Character Info Toolbox

I do separate songs, but I don't think I'd separate facial expressions if it was offered. They're a lot simpler since you can only have one, and the effects seem a lot less powerful/economic than songs.
Then I hope that at least it doesn't bother you. I kinda think that this script already has too many options and I don't want to add another one.

I'm seriously thinking about making it less configurable. Thinking, not acting.
It would be very interesting for me to learn. If anyone would lend their personal commentary, it would interest me. For instance, does anyone actually turn off their stats or display mainstat only?
I think I can put it best like this:
chit.character.avatar	true
chit.character.title	false
chit.checkversion	false
chit.disable	false
chit.effects.classicons	at
chit.effects.layout	songs,buffs,intrinsics
chit.effects.modicons	true
chit.effects.showicons	true
chit.effects.usermap	false
chit.effects.wrapCookie	false
chit.familiar.hats	spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
chit.familiar.pants	Greatest American Pants,Pantsgiving,spangly mariachi pants
chit.familiar.protect	true
chit.familiar.showlock	false
chit.familiar.weapons	time sword
chit.floor.layout	helpers
chit.helpers.dancecard	true
chit.helpers.semirare	true
chit.helpers.wormwood	stats,rewards
chit.kol.coolimages	true
chit.quests.hide	false
chit.roof.layout	character,stats,familiar,trail,florist
chit.stats.layout	muscle,hp|myst,MP|moxie|mcd,axel
chit.stats.showbars	false
chit.toolbar.layout	quests,modifiers,elements,organs,substats,mood
chit.toolbar.moods	true
chit.walls.layout	effects
I touched as much as affected me. I still have some tweaking I want to do. Heck I do some tweaking depending on my mood. Some stuff I haven't touched because I have no need, like the time sword (no hand). Some stuff I haven't because I haven't gotten my hands on it yet. Others, I was satisfied with their default.

The biggest issue with options is access. A relay setup that let you drag and drop your bricks where you want would be powerful for people.
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Currently my charpane shows that I've 4/4 spheres while I have in fact found 1. It appears that the preferences used by chit are not in the default preferences any more (if they ever were) and I can't find any scripts that I have that automatically sets those preferences, only reads them (like SS and BatBrain). Is there a missing Mafia feature here?
Hidden City spheres ?
You want to check for the following to be >= 7 (7 is sphere found, 8 is sphere placed)
Before the revamp there were 4 settings that got set when you identified the sphere I believe named lastStoneSphere plus the item-ID for the specific sphere. Since they got removed form default but was never reset they are still at the same value I had when I did that quest the last time before the revamp.

But ok, CHIT needs to be updated then :)
Yes, the tracker brick was ckb's baby, but I should get around to updating that for him unless he posts soon saying he'll do it.

I was just thinking about how all these revamps will likely need some tracker revamping as well.
I might have some time to do some runs and re-learn how this game works again and make some updates. Help is welcome, but I for sure get to it (eventually) if you are infinitely patient. :)

Time and opportunity coincided.

The Hidden City portion of the quest tracker has been updated to describe all the portions of the revamped quest. It's rather awesomely helpful now. So many different things to keep track of, but now it's all there at a glance.
Then, in the next 2 days you can get around to looking at what I did and deciding if you want to improve it.
I haven't been playing for a while and just came back. This SVN upped, and now I'm seeing

Invalid field name 'expression' (charpane.ash, line 726)

Anyone know what might be going on?


I haven't been playing for a while and just came back. This SVN upped, and now I'm seeing
Anyone know what might be going on?

Your mafia is old, get the latest build.

Question: Where is the documentation for customizing it? The first page says it's there, but I can't figure out which file it's in. Or I can't find it because Notepad has no line breaks when viewing them, I'm not sure which.