with breaking the prism and leaving Glover?
So, its unlock + puzzles, but what puzzles are those?
I looked at the wiki and as far as I can tell every puzzle mentioned in the wiki page is covered by unlock.
Unless I'm mistaken the extra part done by solve is the wiki section "Opening the Briefcase".
In TCRS, enchantments cannot be customized.
Can you add a workaround for this to the script knows and does not try to click things?

FWIW, I added a hacky workaround to line 6229:
if (my_path()=="Two Crazy Random Summer") { return out; }
I've managed to bork something and I have no idea how to fix it. When I run Briefcase -> Drinks, it gets this far and throws an error message:

Assuming script timeout, executing...
Briefcase v2.1.8 status:
Clicks used: 0 (22? remaining)
Dials: 322-222
Horizontal lights: 10B000
Tab configuration: 000221 (657)
Mastermind lights: 000
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Flywheel charged.
Tab permutation: (1, 27, 3, 243, 81, 9)
Buttons: B4: -10, B5: -1
internal error while discovering button functions, not sure what to do next

It ONLY does this on this one character (can sign out, log a different character into Mafia, run Briefcase -> Drinks, and it runs fine), AND I can run anything else on this character - Briefcase -> drawers works, setting the briefcase enchantments, getting briefcase buffs, no problem. Just drinks.

I've tried downloading the most recent mafia, no love. I tried updating the svn, no love. I'm at a loss.


You might have randomly gotten the briefcase into some weird corner case. Try resetting it? (toggle handle 4 times) ... but I am not sure how to tell the script that the briefcase is now reset.
Using a fresh briefcase (new ascension) and I get this error.

Lighting first light...
Clicking left actuator...
Clicking right actuator...
Unlocking crank...
Setting dials to 000-000...
Clicking left actuator...
Charging flywheel...
Toggling handle...
Turning crank.
__state.last_action_results = {}
Internal error charging the flywheel.
I ran the git update, didn't see anything for the briefcase. So I went to update the script from the Manage Scripts section and got this:

svn: E160013: '/Ezandora/Briefcase/branches/Release' path not found: 404 Not Found (
Something went wrong while fetching svn directory info

EDIT: Updated directly from Github and it works now, but still not sure why I can't update automatically.
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I ran the git update, didn't see anything for the briefcase. So I went to update the script from the Manage Scripts section and got this:

svn: E160013: '/Ezandora/Briefcase/branches/Release' path not found: 404 Not Found (
Something went wrong while fetching svn directory info

EDIT: Updated directly from Github and it works now, but still not sure why I can't update automatically.

A couple of years ago GitHub said they were deprecating support for accessing GitHub repos via SVN. About a year ago they just stopped supporting the feature.

The ScriptManager entry for Briefcase includes

so I would expect Script Manager will do the right thing. My guess is that the SVN version on your system was never deleted so if you can figure out which directory under svn it is then you can just delete the directory. After that refreshing Briefcase from ScriptManager should get things up to date and back in synch.

Consider reading or just try the cli commands checksvngit and checkrepo.
"Something" has changed in the last week or so and the script seems to be leaving the briefcase in an odd state. Unfortunately all of the relevant information isn't captured by the session logs. Normally, in aftercore, I would run the following after unlocking the briefcase:
briefcase drink
followed by
briefcase buff meat
but lately, while the briefcase does produce the three splendid martinis what appears in the gCLI while producing them seems to have many lines of "loading briefcase state" or something like it. Then when I try to buff for meat I get an error that suggests that I run
briefcase stop
Doing the suggested "briefcase stop" does allow the buff command to proceed but it uses quite a few of the remaining "clicks" to do so.

I will get better information from the gCLI when I try again tomorrow.

Edit: And here's what appears in the gCLI

briefcase drink

Charging flywheel...
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Turning crank.
Toggling handle...
Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 0 (22? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101000
Tab configuration: 021102 (200)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: DOWN
Antennae charge: 0
Last action results: That flywheel sound you heard earlier reaches a fever pitch, and then cuts out. The case emanates warmth., You flip the handle down.
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Toggling handle...
Setting tabs to number 728...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Loading briefcase...
Collecting from martini hose.
You acquire an item: splendid martini
Collecting from left drawer.
You acquire exploding cigar (3)
Collecting from right drawer.
You acquire exploding cigar (3)
Opening case...
You acquire an item: golden gun
You acquire golden gum (3)
You acquire an item: tiny plastic golden gundam

briefcase status

Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 211212 (697)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100

briefcase buff meat

Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 201212 (696)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Buff command disabled while tabs are moving. Try "briefcase stop".

briefcase stop

Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 6 (16? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101B00
Tab configuration: 211202 (694)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
lightrings: lightrings1.gif
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Clicking button 4. (-100)
Loading briefcase...
Tabs stopped.

briefcase buff meat

Briefcase v2.1.11 status:
Clicks used: 13 (9? remaining)
Dials: 012-210
Horizontal lights: 101000
Tab configuration: 000000 (0)
Mastermind lights: B00
Unlocked: crank, left drawer, right drawer, martini hose, antennae, buttons, and opening case
Handle: UP
Antennae charge: 0
Flywheel charged.
Puzzle #3 target number: 600
Tab permutation: (243, 1, 27, 9, 3, 81)
Buttons: B1: 10, B2: 1, B3: -1, B4: -100, B5: -10, B6: 100
Loading briefcase...
Best found target number: 10 unlocking 1 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 10...
Clicking button 1. (+10)
Clicking tab 4.
You acquire an effect: Goldentongue (50)
Best found target number: 110 unlocking 1 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 110...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking tab 3.
You acquire an effect: Thunderspell (50)
Best found target number: 210 unlocking 2 tabs of path length 1.
Setting tabs to number 210...
Clicking button 6. (+100)
Clicking tab 5.
Unable to gain buff A View to Some Meat.Gained Thunderspell (50 turns) and Goldentongue (50 turns).
All of those "Loading briefcase lines between instances of getting a splendid martini are new as is the need to run "briefcase stop" after getting them.

Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going on?
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