New Content - Implemented Dreadsylvania

Thanks, revision 12446 has those things. Reminder to myself of your data that is not yet submitted (too few data points):

Cluster Food - +40 Adv, +40-45 each stat, appropriate effect 200 turns, 4 Full (maybe only 1 data point!)
Cluster Drinks - +38 Adv, +36-48 each stat, appropriate effect 200 turns, 4 Drunk (maybe only 1 data point!)
Electric Kool-Aid - 12 Adv, +30-45 each stat, 50 turns of Electric, Kool, 2 Full (1 data point)
Bottle of Bloodweiser - 13 Adv, +30-50 each stat, 50 turns of Blood Porter, 2 Drunk
bloody kiwitini - 14-16 Adv, +20-40 each stat?, 10 turns of First Blood Kiwi, 3 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian shepherd's pie - 3 Fullness

Here is data for 14 shepherd's pie - every one consumed with milk and a munchie's pill:

18 Adventures / 21 Beefiness / 40 Magicalness / 29 Cheek
18 Adventures / 38 Muscleboundness / 38 Enchantedness / 33 Smarm
17 Adventures / 29 Strongness / 41 Wizardliness / 20 Sarcasm
20 Adventures / 26 Strongness / 27 Enchantedness / 40 Chutzpah
20 Adventures / 27 Strengthliness / 35 Magicalness / 36 Smarm
18 Adventures / 27 Beefiness / 38 Mysteriousness / 40 Roguishness
18 Adventures / 37 Strongness / 22 Magicalness / 41 Cheek
18 Adventures / 36 Strongness / 31 Enchantedness / 50 Cheek
19 Adventures / 23 Strengthliness / 29 Enchantedness / 32 Smarm
18 Adventures / 40 Strongness / 42 Enchantedness / 31 Smarm
18 Adventures / 32 Muscleboundness / 27 Enchantedness / 30 Cheek
20 Adventures / 31 Beefiness / 24 Magicalness / 38 Smarm
18 Adventures / 29 Strongness / 26 Mysteriousness / 29 Roguishness
19 Adventures / 23 Beefiness / 24 Magicalness / 26 Cheek
Here is data for 14 shepherd's pie - every one consumed with milk and a munchie's pill:

Has accounting been made for +% exp days/moon signs already? If not, which were they for those consumptions ?

Edit - bloody kiwitini - 14-16 Adv, +20-40 each stat?, 10 turns of First Blood Kiwi, 3 Drunk - Pretty confident in this one now, went back through my session logs, and 6 datapoints all hit this (highest stat seen 39, lowest 20, only 14 or 16 adventures seen).

Edit 2 - Assuming the 41/50 Moxie data points were from 6/7th August, and the 41/42 Myst either matches stat days on 3rd/11th August, or you have myst sign (I guess this, given min value is 22 on Myst, and 20/21 on Mus/Mox, +10% only matches myst sign), this points to exactly the same stats for Shepherd's Pie.

Edit 3 - Hmm, actually, datapoint 3 is one adventure low to match. So we are either looking at no munchies pill, milk running out 1 turn short, eaten with distention pill, or one of our datapoints is actually outside 14-16 range.
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I have a myst sign. I did not account for stat days. And, looking more closely at the log, I see no munchies pill for data point 3.

Yeah - I would expect the bloody kiwitini and the shepherd's pie to be exact equivalents.

Thanks for you help on this. I will enter bloody kiwitini and shepherd's pie as 14-16 Adv, +20-40 each stat.
Dread Skills observations, stuff Mafia doesn't yet catch :

Splashdance and Conspiratorial Whispers don't use up a combat round.
Carbohydrate Cudgel uses up one dry noodles.

In case cast messages are needed:

You do a funky dance, the culmination of which is a massive glob of soothing salsa splattering all over you. Splash!

Conspiratorial Whispers:
You whisper to [familiar name]. "You know what to do, [familiar name]" is what you whisper.

Carbohydrate Cudgel:
You toss a bundle of dry noodles into the air and telekinetically form them into a massive club, with which you then telekinetically obliterate your foe. There is nothing left but a stain on the ground.

I think Mafia plays nice with the rest of the skills I have so far, just three more to get.
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Unknown plural:
Purchasing electric Kool-Aid (7 @ 6,780)...
Unrecognized item found: 7 glasses of electric Kool-Aid
You acquire glasses of electric Kool-Aid (7)
Wrong item received - possibly its name or plural has changed.

