New Content - Implemented Dreadsylvania

Clusters are from pulverising drops from the dungeon monsters, which are rare at present.

Use link on almanac is javascript:singleUse('inv_use.php','which=3&whichitem=6579&pwd=6a46335a79f5e358142369c7102cc7a6&ajax=1');void(0);

Discovery HTML is:

<div id="effdiv"><table width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="" width=30 height=30><br></center><blockquote><p>Congratulations! You just <a href="craft.php?mode=discoveries&what=cook">discovered</a> a new recipe!</p><center><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='' onclick='descitem(622893915)' alt="Dreadsylvanian stink pocket" title="Dreadsylvanian stink pocket"><b>Dreadsylvanian stink pocket</b></center></blockquote></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></div>

From Mall if I'm reading it right :

Cold Clusterbomb is item 6575.
Spooky Clusterbomb is item 6576.
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Revision 12357 adds a pattern for learning a recipe from the almanac. Unfortunately, in order to set the unknownRecipeXXX setting to indicate that you've learned it, it needs to be able to translate the item name to an item id.

I made a submit earlier which added all the unknown Dreadsylvania items that were in the mall at that time. At least, all that had a vowel in their name somewhere. :). Hopefully, the other clusterbombs, the pockets, and the drinks will appear in the mall, by and by. Once all 15 are in items.txt, I'll add the unknownRecipeXXX settings and the recipes to concoctions.txt.

Well, I suppose we could add them incrementally, but that is unsatisfying.
The Zombie Accordion now functions as a porper accordion, granting 20-turn buffs.

Tested as a Seal Clubber, after closeting all my other accordions, and accounting for the extra 5 advs from a JEW Hat.
Items not yet in Mafia in r12361 :

6478 Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards 629921726 sk_pants.gif pants 0
Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards 300 Mus: 250
Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards Sleaze Damage: +50, Hot Resistance: +5, Stench Resistance: +1, Class: "Turtle Tamer"
6489 intricate music box parts 854401690 dv_boxparts.gif none t 0
# intricate music box parts

Effects not yet in Mafia in r12361 :

1265 Bored Stiff book3.gif 36e198130ab2783b29e957dd266c2948
Bored Stiff Spooky Damage: +100
1277 Chilled to the Bone snowflake.gif 8b1a1c598f840f75834b9e525f55fdae
# Chilled to the Bone: Enemies get 1 extra attack(s) against you per round
Chilled to the Bone Mana Cost: +3

Values are actually (Kisses-1) extra attacks per round, and +3^(Kisses-1) MP cost. The amount of kisses is the amount when you receive the effect, going to another dungeon with lower values doesn't seem to change it.
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You can use ghost pencils to learn shortcuts to specific choice adventures - 3 each for the Woods, Village, and Castle. We should recognize when you take that shortcut and log it like an Adventure in the appropriate zone.

Dreadsylvanian Woods -> Cabin in the Woods:

Dreadsylvanian Woods -> Tallest Tree in the Forest

Dreadsylvanian Woods -> Below the Roots

Dreadsylvanian Village -> Dreadsylvanian Village Square

Dreadsylvanian Village -> The Even More Dreadful Part of Town

Dreadsylvanian Village -> The Old Duke's Estate

Dreadsylvanian Castle -> This Hall is Really Great

Dreadsylvanian Castle -> Tower Most Tall

Dreadsylvanian Castle -> The Dreadsylvanian Dungeon

(So, yes - we need a DreadsylvaniaRequest to handle clan_dreadsylvania.php; giving booze to the coachman and these shortcuts both use that URL.)
Detailed monster stats/behaviour is being spaded. If you want to help, it is here :

Bugbear - Att 400+100/kiss, Def 400+100/kiss, HP 600+200/kiss, Init 15+10/kiss
Werewolf - Att scales to Mox-20+10/kiss (min 400), Def scales to Mus-20+10/kiss (min 400), HP scales to (Mus-20+10/kiss)x1.25 (min 500), Init 15+10/kiss
Vampire - Att 400+100/kiss, Def 400+100/kiss, HP 600+200/kiss, Init 15+10/kiss
Skeleton - Att 400+100/kiss, Def 400+100/kiss, HP 2^kiss x 500, Init 15+10/kiss

Hot monsters get +50/kiss initiative, nothing else seems to alter these base stats. Werewolf gets some bonus hidden Attack, as it hits and does more damage than it's Attack suggests.
Suggestion for Daily Deeds: silver and brass Dreadsylvanian flasks. They can be each used once per day for major bonuses in Dreadsylvania. And, of course, trackers for using them daily.
Do you have those flasks? If so, what are the item IDs? (Until we know that, we don't have enough info to make a daily deed.)
The Zombie Accordion now functions as a porper accordion, granting 20-turn buffs.

