New Content - Implemented Dreadsylvania

Further thoughts on the wineglass - and other "warnings".

If you have a wineglass in inventory - not equipped - and you attempt to adventure in the Relay Browser while overdrunk, perhaps THAT deserves a warning. It wasn't that you opted in to adventure overdrunk, it's that you failed to use an item that you have available which modifies the behavior when you do that. We should probably make an exception for the Castle, since you legitimately might want to go there overdrunk - almost certainly without the wineglass.

Boss warnings for Dreadsylvania bosses. Unfortunately, KoLmafia can't tell which boss is behind the choice, but we do know the choices, and can annotate them, depending on conditions: items equipped vs. not equipped but in inventory. Ditto for effects and items in inventory.

Choice 758
Encounter: End of the Path
1 Enter the clearing
2 Clear Out

Do you have a moon-amber necklace in inventory but not equipped?
Do you have a blood kiwitini in inventory but not the First Blood Kiwi effect?
Do you have the First Blood Kiwi effect but you are not blind?

(obviously the first two are useless if the other boss is there, but the second one is like the "missing something very important" warning we give when going to confront the NS.)

Choice 759
Encounter: You're About to Fight City Hall
1 I'm ready
2 I can't fight City Hall

Do you have a Dreadsylvanian auditor's key in inventory but not equipped?

Choice 760
Encounter: Holding Court
1 Approach the throne
2 Begone from the throne

Do you have a ghost shawl in inventory but not equipped?
Do you have a Dreadsylvanian shepherd's pie in inventory but not the Shepherd's Breath effect? (This has bitten me - once - and a clannie - also once. Considering that we were each geared up to fight the Hard Mode boss, and the regular one did not allow us to run away, it died very quickly and we didn't get the hard mode loot.)

We don't need "warnings" for any of those. We just need to annotate the choices and let you decide if you should take the "go away" option and change the conditions.
Do you have a blood kiwitini in inventory but not the First Blood Kiwi effect? - This would have saved me a non-HM kill too.
We should also tell you if you have (moon-amber necklace, Dreadsylvanian auditor's badge, ghost shawl) equipped when going to the appropriate choice. I run with an auditor's badge as a matter of course, in order to collect more Freddies, and if I decide to go fight Mayor Ghost, I may or may not want the Hard Mode version, which will destroy my item if I win. Although, it's trivial to force a loss against him.
If you have a wineglass in inventory - not equipped - and you attempt to adventure in the Relay Browser while overdrunk, perhaps THAT deserves a warning. It wasn't that you opted in to adventure overdrunk, it's that you failed to use an item that you have available which modifies the behavior when you do that. We should probably make an exception for the Castle, since you legitimately might want to go there overdrunk - almost certainly without the wineglass.
On the other hand, if you are not at the final boss, you STILL might want to go to the Castle overdrunk - to visit one of the NCs. This whole wineglass protection thing is inspired by comments from a clannie with a wineglass - and he just spent a turn in a Drunken Stupor when he was intending to meet me in The Machine. It all worked out in the end, but it was a waste of a turn.

We need a warning if you are overdrunk, own a wineglass but do not have it equipped, and attempt to adventure everywhere.

And on the "Holding Court" choice, which you can get to overdrunk, we should probably tell you if you DO have a wineglass equipped, since you probably do not want to meet Drunkula in that state.
If a warning is added, people probably only want to be warned once per session, at least once they say "yes, I really want to do that."
Revision 12525 has a wineglass warning.

If you are overdrunk, do not have a wineglass equipped, have a wineglass, and have not said "it's OK" (setting = "_drunkenStuporOK" ), you get a warning, giving you two icons. A bare hand to proceed, a wineglass to equip the wineglass. It's like tha hand chalk warning, so if you click the wineglass, it attempts to equip it via ajax - so you can see the result on the same page - and if you are happy, click on the "go ahead" icon to submit the original adventuring URL.
Sigh. Now I am reconsidering the "proceed without warning if you say yes" setting. You do not want to lose the warning for the rest of the day if you say "go ahead" because you are about to fight Drunkula. I reverted the setting in 12426.

If you really think that people will want to do multiple adventures in a Drunken Stuper, perhaps we could have a third icon that says "closet your wineclass" or something.
OK, Revision 12427 gives you these choices:

KoLmafia has detected that you are about to adventure while overdrunk. If you are sure you wish to adventure in a Drunken Stupor, click the icon on the left to adventure. If this was an accident, click the icon in the center to equip Drunkula's wineglass. If you want to adventure in a Drunken Stupor and not be nagged, click the icon on the right to closet Drunkula's wineglass.
> uneffect Nauseated

Nauseated cannot be removed with an available item or skill...
Using soft green whatever...
Nauseated removed.

