New Content - Implemented Crimbotown is here!

We deduct the cost when we get the response, not when we see the button that submitted the request.

I notice that there is hover text over all the robots that tells you what level they are. Assuming the "upgrade" request refreshes that page with the new level, worse comes to worst, we can just parse that and deduce what just happened.
Here is the table entry for one of my robots:

<td align="center" valign="middle"><a href="choice.php?whichchoice=810&option=1&slot=7&pwd=xxx" style="text-decoration:none"><img alt='Toybot (Level 3)' title='Toybot (Level 3)' border=0 src='' /></a></td>
As I said, assuming this is updated correctly after doing an action (it must be), we do this:

- Verify that the response text indicates the upgrade was successful.
- If so, look at the request URL to figure out which platform was upgraded.
- Look at the correct "td" entry for that platform and get the 'alt' text for the image to see what level the robot is.
Veracity added the new zapgroups and HotStuff made another one.
> zap 1 warbear telegram

Zapping warbear beeping telegram...
You acquire an item: warbear procedural hilarity drone
warbear beeping telegram has been transformed.
OK, I'm going to use the "A" word. KoL is annoying me.

You have to visit a platform in order to decide what to do there.
If you do that and something is waiting, you harvest it.
If you submit the URL to destroy the robot that is there without actually visiting first, it works.
I have NOT yet checked if that means you get to install a new robot and immediately harvest from it.
I hope so - even though you can't do this in raw KoL.

There are 6 new robots:

Festive Bakerbot = 8
Grumpy Bakerbot = 9
Stoic Bakerbot = 10
Dancing Boozebot = 11
Violent Boozebot = 12
Sturdy Boozebot=13

This is really beginning to piss me off. Anybody who has completely filled their robot facility is locked out until tomorrow to actually get any benefit from installing a new robot.

As soon as I decide which new robot I want, I will install it in the square that I made available via URL manipulation. If it actually gives me the "day 1" reward for that slot - since I didn't actually harvest it - perhaps we need to make it possible for KoLmafia users to destroy a robot on a platform without visiting it, unlike what the native KoL interface lets you do.

Although it should let you do that. I'll write a bug report - which will be ignored, as always.
Note: keeping track of which robots you have harvested - and going to harvest from them, or, perhaps, destroy them without harvesting - is not something we currently do.

I hate adding code that will become completely obsolete in 12 days or so.
I hate adding code that will become completely obsolete in 12 days or so.

I'd recommend you skip it then. There is no penalty for avoiding things you hate. Especially since nobody will care in another 13 days.

New Warbear foods and drinks!

Searching for warbear...
Unknown item found: warbear bearserker mead (6925, 429406687)
6925 warbear bearserker mead 429406687 wbgoblet.gif drink t 0
warbear bearserker mead 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear bearserker mead Effect: "Warbear Warlust", Effect Duration: 40
1474 Warbear Warlust swords.gif f8db6737312ffec597e751202b20af6b drink 1 warbear bearserker mead
# Warbear Warlust: +60 WarBear Armor Penetration
Unknown item found: warbear blizzard mead (6926, 409886355)
6926 warbear blizzard mead 409886355 wbgoblet.gif drink t 0
warbear blizzard mead 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear blizzard mead Effect: "Warbear Blubber", Effect Duration: 40
1475 Warbear Blubber sebashield.gif d92b01c82af748b191714334c7bc9fce drink 1 warbear blizzard mead
# Warbear Blubber: Serious Supercold Resistance (+3)
Searching for warbear (2 of 5)...
Unknown item found: warbear feasting bread (6921, 925210445)
6921 warbear feasting bread 925210445 wbbread.gif food t 0
warbear feasting bread 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear feasting bread Effect: "Gift of the Warbear", Effect Duration: 40
1470 Gift of the Warbear wbpresent1.gif 1f67656460e0e30f86e9ac9cbf4263e0 eat 1 warbear feasting bread
# Gift of the Warbear: +15% Item Drops from WarBears
Unknown item found: warbear feasting mead (6924, 386985316)
6924 warbear feasting mead 386985316 wbgoblet.gif drink t 0
warbear feasting mead 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear feasting mead Effect: "Warbear Loot Lust", Effect Duration: 40
1473 Warbear Loot Lust dollarsign.gif 25b94da495d7a611ee6ecadb2843cf14 drink 1 warbear feasting mead
# Warbear Loot Lust: +15% Item Drops from WarBears
Searching for warbear (3 of 5)...
Searching for warbear (4 of 5)...
Unknown item found: warbear thermoregulator bread (6923, 979720334)
6923 warbear thermoregulator bread 979720334 wbbread.gif food t 0
warbear thermoregulator bread 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear thermoregulator bread Effect: "Superheated Guts", Effect Duration: 40
1472 Superheated Guts fire.gif fc595613076a15738a4ad97841166658 eat 1 warbear thermoregulator bread
# Superheated Guts: Serious Supercold Resistance (+3)
Searching for warbear (5 of 5)...
Unknown item found: warbear warrior bread (6922, 497948040)
6922 warbear warrior bread 497948040 wbbread.gif food t 0
warbear warrior bread 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0
warbear warrior bread Effect: "Warriors, Come out to Playyyy", Effect Duration: 40
1471 Warriors, Come out to Playyyy beerbottle.gif 554d5e8679608ce0ec5b02aa73a84e2e eat 1 warbear warrior bread
# Warriors, Come out to Playyyy: +60 WarBear Armor Penetration
Search complete.
I have just confirmed that if you destroy a robot without harvesting what you would have gotten, you have just thrown away that item; if you install a new robot on that platform, you get nothing.