Tested as a Seal Clubber, after closeting all my other accordions, and accounting for the extra 5 advs from a JEW Hat.
KoLmafia knows nothing about the zombie accordion. I expect you know that, if you have one, since it puts all the item data into the gCLI and your session log when you log in and it detects the unknown item.

Care to share? Thanks.
KoLmafia knows nothing about the zombie accordion. I expect you know that, if you have one, since it puts all the item data into the gCLI and your session log when you log in and it detects the unknown item.

Care to share? Thanks.

Whoops. Thought it was in one of the big blocks o' items. Got another few Mafia hadn't identified:

Looking at item #6455...
Unknown item found: zombie accordion (6455, 455940650)
6455 zombie accordion 455940650 zh_accordion.gif weapon 0
zombie accordion 300 Mox: 250 1-handed accordion
zombie accordion Ranged Damage: +50, Item Drop: +10, Additional Song, Class: "Accordion Thief", Single Equip
Looking at item #6449...
Unknown item found: Great Wolf's right paw (6449, 523051317)
6449 Great Wolf's right paw 523051317 ww_rightclaw.gif weapon 0
Great Wolf's right paw 300 Mus: 250 1-handed claw
Great Wolf's right paw Weapon Damage: +50, Weapon Damage Percent: +50, Critical Hit Percent: +10, Single Equip
Looking at item #6463...
Unknown item found: Mayor Ghost's cloak (6463, 831864258)
6463 Mayor Ghost's cloak 831864258 mg_cape.gif container 0
Mayor Ghost's cloak 300 Mys: 250
Mayor Ghost's cloak PvP Fights: +5, Weapon Drop: +20, Food Drop: +20, Class: "Pastamancer"
Looking at item #6504...
Unknown item found: hangman's hood (6504, 705994024)
6504 hangman's hood 705994024 dv_hanghood.gif hat 0
hangman's hood 250 Mus: 200
hangman's hood Muscle: +50, Weapon Damage: +50, Damage Reduction: 10
Nope, any untradeables can't be in the mall :)

I also do have:
6506    Dreadsylvanian clockwork key    264652584       dv_clockkey.gif none            0
# Dreadsylvanian clockwork key

Unknown item found: Drapes-You-Regally (6441, 405751737)
6441    Drapes-You-Regally      405751737       bb_cloak.gif    container               0
Drapes-You-Regally      300     Mox: 250
Drapes-You-Regally      Meat Drop: +20, Booze Drop: +20, Hat Drop: +20, Class: "Disco Bandit"
Looking at item #6495...
Unknown item found: Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge (6495, 229903771)
6495    Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge   229903771       dv_badge.gif    accessory               0
Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge   250     Mys: 200
# Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge: Lets you find 5% more Krueggerands
Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge   Item Drop: +10, Single Equip
Looking at item #6599...
Unknown item found: intricate clockwork big hand (6599, 933853289)
6599    intricate clockwork big hand    933853289       cuckoohand1.gif none            0
# intricate clockwork big hand
Looking at item #6598...
Unknown item found: intricate clockwork disc (6598, 877017559)
6598    intricate clockwork disc        877017559       cuckoodisc.gif  none            0
# intricate clockwork disc
Looking at item #6597...
Unknown item found: intricate clockwork birdhouse (6597, 984765474)
6597    intricate clockwork birdhouse   984765474       cuckoobox.gif   usable          0
# intricate clockwork birdhouse
The choices available in a noncombat can change completely, though maybe those noncombats have the same name with different numbers.
They are standard choice adventures in that a given choice option always has the same option number. Just as with the rare hotdog unlock options, there are various conditions that determine whether you are offered this or that option.

Here's my map of choice adventures, along with option numbers. At top-level, "5" is always "Use a ghost pencil" and "6" is always "exit this choice". Even deeper in a chain of choices, "6" is "exit this choice" - which pops you back up a level. There are some that I don't really know, since I haven't been there - the Tinker shack, for example, since I am not a Moxie class character, or the Gallows, since I never happened to try it yet.

