[COLOR=olive]> zlib chit[/COLOR]
[B]Copy/paste/modify/enter any of the following lines in the CLI to edit settings:[/B]
zlib chit.character.avatar = true
zlib chit.character.customtitle = true
zlib chit.character.title = true
zlib chit.checkversion = true
zlib chit.disable = false
zlib chit.effects.classicons = none
zlib chit.effects.layout = buffs,intrinsics
zlib chit.effects.modicons = false
zlib chit.effects.showicons = true
zlib chit.effects.usermap = false
zlib chit.familiar.hats = spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
zlib chit.familiar.pants = spangly mariachi pants, frilly skirt, double-ice britches, BRICKO pants, pin-stripe slacks
zlib chit.familiar.protect = false
zlib chit.familiar.showlock = false
zlib chit.familiar.weapons = time sword,velcro broadsword,velcro paddleball
zlib chit.floor.layout = toolbar
zlib chit.helpers.dancecard = true
zlib chit.helpers.semirare = true
zlib chit.helpers.wormwood = mainstat5,stats5
zlib chit.kol.coolimages = true
zlib chit.quests.hide = true
zlib chit.roof.layout = character,stats,familiar,effects
zlib chit.stats.layout = muscle,myst,moxie|spleen,stomach,liver|hp,mp,axel|mcd
zlib chit.stats.showbars = true
zlib chit.toolbar.layout = quests,helpers,modifiers,trail
zlib chit.toolbar.moods = bonus
zlib chit.walls.layout =
[COLOR=gray](If no values were shown, no settings or values matched your input text. Type "zlib vars" to see all.)[/COLOR]