Consumption spading:

Electric Kool-Aid : 12-13 adv, 32-48 Mus, 30-48 Mys, 30-46 Mox (8 data points)
Bottle of Bloodweiser : 12-13 adv, 32-48 Mus, 34-50 Mys, 30-50 Mox (9 data points)

Almost certainly we're looking at :

Electric Kool-Aid - 12-13 Adv, +30-50 each stat, 50 turns of Electric, Kool, 2 Full
Bottle of Bloodweiser - 12-13 Adv, +30-50 each stat, 50 turns of Blood Porter, 2 Drunk
Cluster consumables, am going from the wiki, and assuming that food and drink are the same, as the appear to be. From wiki (before I edit it, as TPTB are pretty predictable, and we have good data overall) :

cold fashioned - 40, 34-47
dank and stormy - 39, 30-48
hot toddy - 36-38, 35-50
grimlet - 37, 47-48
slithery nipple - 36, 30-50

Cold pocket - 37-40, 30-50
hot pocket - 37-40, 30?-45?
sleaze pocket - 39, 38-42
spooky pocket - 39, 34-39
stink pocket - 36, 36-49

Putting these together gives 36-40 adv, 30-50 stats, and 200 turns of an effect.

Dreadsylvanian hot toddy - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Heat, 4 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Chill, 4 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Smell, 4 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian grimlet - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Fear, 4 Drunk
Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple- 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Sheen, 4 Drunk

Dreadsylvanian hot pocket - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Heat, 4 Full
Dreadsylvanian cold pocket- 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Chill, 4 Full
Dreadsylvanian stink pocket - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Smell, 4 Full
Dreadsylvanian spooky pocket - 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Fear, 4 Full
Dreadsylvanian sleaze pocket- 36-40 adv, 30-50 each stat, 200 turns of Dreadful Sheen, 4 Full

That should be the end of consumable spading I think ?
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That should be the end of consumable spading I think ?
Revision 12453. Thanks!

I think Mafia plays nice with the rest of the skills I have so far, just three more to get.
I'll look at what you've reported, by and by. I have 14 skills - just waiting to find a DB and an SC in clan at the same time to come to my private instance and let me learn to Grab a Cold One - but I can't say I've actually tried any of them yet.
I'll look at what you've reported, by and by. I have 14 skills - just waiting to find a DB and an SC in clan at the same time to come to my private instance and let me learn to Grab a Cold One - but I can't say I've actually tried any of them yet.

Hopefully wiki isn't bad for what they do, I've been spading them as I get them.
6459 HOA citation pad 182252426 zh_pad.gif usable, combat reusable d 21337
# HOA citation pad
6457 HOA regulation book 763691223 book4.gif offhand 0
HOA regulation book 0 Mus: 100 shield
# HOA regulation book: Reduce enemy defense by 20%
HOA regulation book Monster Level: -100, Cold Resistance: +2, Hot Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Damage Reduction: 23
6458 HOA zombie eyes 133695958 zh_eyes.gif accessory 0
HOA zombie eyes 0 Mys: 100
HOA zombie eyes Combat Rate: +5, Muscle Percent: -100, Mysticality Percent: -100, Moxie Percent: -100, Experience: +10
Revision 12456 is just for fun. New CLI command:

taleofdread [element] [monster]

(e.g. "taleofdread sleaze vampire") will look up the story for the specified monster and print it for you.

When you learn a new Tale of Dread in the Relay Browser, the "read it" link added to the "a new story has been written in your book" message will now display exactly the new story, using the above command.

Yes, I know each story is a "one time" discovery for a given character, but you still might like it.
Here is what KoLmafia logs for reading the Tales of Dread. In my opinion, none of it is necessary for the log. It is not an encounter. It is something you can walk away from. It's just the mechanism that KoL is using to manipulate this item. Ditto for the Folder Holder. And, probably, for the Florist - although something like "planting X in location Y" might be useful to have in the log.

I wonder if this has something to do with the "Florist appears in the NC queue" bug report?

use 1 Tales of Dread
Encounter: Tales of Dread
Encounter: Tales of Dread
With a final lurch, one of the zombies hurls a bag of weed killer at your skirt, dissolving it instantly.

Could we make that message make the weedy skirt go away?
I'd like to close this omnibus thread. I think we have everything except for the handful of things mentioned in the "Miscellaneous" note:

Monster stats
Choice adventure support (see other thread)
Play nice with all the new skills

So, the choice adventures need spoilers and, perhaps, better ways to automate - and we have a thread for that.

Monster stats - which change based on kiss level, which is not available to us (although we can observe how many we got in a particular zone from the last monster we fought there) - could use some work. Perhaps we could remember (in a local variable, not a setting) the last kiss level we saw for each zone? Clear it when you jump clans. Obviously, clannies can change it out from under you, the instance can be restarted, and so on, so it's not guaranteed to be good, but it still might be useful. And perhaps make the "last observed kiss level" visible as a proxy field of the location.

And a handful of the skills are slightly complicated and could use a little love.

We need two new threads:

- monster stats and kiss tracking
- Dreadsylvania skills

with what is in this thread copied to them. We can then close this thread.