Given this, I think we can enter all the spoilers. Now, making it possible to automate through by goal, say, is a lot harder: some of the goal items are 1/instance or 10/instance, some are behind locks, which may or may not already be unlocked, some are class-specific, some depend on having other items in your inventory, and so on.

There are also undoubtedly choice options that haven't appeared on the Wiki, yet. For example, I would guess that the shepherd's pie (made from 4 other items you can get from these NCs) is made via a choice - somewhere - that appears if you happen to have all the required items. That's a guess. SOMEBODY knows. :)

The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods (choice 721)
- (1) The Kitchen in the Woods (choice 722)
-- (1) Spice rack -> dread tarragon
-- (2) Flour mill (Muscle only) (with old dry bone) -> bone flour
-- (3) Disposal -> remove stench monsters
-- (6) Back out
- (2) What Lies Beneath (the Cabin) (choice 723)
-- (1) newspapers -> 5-7 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (2) diary -> Bored Stiff (100 adventures)-> +100 Spooky Damage
-- (3) lockbox (with replica key) -> Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge (once per instance)
-- (4) Stick a wax banana into the lock -> complicated lock impression
-- (6) Climb back up
- (3) Where it's Attic (locked) (choice 724)
-- (1) Turn off the music box (AT only) -> intricate music box parts & remove spooky monsters
-- (2) Check out the wolfsbane -> fewer werewolves
-- (3) Poke around in the rafters -> fewer vampires
-- (4) Look through the photo albums -> +X Moxie substats
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave

Tallest Tree in the Forest (choice 725)
- (1) Top of the Tree, Ma! (Muscle class only) (choice 726)
-- (1) stomp on the fruit branch (drops fruit to clannie)
-- (2) kick the nest -> remove sleaze monsters
-- (3) grab the shiny thing -> moon-amber (once per instance)
-- (6) Climb back down
- (2) All Along the Watchtower (locked) (choice 727)
-- (1) Wind up the siren -> fewer ghosts
-- (2) Raid the footlocker -> 7-11 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (3) Lift the weights -> +X Muscle substats
-- (6) Leave the tower
- (3) Treebasing (choice 728)
-- (1) Staring Upwards... (choice 761)
--- (1) Keep staring upwards
--- (clannie drops fruit) -> blood kiwi
--- (2) Stop staring upwards
-- (2) Stand near the base looking downward -> Dreadsylvanian seed pod
-- (6) Abandon the base
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave (ha ha)

Below the Roots (choice 729)
- (1) Hot Coals (choice 730)
-- (1) pull the cork -> remove hot monsters
-- (2) play in the fire -> Dragged Through the Coals (100 adventures) -> +100 Hot Damage
-- (6) Leave the fire behind
- (2) The Heart of the Matter (choice 731)
-- (1) Read the heart a story -> remove cold monsters
-- (2) Listen to the Heart -> +X Mysticality substats
-- (3) Drink some of the Green stuff -> Nature's Bounty (100 adventures) ->
-- (6) Go straight back from the heart
- (3) Once Midden, Twice Shy (choice 732)
-- (1) Smash the eggs -> fewer bugbears
-- (2) Dig through the garbage -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (6) Flee the scene
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Go back the way you came

Dreadsylvanian Village Square (choice 733)
- (1) Fright School (locked) (choice 734)
-- (1) Clean the erasers -> fewer ghosts
-- (2) Rummage through the teacher's desk -> ghost pencil
-- (3) Read the carvings on the students' desks -> +X Mysticality substats
-- (6) Quit school
- (2) Smith, Black as Night (choice 735)
-- (1) Stoke the furnace -> remove hot monsters
-- (2) Dig through the till -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (6) Fade from the blacksmith's
- (3) Gallows (choice 736)
-- (1) Paint the noose pink -> remove spooky monsters
-- (2) Hello Gallows (choice xxx)
--- (1) Keep standing
--- (clannie pulls lever) -> Dreadsylvanian clockwork key
--- (2) Stop standing
-- (3) Stand around gawking (stays in choice)
-- (4) Pull the lever
-- (6) Stop hanging out here
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave

The Even More Dreadful Part of Town (choice 737)
- (1) A Dreadful Smell (choice 738)
-- (1) Unclog the grate -> remove stench monsters
-- (2) Slosh in the muck -> Sewer-Drenched (100 adventures)
-- (6) Climb back out
- (2) Eight, Nine, Tenement (choice 740)
-- (1) Drive out the rats -> fewer skeletons
-- (2) Paint over the graffiti -> remove sleaze monsters
-- (3) Move bricks around -> +X Muscle substats
-- (6) Leave
- The Tinker's. Damn. (Moxie class only) (choice 739)
-- (1) Rummage through the shelves -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (?) Make a key using the wax lock impression -> replica key
-- (?) Polish the moon-amber -> polished moon-amber
-- (?) Assemble a clockwork bird -> intricate music box part (3) + Dreadsylvanian clockwork key -> unwound mechanical songbird
-- (?) Look through the boxes -> length of old fuse (3)
-- (6) Leave
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave

The Old Duke's Estate (choice 741)
- (1) The Plot Thickens (choice 742)
-- (1) Close the gates -> fewer zombies
-- (2) Rob some graves -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (3) Read some tombstones -> Fifty Ways to Bereave Your Lover (100 adventures)
-- (6) Leave
- (2) No Quarter (choice 743)
-- (1) Turn off the ovens -> remove hot monsters
-- (2) Look through the cabinets -> +X Moxie substats
-- (6) Take off
- (3) The Master Suite -- Sweet! (locked) (choice 744)
-- (1) Blow the whistle -> fewer werewolves
-- (2) Check out the nightstand -> eau de mort
-- (3) Mess with the loom -> ?
-- (6) Leave the suite
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave

This Hall is Really Great (choice 745)
- (1) The Belle of the Ballroom (locked) (choice 746)
-- (1) Play the organ -> fewer vampires
-- (2) Trip the light fantastic -> +X Moxie substats
-- (6) Bail
- (2) Cold Storage (choice 747)
-- (1) Turn down the freezer -> remove cold monsters
-- (2) Hang out in the freezer -> Staying Frosty (100 adventures)
-- (6) Get out of the kitchen
- (3) Dining In (the Castle) (choice 748)
-- (1) Grab the Roast -> dreadful roast
-- (2) Clear the dishes -> remove stench monsters
-- (3) Levitate up to the rafters -> wax banana
-- (6) No thanks, I'll eat somewhere else
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Great haul ass out of there

Tower Most Tall (choice 749)
- Working in the Lab, Late One Night (locked) (choice 750)
-- (1) Turn on the lamp -> fewer bugbears
-- (2) Examine the brains in jars -> fewer zombies
-- (3) Approach the Machine -> ?
-- (?) Use the still (with blood kiwi and eau de mort) -> bloody kiwitini
-- (6) Leave the lab
- Among the Quaint and Curious Tomes. (Mysticality class only) (choice 751)
-- (1) Read "Bone-Dissolving Incantations: A Treatise" -> fewer skeletons
-- (2) Read "Amazing Ancient Mystical Secrets" -> +X Mysticality substats
-- (3) Read "Enchanted Jewelry, Then and Now" -> learn to craft moon-amber necklace
-- (6) Read the exit sign and follow it
- In The Boudoir (choice 752)
-- (1) Shut the parrot up -> remove sleaze monsters
-- (2) Check the dresser -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (3) Turn on the magic fingers -> Magically Fingered (100 adventures)
-- (6) Bid adieu to the bedroom
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave

The Dreadsylvanian Dungeon (choice 753)
- (1) Live from Dungeon Prison (choice 754)
-- (1) Flush the toilet -> remove spooky monsters
-- (2) Do some pushups -> +X Muscle substats
-- (3) Take a nap -> +X MP
-- (6) Escape
- (2) The Hot Bowels (choice 755)
-- (1) Let off some steam -> remove hot monsters
-- (2) Check in the incinerator -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands
-- (3) Relax in the furnace -> +X/Y/Z Muscle/Mysticality/Moxie substats
-- (6) Be too cool for this room
- (3) Among the Fungus (choice 756)
-- (1) Break off some choice bits -> stinking agaricus
-- (2) Roll around in it -> Spore-wreathed (100 adventures)
-- (6) Leave the shroom
- (5) Use a ghost pencil
- (6) Leave
A few clarifications, identifying some of the 1/instance and 10/instance things, changing music box note (All can remove spooky monsters, but only AT gets music box parts), and noting that only Myst can levitate. Muscle and Moxie get different items at Gallows.

