Yesterday, before I ascended, I used 15 random draws from the deck.
use 1 Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1085/1: unknown
Encounter: Ninja Snowman
(I do not have "fast draw" selected.) Which card was it? Well, it was the Fire Elemental (or whatever) which led to a fight with an Elemental.
use 1 Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1085/1: unknown
You acquire an item: black mana
Aha! A Swamp! Well, I assume it was. I started playing MTG, back when Alpha was all there was, so that is what I expect gives a black mana.
Huh. Well, I'd sure like it we logged which card we drew.
Here is after I ascended and used the "cheat" option 3 times.
use 1 Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Pick a Card
Took choice 1086/1: unknown
Encounter: Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1085/1: unknown
You gain 550 Magicalness
You gain some Mysticality points!
use 1 Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Pick a Card
Took choice 1086/1: unknown
Encounter: Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1085/1: unknown
You learned a new skill: Ancestral Recall
use 1 Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Pick a Card
Took choice 1086/1: unknown
Encounter: Deck of Every Card
Took choice 1085/1: unknown
You learned a new skill: Lightning Bolt
I don't care about "optimal", but I want to HCPerm two more skills (having gotten Healing Salve and Giant Growth via random draws before I ascended, which means they are now permed).
In any case, I want the session log to tell me exactly what card I drew, whether via random pick or "cheating". And since drawing a card can lead to a fight, we should probably log the turn count. when we do a draw.