Fine. No need to put in URL manipulation to try to get around the defective native KoL UI, since, by golly, it is important that you suffer through the decisions you made yesterday, based on the information that was available at that time, rather than having clue one about whatever the f*** change that KoL will come up with, no warning, tomorrow.
I submitted a bug report. I confidently expect that it will be ignored - or, at best, I will be told "It works that way because that is how it is coded, and there will be no change."

I'm done with the new Crimbo 2013 content - as far as adventuring in the Warbear Fortress is concerned, at least. I have all of the new items and absolutely no interest in spending so much as a single turn going back into the Fortress with new food and drink that I have to buy from the mall because KoL will not let me produce it myself.

No problem. There are other devs who still care about this.
I've been pretending all the effects that make surviving in level 2 and 3 don't exist and just using 3 batteries per day from my bots to farm there. I've been relying on copies to fight level 3 monsters and pretending badges are just a meat source. It doesn't seem like there's much incentive to spend too long in either area.
Yeah. It will all be gone in twelve days. No need to waste any dev time trying to make it easier for KoLmafia users than native KoL users. I have 2 level 2 chargebots, so 4 batteries a day is enough - and all those potion bots I installed yesterday that were just invalidated because of KoL fiat? Perhaps I will just convert them all to toybots or something. I really don't want to spend adventures any more - and the batteries are still worth something, for those that do want to adventure on the higher levels.
To harvest my bots, all my loginScript needs is...

for i from 1 to 8
   visit_url( "choice.php?whichchoice=810&option=1&pwd&slot=" + i );


visit_url( "place.php?whichplace=crimbo2013&action=cr13_krampus" );
for i from 1 to 8
   visit_url( "choice.php?whichchoice=810&option=1&pwd&slot=" + i );
Maybe add a visit to main.php so people don't have to start relay browser.

r13420 adds the new items.

I'm a bit torn on these. On the one hand it feels a bit bait and switchy. On the other, it's a great way to let those who would struggle with warbears get some significant help. Had they all existed from day one those that can throw lots of turns and equipment and experience at the content would be dominating even more than now. Whilst I am happily fighting 18 or so higher-ranking and 77 officers a day with yesterday's buffs, that isn't a majority situation. If you started Crimbo now you could add the new bots buying whosits and nearly break even, and be in profit tomorrow.

Oh, looks like Gyro and these will need consumable spading too.

Edit - look at the remaining item numbers, I guess we have 5 days of tiny plastics (or maybe diecasts) ahead from advent calendar, as there are 5 spaces after the other items. There are two other gaps among drops from level 3 stuff, so maybe something will be added or found. There is then a block of 30 spaces, I guess either something new or an expansion to the die-cast range (or a second range, or tiny plastics or something).
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by golly, it is important that you suffer through the decisions you made yesterday, based on the information that was available at that time, rather than having clue one about whatever the f*** change that KoL will come up with, no warning, tomorrow.
I've been resisting the urge to gripe about Crimbo in this thread, so I'll keep it short. Of all the long term KoL players I know, every single one is not enjoying this Crimbo. We all find it adding stress to our busy lives. You're not the only person who's decided to not play. I know it's party my fault for trying to be somewhat optimal, but something is just plain wrong.

Anyway, some low stress, high profit ideas:
Fax and putty level 3 officers. You don't need a belt, so it's not too complicated and it's highly profitable.
Just stick to level 1 and get 2.4K per adventure and lots of stats. This should be easy for anyone with some combat skills.
Leave your factory as is. The cost of changing bots is unlikely to be recovered, so why waste time thinking about it.