The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods (choice 721)
- (2) What Lies Beneath (the Cabin) (choice 723)
-- (1) newspapers -> 5-7 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)
- (3) Where it's Attic (locked) (choice 724)
-- (1) Turn off the music box -> intricate music box parts (AT only) & remove spooky monsters

Tallest Tree in the Forest (choice 725)
- (2) All Along the Watchtower (locked) (choice 727)
-- (2) Raid the footlocker -> 7-11 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)
- (3) Treebasing (choice 728)
-- (1) Staring Upwards... (choice 761)
--- (1) Keep staring upwards
--- (clannie drops fruit) -> blood kiwi (1/instance)

Below the Roots (choice 729)
- (1) Hot Coals (choice 730)
- (3) Once Midden, Twice Shy (choice 732)
-- (2) Dig through the garbage -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)

Dreadsylvanian Village Square (choice 733)
- (1) Fright School (locked) (choice 734)
-- (2) Rummage through the teacher's desk -> ghost pencil (10/instance)
- (2) Smith, Black as Night (choice 735)
-- (2) Dig through the till -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)
- (3) Gallows (choice 736)
-- (2) Hello Gallows (choice xxx)
--- (1) Keep standing
--- (clannie pulls lever) -> Dreadsylvanian clockwork key (1/instance) (Moxie)
--- (clannie pulls lever) -> hangman's hood (1/instance) (Muscle)
--- (2) Stop standing

The Even More Dreadful Part of Town (choice 737)
- The Tinker's. Damn. (Moxie class only) (choice 739)
-- (1) Rummage through the shelves -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)

The Old Duke's Estate (choice 741)
- (1) The Plot Thickens (choice 742)
-- (2) Rob some graves -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)
- (3) The Master Suite -- Sweet! (locked) (choice 744)
-- (2) Check out the nightstand -> eau de mort (1/instance)

This Hall is Really Great (choice 745)
- (3) Dining In (the Castle) (choice 748)
-- (1) Grab the Roast -> dreadful roast (1/instance)
-- (3) Levitate up to the rafters (Myst only) -> wax banana (1/instance)

Tower Most Tall (choice 749)
- Among the Quaint and Curious Tomes. (Mysticality class only) (choice 751)
- In The Boudoir (choice 752)
-- (2) Check the dresser -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)

The Dreadsylvanian Dungeon (choice 753)
- (2) The Hot Bowels (choice 755)
-- (2) Check in the incinerator -> 5-6 Freddy Krueggerands (10/instance)
- (3) Among the Fungus (choice 756)
-- (1) Break off some choice bits -> stinking agaricus (1/instance)
Thanks! I have updated my note for the choices. I've also added stuff for the shepherd's pie andsuch.

I have a few things to check out after rollover in a new instance:

- Get the choice adventure # for the Gallows
- See what the blacksmith is like with a hothammer in inventory (I bought one)

By and by, I'll post the (more) complete choice adventure tree.

Edit: Question: in the Cabin Attic, is there a "leave" option? (What's the text on the button?) You'd think there would be; otherwise it's the only choice anywhere in this whole mess that does not have a way to change your mind and back out.
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1: Turn off the music box
2: Check out the wolfsbane
3: Poke around in the rafters
4: Look through the photo albums

6: Climb back down
Y'all have been doing an amazing amount of work getting this new dungeon supported. Thanks!

Looking at item #6442...
Unknown item found: Warms-Your-Tush (6442, 489060732)
6442 Warms-Your-Tush 489060732 bb_pants.gif pants 0
Warms-Your-Tush 300 Mox: 250
Warms-Your-Tush Hot Damage: +50, Cold Resistance: +5, Spooky Resistance: +1, Class: "Disco Bandit"
-- (2) Hello Gallows (choice xxx)
--- (1) Keep standing
--- (clannie pulls lever) -> Dreadsylvanian clockwork key (1/instance) (Moxie)
--- (clannie pulls lever) -> hangman's hood (1/instance) (Muscle)
--- (2) Stop standing
So...what happens when a Mysticality character is standing on the gallows?

Judging by the description, let me guess: cursed ring finger ring

I'll see if I can verify this tonight.
I don't have the override data for it, unfortunately.
With the submit I made a few hours ago, it is trivial to get that, given the item number and descid from the Wiki, say.

> test newitem 6505 687502992
Unknown item found: cursed ring finger ring (6505, 687502992)
6505 cursed ring finger ring 687502992 fingerring.gif accessory 0
cursed ring finger ring 0 Mys: 200
cursed ring finger ring Spell Damage Percent: +50, Spooky Spell Damage: +30, Spell Critical Percent: +10, Single Equip
I also don't know how much of the wiki we can trust regarding Dread at the moment, and I didn't have the item number and descid from a more reliable source.