> ash have_effect($effect[nauseated])

Returned: 13
This is from clicking the the relay. Any way we can have this hit a cocoa if we click on it?
If you try to eat Spaghetti breakfast it fails if you have any fullness "Breakfast has to be the first thing you eat in a day. That's what breakfast means.", however, Mafia still decrements the number in inventory, and increments fullness.
We need to add consumption data (adv, mus, mys, mox) for all the food and drinks which were introduced with Dreadsylvania.
And the spaghetti breakfast, as you point out, has a "failure" message of its own.
Well, to start the ball rolling, some look well spaded :
White Dreadsylvanian - 7-9 Adv, +10-20 each stat, +50 Whitesloshed, 1 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian Stew - 7-9 Adv, +10-20 each stat, +50 You've Got a Stew Going!, 1 Full
Gets-You-Drunk - 8-10 Adv, +60-100 each stat, 2 Drunk, take hot damage for three combats, then gain 8-10 Adv on the fourth.
ghost pepper - 8-10 Adv, +60-100 each stat, 2 Full, take spooky damage for three combats, then gain 8-10 Adv on the fourth.

Some need work :
Accidental Mutton - 27 Adv, +20-30 each stat, 3 Full (not sure I believe the adventures are fixed, it seems unusual)
Thriller Ice - 14-16 Adv, +10-20 each stat, +30-40 MP, 2 Drunk (only 4 data points)
Cluster Food - +40 Adv, +40-45 each stat, appropriate effect 200 turns, 4 Full (maybe only 1 data point!)
Cluster Drinks - +38 Adv, +36-48 each stat, appropriate effect 200 turns, 4 Drunk (maybe only 1 data point!)
Electric Kool-Aid - 12 Adv, +30-45 each stat, 50 turns of Electric, Kool, 2 Full (1 data point)
Bottle of Bloodweiser - 13 Adv, +30-50 each stat, 50 turns of Blood Porter, 2 Drunk
bloody kiwitini - 14-16 Adv, +20-40 each stat?, 10 turns of First Blood Kiwi, 3 Drunk
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> uneffect Nauseated

Nauseated cannot be removed with an available item or skill...
Using soft green whatever...
Nauseated removed.

> ash have_effect($effect[nauseated])

Returned: 13
This is from clicking the the relay. Any way we can have this hit a cocoa if we click on it?

Yes, can we please get a "Cocoa buy/use" when clicking on a Dread debuff?
The Zombie Accordion now functions as a porper accordion, granting 20-turn buffs.

Tested as a Seal Clubber, after closeting all my other accordions, and accounting for the extra 5 advs from a JEW Hat.
Revision 12438 should understand this. You can test by closeting your zombie accordion, setting "use items from closet as necessary" in Preferences/Item acquisition, and trying to cast an AT buff. It should pull it from the closet for you.
Revision 12439 should handle Dreadsylvanian negative status effects and hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa.

- the "uneffect" link on the charpane now says "use 1 hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa"
- The "uneffect" command (also used by moods and the "Current Effects" pane) uses cocoa - and only cocoa - for those effects.

In all cases, it will use cocoa in inventory, or will go to the Inn (if you have autosatisfyWithCoinmasters) or the mall (if you have autosatisfyWithMall) - and will fail if it cannot acquire cocoa.
I just noticed that of the 6 * 5 elemental monster drops, one per element is not pulverizable.

6516	stinkwater	763823654	moonshine.gif	drink	t	0
6518	accidental mutton	878742989	dv_mutton.gif	food	t	0
6525	ghost thread	623255405	dv_ghostthread.gif	usable	t	0
6529	Thriller Ice	349654280	beerbottle.gif	drink	t	0	0
6537	blood sausage	755507859	dv_bloodsausage.gif	food	t	0
That means that we have the following food & drink that need consumption data:

accidental mutton
blood sausage
Thriller ice

Darzil lists two of those that "need work". There are two others which need even more work.
Plural update needed:
Unrecognized item found: 2 jars of stinkwater
You acquire jars of stinkwater (2)
Wrong item received - possibly its name or plural has changed.

Gathering more data :

Accidental Mutton : 25-29 Adv, +23-29 Mus, +22-30 Mys, +20-29 Mox, 3 Full (7 data points) (Probably 25-29 Adv, +20-30 each stat)
Blood Sausage : 16-18 Adv, +13-16 Mus, +10-19 Mys, +10-19 Mox, 2 Full (6 data points) (Probably 16-18 Adv, +10-20 each stat)
Stinkwater : 25-29 Adv, +20-29 Mus, +20-30 Mys, +20-27 Mox, 3 Drunk (9 data points) (Probably 25-29 Adv, +20-30 each stat)
Thriller Ice - 14-16 Adv, +10-20 each stat, +30-40 MP, 2 Drunk (7 data points) (Probably 14-16 Adv, +10-20 each stat, +30-40 MP)

Nice and pricy in the mall, but this is why I farm on my spading multis!
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