
Until today, "genie pocket wish" worked just fine in my breakfast script. Mafia just skips it or something? Has something changed?
Until today, "genie pocket wish" worked just fine in my breakfast script. Mafia just skips it or something? Has something changed?

A built-in command was added, also using "genie" (because it made sense and I didn't think it was worth avoiding the name conflict with this script). You can switch to "genie item pocket" to use the built-in command, or you can use "genie.ash pocket wish" to keep using the script.
Every time I try to use the genie script, either with the "genie item pocket" command or "genie.ash pocket wish", I get the following output:

> genie item pocket

Bad item value: "pocket wish" (genie.ash, line 1827)
Loading character status...
Requests complete.

> genie.ash pocket wish

Bad item value: "pocket wish" (genie.ash, line 1827)
Loading character status...
Requests complete.

Also, when I went in and used the genie bottle through the browser, I noticed I got the following output:

Using 1 genie bottle.

Encounter: Rubbed it the Right Way
Bad effect value: "Meteor Showered" (choice.1267.ash, line 4003)
Encounter: Rubbed it the Right Way
Unknown item found: pocket wish (9537, 560865539)

I've also never seen the overlay, despite restarting Mafia and refreshing the browser window. How can I fix any/all of this?
Is there anyway to get a complete list of what is possible for wishing? Is it just creatures that are able to be copied? If that is the case does mafia track that?
Sadly, no, that would be easy. There's a spreadsheet on the forums somewhere where people are reporting failed and successful wishes (both for monsters and for effects), but that hinges on people trying and reporting their findings for some obscure monster/effect.
Genie.ash has built-in lists of monsters and effects that have been reported as unavailable, but that is only as accurate as far as people actually telling goes, and as such, just as speculative as the above spreadsheet. (Though, I have seen cases of people getting confused/frustrated because an effect/monster showed up in the list and wouldn't happen, leading them to think they were doing something wrong).

And on that note, Ezandora: none of the war heroes can be wished for.
Can't wish for "infernal seal spawn"

Is there a better place to put these? I don't want to edit the doc file unless that is the recommended option.
Can't wish for:
Black-and-White-Ops Penguin
bolt-cuttin' elf
carton of Eggs of Confidence (so probably the rest of the monsters in Psychoses, at least the artist)
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Other critters that can't be wished for (someone please let me know if there's a better place for these):
any slime tube monster (slime tube monster, slime, slime colossus, etc.)
any gingerbread monster (gingerbread alligator, gingerbread gentrifier, etc.)
None of the fantasy realm +rubee effects or boss requirement effects can be wished for (I just verified):
* Fortunate, Son
* Faerie Fortune
* Heroic Fortune
* Fantasy Faerie Blessing
* Brewed Up
* Poison For Blood
* Fantastical Health

Maybe another google sheet for effects spading?
If someone makes a blacklisted effects spreadsheet, I'll happily enter this over there, but meanwhile--blacklisted effects:
* Industrially Frosted
* Mer-kinkiness
* [1553]Slicked-back do (at least, as the relay script tries to wish for it, just wishing for "Slicked-back do" manually gets the other effect with that name)
* Behind the Green Curtain
* Avatar of She-Who-Was
* Avatar of the Storm Tortoise
* Avatar of the War Snapper
* Fortunate, Son
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Genie is offering "Tainted Love Potion" for moxie, but this appears to be blacklisted. Also, for the benefit of anyone else who ends up here and wants to modify their own list: the blacklist is in KoLMafia\relay\choice.1267.ash
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I recently changes the .image proxy field for effects to not have the full amazon.s3 path, but just the actual file name of the effect image, like all other data types. The image is in "itemimages".

Here is a fix to the Genie relay script (in your "relay" directory) that needs to change to accomodate this.


The script seems to have completely ceased to function for me. Mafia says it's at

Ezandora-Genie-branches-Release is at HEAD (r54)
Ezandora-Guide-branches-Release is at HEAD (r536)

... but when I use the bottle, I just get the normal text field and nothing else. Tried removing it and reinstalling it, but nothing changed (even after restarting Mafia).