Automated adventuring with a wineglass equipped should be allowed as of 12396.
On the other hand, if you are not at the final boss, you STILL might want to go to the Castle overdrunk - to visit one of the NCs. This whole wineglass protection thing is inspired by comments from a clannie with a wineglass - and he just spent a turn in a Drunken Stupor when he was intending to meet me in The Machine. It all worked out in the end, but it was a waste of a turn.If you have a wineglass in inventory - not equipped - and you attempt to adventure in the Relay Browser while overdrunk, perhaps THAT deserves a warning. It wasn't that you opted in to adventure overdrunk, it's that you failed to use an item that you have available which modifies the behavior when you do that. We should probably make an exception for the Castle, since you legitimately might want to go there overdrunk - almost certainly without the wineglass.
KoLmafia has detected that you are about to adventure while overdrunk. If you are sure you wish to adventure in a Drunken Stupor, click the icon on the left to adventure. If this was an accident, click the icon in the center to equip Drunkula's wineglass. If you want to adventure in a Drunken Stupor and not be nagged, click the icon on the right to closet Drunkula's wineglass.
> uneffect Nauseated
Nauseated cannot be removed with an available item or skill...
Using soft green whatever...
Nauseated removed.
> ash have_effect($effect[nauseated])
Returned: 13
This is from clicking the the relay. Any way we can have this hit a cocoa if we click on it?Code:> uneffect Nauseated Nauseated cannot be removed with an available item or skill... Using soft green whatever... Nauseated removed. > ash have_effect($effect[nauseated]) Returned: 13
Revision 12438 should understand this. You can test by closeting your zombie accordion, setting "use items from closet as necessary" in Preferences/Item acquisition, and trying to cast an AT buff. It should pull it from the closet for you.The Zombie Accordion now functions as a porper accordion, granting 20-turn buffs.
Tested as a Seal Clubber, after closeting all my other accordions, and accounting for the extra 5 advs from a JEW Hat.
6516 stinkwater 763823654 moonshine.gif drink t 0
6518 accidental mutton 878742989 dv_mutton.gif food t 0
6525 ghost thread 623255405 dv_ghostthread.gif usable t 0
6529 Thriller Ice 349654280 beerbottle.gif drink t 0 0
6537 blood sausage 755507859 dv_bloodsausage.gif food t 0