

A relay interface and command-line script for September 2017's Item-of-the-Month.

How do I use it?
Install it by running this command in KoLmafia's graphical CLI:

svn checkout

Then restart mafia. (not required, but do so if the override doesn't show up)

After that, either visit the genie in his bottle, or run the "genie" command-line program.
I might remove the command-line genie script later, if mafia implements it as a command.

This script uses a choice override library I wrote, so installing it will replace choice.ash, if you're using one.


To update the script itself (or any script), run this command in the graphical CLI:

svn update

Contact me in-game: Ezandora (#1557284)
Yes. Thank you !

Clicked a button labeled "+200% meat" and got this response with the most recent version:

You announce, "I wish to be Covetin' Drunk"
Okay, sure, but first you'll have to rephrase that so I can understand it.
You could try, "I wish I was cooler"

Yes. Thank you !

Clicked a button labeled "+200% meat" and got this response with the most recent version:

You announce, "I wish to be Covetin' Drunk"
Okay, sure, but first you'll have to rephrase that so I can understand it.
You could try, "I wish I was cooler"

I get that issue when I'm in a CS run trying to get the +Spell damage buff. It's not the script, it's the genie. I wish i knew why he gives SOME buffs, but not others...
Simple answer: because TPTB deemed some buffs to powerful and blacklisted them. Currently, everyone is frantically trying to find out what is available and what isn't.
Ezandora, would you consider using my solution to the choice.php problem? It's much more compact, and uses your browser's abilities rather than trying to hack a file_exists() in ASH.

If not, no worries; I'll convert this excellent-looking Genie script over so that I can use it without obliterating my splitter.
I made a quick thing to find the magic word for the genie trophy puzzle. (You need to collect 11 dropped scraps of paper from fighting the genie for this to work. Wishing for "trophy [your word here]" gives you, shockingly, a trophy.) Doesn't seem like a big enough deal for its own entire thread, so I'm going to use this thread, instead. Feel free to toss the code into the script this thread is actually for if you want to:

View attachment geniecipher.ash

The puzzle ridiculously requires a lengthy volume of Arabian Nights, and I didn't want to slam Gutenberg's servers every time someone runs the script, so you'll need this too (put in /scripts or /data):

View attachment 3447-8-oneline.txt
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Wishing for "trophy [your word here]" gives you, shockingly, a trophy.)

Nit: it only unlocks the trophy. You still have to go to the trophy hut and pay 10k meat. At least I did have to.

and I didn't want to slam Gutenberg's servers every time someone runs the script,

Also, apparently gutenberg (and ibiblio, which hosts gutenberg) has broken ipv6 connectivity, so if you have ipv6 enabled you could just spin forever with no reply (it works for some people, doesn't work for others).

Also, Ezandora has an online solver:
Ezandora's solver solved correctly my word, which was problematic for me, because apparently letters with accents count as 2 moments?
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Ezandora my answer is trophy vvult but it says it is wrong. Below is my 11 papers:

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that you shall obtain the one-thousand-eight-hundred-eighty-seven translation.
Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that the scribe, Burton, is responsible for this translation.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that you shall locate the third supplemental volume.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that the archive of Gutenberg shall help you thusly.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that one shall read for 536 nights and 218 moments.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that one shall read for 576 nights and 291 moments.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that one shall read for 528 nights and 214 moments.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that one shall read for 559 nights and 266 moments.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that one shall read for 558 nights and 200 moments.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that this shall prove you my master intellectually.

Quoth Dunyazad, "O sister mine, an thou be other than sleepy, do tell us some of thy pleasant tales," whereupon Shahrazad replied, "With love and good will."–It hath reached me, O Master of my Bottle, that this is a feat worthy of being memorialized.
Ezandora, would you consider using my solution to the choice.php problem? It's much more compact, and uses your browser's abilities rather than trying to hack a file_exists() in ASH.
No. Mine has been in use since January, and I suspect yours will be subject to a loading screen flash. I would also recommend putting all scripts on SVN in the future; downloading attachments and moving them is too much effort.

Ezandora my answer is trophy vvult but it says it is wrong.

Your word is vault. Night five hundred and seventy-six is strange.
Mine has been in use since I first posted the code here in October 2015. Unless you're doing something that depends on additional server hits before writing content, the change appears immediate. Anyway, thought it was worth the ask; I'll convert on my end. Carry on.

EDIT: Thanks to your remark I've added some code to eliminate the loading flash by delaying the page being shown until the target file is either loaded or not found.
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Ezandora, I installed this script, and then tried to rewire bale's choice.ash as choice.0.ash. I noticed that it doesn't fire on some pages, like the witchess' list of pieces to fight, because in this case choice_id=-1, and you only delegate to choice.0.ash when choice_id > 0. Is there some significance to that restriction?
I am having an issue with a specific wish to work in command line of KolMafia (CLI). I am able to make the wish through the relay browser without issue.

In the browser I type: "to be always be collecting" and it casts properly and I get 20 turns of the effect.

If I run this in the command line:"genie always be collecting" or genie "to be always be collecting" the result is just: "Genie version 2.0.1" and I do not gain the effect (no wish is used).
Have you checked the help text for the script? It looks like "genie gain always be collecting" or "genie effect always be collecting" would do the trick.
Ezandora, I installed this script, and then tried to rewire bale's choice.ash as choice.0.ash. I noticed that it doesn't fire on some pages, like the witchess' list of pieces to fight, because in this case choice_id=-1, and you only delegate to choice.0.ash when choice_id > 0. Is there some significance to that restriction?

Probably in case you get redirected to something that isn't actually a choice adventure, like fight.php. But sure, why not? Restriction removed in 1.0.3.
Is there a trick to fighting the Underworld Tree? It's in the list of monsters but it's not working for me.