New Content - Implemented Crimbotown is here!

I added the festive warbear bank to breakfast in 13460. It can be disabled (even if it is grouped with other once-a-day items), so I'm not going to feel too bad if someone is disappointed about being down 24 meat.
This is annoying. The warbear rejuvenation potion gives the "New and Improved" effect. I was wondering why it didn't show the new effect. Turns out, there is an existing "New and Improved" effect which is different than this one.

1494 New and Improved light.gif d09b7ced217029dae850045f1d238d94	use 1 warbear rejuvenation potion
# New and Improved: +25% chance of Critical Hit
New and Improved Initiative: +100, Spell Critical Percent: +25, Muscle Percent: +200, Mysticality Percent: +200, Moxie Percent: +200

Fixed with a KoL bug report.
The black box is apparently a store using whosits. New items:

Unknown item found: warbear dress helmet (7092, 136945982)
7092 warbear dress helmet 136945982 wbo_helm.gif hat t 0
warbear dress helmet 100 Mox: 35
warbear dress helmet Moxie: +10, Booze Drop: +25

Unknown item found: warbear dress bracers (7093, 486728461)
7093 warbear dress bracers 486728461 wbo_bracers.gif accessory t 0
warbear dress bracers 0 Mys: 35
warbear dress bracers Mysticality: +10, Candy Drop: +25, Single Equip

Unknown item found: warbear dress greaves (7094, 381238105)
7094 warbear dress greaves 381238105 wbo_greaves.gif pants t 0
warbear dress greaves 100 Mox: 35
warbear dress greaves Muscle: +10, Food Drop: +25

They form an outfit, Warbear Dress Armor, number 103, +10% Item Drops
I'm already working on adding a coinmaster for it. If nothing else, it might encourage someone to have black box transactions be an automated service.
Ha. Turns out a clannie has one and just sent me the HTML for entering the shop and making an item. Sounds like you're a step ahead of me. Do you currently have one in your possession for testing with? (I don't, being in Hardcore, and all that. :))
I don't have one, I also got the HTML though. I added the coinmaster in 13498, I expect I'll be able to borrow one if there's something tricky that I missed.
This thread is now "Implemented" so if anyone else finds any other missing content from Crimbo, please make a new thread for it. Thank you!