Character Info Toolbox

Something in r13213 appears to have made mafiachit unhappy. Prior to that revision the relay browser loads fine. Both 13213 and 13214 hang on loading charpane (using Chrome, either blank frame with busy/loading indicator in browser tab or sad face screen on reload). I didn't figure out a way to get any useful info from debug logs. All the ASH log says is:
Starting relay script: charpane.ash
Executing top-level commands

The DEBUG and TRACE logs don't seem to indicate anything, either. Disabling charpane.ash (rename with .bak) and relay loads correctly. Sorry that's all I have :/
Using r13214 and Opera 18 which is a Chrome clone. Cannot duplicate your problem.

Try updating ChIT with svn update mafiachit and we'll see if you still have the problem. If you do have the problem, tell me your character class, and if you are a Pastamancer please tell me what pasta thrall is currently active. Since Pasta Thralls are all I've played with recently.
I am a gnome sign and made a tin lizzie (4 Fancy tin beer cans from the beer garden) to get beach access. Mafia (at least the chit) continues to say "No Beach?" and will not give me a link to set the AOT5K. I'm unsure if this is due to the fact that I do not have a bitchin' meatcar or that I do have a degrassi knoll shopping list (I accidentally clicked Blaine). Seems like a simple fix for someone who knows what they are doing. Thanks ahead of time!

I posted this as a general bug, but lost suggested it might be more related to the CHIT, so I'm reposting here.
cptjsparrow: Neither ChIT, nor I were aware of the tin lizzie. That is no longer true for either of us. Please svn update mafiachit and it should work as expected.

Dameoshi: I am very glad to hear you found the problem.
Feature request: allow for a "Burn extra MP" button instead of a mood button on the toolbar

Before the mood upkeep was implemented, there was a burn MP button instead. Adding moods changed this to a mood management popup, with the burn MP button inside it. This creates an extra click. I do not use moods, but typically want to use the burn MP feature to keep up my buffs and stuff when MP is plentiful.
It seems like there are currently 3 options for 'chit.toolbar.moods' var: true, false, and bonus. I propose to add one more: burn
This would put only the Burn MP option in the toolbar.

As far as I can tell, this can be done with only the addition of an 'if' statement (or maybe a switch) to add an option in bakeToolbar() under addMood(), line 2088.

		if(vars["chit.toolbar.moods"] == "burn") {
Your line 2088 is nowheres near my line 2088. bakeToobar() doesn't even start until line 2124. I'll need a little more context to understand where to put that or else I'll have to figure it out for myself. Also, I think you forgot a closing curly-bracket.
Can you add a line to the charpane that would be immediately hidden with javascript, and would say "enable javascript, dumbass"?
I spent confusing 10 minutes yesterday before realizing that a misclick told noscript to block ...
(no javascript = borken chit AND borken chat)
Not sure why the discrepancy with the line numbers, but here is my re-written addMood(), under bakeToolbar()

	void addMood(buffer result) {
		if(vars["chit.toolbar.moods"] == "false")

		result.append('<ul style="float:right">');

		if(vars["chit.toolbar.moods"] == "burn") {
		// If chit.toolbar.moods == bonus, then add extra mood execution button
		else if(vars["chit.toolbar.moods"] == "bonus") {
			result.append('<li><a href="#" class="chit_launcher" rel="chit_pickermood" title="Select Mood"><img src="');
		// Add button to switch mood
		else {
			result.append('<li><a href="#" class="chit_launcher" rel="chit_pickermood" title="Select Mood"><img src="');
Hi Bale, I've been having an annoying problem with CHiT recently (since just after the class skill revamps began). It keeps on displaying a blank space between My Stats and Effects. Resizing the left pane restores it but any data change (switching equipment, stat change, meat +/-) that refreshes the pane ends up with the blank space again. <-- here's a screen shot.

I'm using chrome (ver31 - up to date) and daily mafia builds. I've tried clean installing CHiT again but I end up with the same problem. I have not changed any of the default CHiT preferences except for showing avatar and title. In any case, the problem persisted even with those 2 options set to true.

Any ideas?
Your screenshot is so tiny that I can't really see anything. I am not familiar with that problem. Please do a zlib chit and copy/paste the results here. Maybe I'll learn something from that.
zlib chit.character.avatar = false
zlib chit.character.title = false
zlib chit.checkversion = true
zlib chit.disable = false
zlib chit.effects.classicons = none
zlib chit.effects.layout = songs,buffs,intrinsics
zlib chit.effects.modicons = true
zlib chit.effects.showicons = true
zlib chit.effects.usermap = false
zlib chit.familiar.hats = spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau,Chef's Hat,party hat
zlib chit.familiar.pants = spangly mariachi pants,double-ice britches,BRICKO pants,pin-stripe slacks,Studded leather boxer shorts,Monster pants,Sugar shorts
zlib chit.familiar.protect = false
zlib chit.familiar.showlock = false
zlib chit.familiar.weapons = time sword,batblade,Hodgman's whackin' stick,astral mace,Maxwell's Silver Hammer,goatskin umbrella,grassy cutlass,dreadful glove,Stick-Knife of Loathing
zlib chit.floor.layout = update,familiar
zlib chit.helpers.dancecard = true
zlib chit.helpers.semirare = true
zlib chit.helpers.wormwood = stats,spleen
zlib chit.kol.coolimages = true
zlib chit.quests.hide = false
zlib chit.roof.layout = character,stats
zlib chit.stats.layout = muscle,myst,moxie|hp,mp,axel|mcd|trail,florist
zlib chit.stats.showbars = true
zlib chit.toolbar.layout = trail,quests,modifiers,elements,organs
zlib chit.toolbar.moods = true
zlib chit.walls.layout = helpers,thrall,effects
Since 13258 added uneffect links to the charpane for intrinsics that have a skill to remove them, CHIT cannot parse those effects any more. In this case it's Spirit of Bacon Grease, and the script shows no effect name and 0 for turns left.
I'd like to make a feature request for ChIT, in hopes that someone with greater html/css/java skill than myself will be willing to save me a lot of work and research.


I want to be able to click on an "Spirit of..." effect and have a picture pop-up with an element chart. (The above image.) The idea is that I can click on the element chart to select my new Flavour of Magic. It would make switching elements very convenient and remind the player of the various elemental weaknesses at the same time. Wouldn't that be awesome!

I believe I need a modified version of the picker code from and chit.css? Along with an html image map? If anyone can figure out that stuff, please post here. I'd then add that special picker and html to any of the appropriate intrinsics.
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I'd like to make a feature request for ChIT, in hopes that someone with greater html/css/java skill than myself will be willing to save me a lot of work and research.

It turns out that it wasn't as hard as I feared. I've added a picker for Flavour of Magic. Honestly, there are still a few small problems that I'm not quite sure how to handle, but it works pretty nicely.

If anyone can figure out how to do the following things, please post here:
  • Move the picker a little to the left so that the whole thing fits in the character pane properly.
  • Add the picker to the name of the effect while allowing it to still be styled.
  • Same for the closing lemniscate which is currently unstyled because I added the picker to it.