Character Info Toolbox


It's not referenced by ChIT, so it doesn't really matter. I suspect he had a vars editing accident. Or maybe he was editing ChIT to add a new feature of his own creation?


The charpane gap between the walls and roof is something I experience in intervals. Sometimes, there will be a gap, and then the next adventure, that gap will either shrink or vanish. I'll see if I can get a cap of it when it happens, cause I'm doing a lot of auto adventuring at the mo'.


If you could start in your familiar box somewhere, perhaps somewhere in the text that gives the type of familiar and select from there, past the blank spot, until the word "Effects" is also highlighted. Right-click on the selected text somewhere and click "View selection source", FF should open a window in which a portion of html will be highlighted.
<a title="Familiar Haiku" class="hand" onclick="fam(92)" origin-level="third-party">Disembodied Hand</a></td><td class="icon"><a class="chit_launcher" rel="chit_pickerfam" href="#"><img title="time sword" src="/images/itemimages/timesword.gif"></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="progress" title="27 / 35"><div class="progressbar" style="width:77.14285714285714%"></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div style="bottom: 32px; top: 497px;" id="chit_walls" class="chit_chamber"><center id="rollover" class="tiny" style="color: red; cursor: pointer;" onclick="doc("maintenance");"></center><table id="chit_effects" class="chit_brick nospace"><thead><tr><th colspan="4">Effects</th>
About that extra setting in my var-file, I know I haven't put it there - it might be a remnant from the early days of chit?

Something weird I just noticed is that when I open the inspection tool (ctrl+shift+i on my computer) the gap disappears... Odd :p


About that extra setting in my var-file, I know I haven't put it there - it might be a remnant from the early days of chit?

Thats possible! I discovered ChIT just before Chez stopped work on it, so I missed any experiments he might have made with the semi-rare brick.


Yeah... I was along since slightly before he made it public, so there's a fair chance that is indeed the case. Anyway, I suppose it doesn't matter if the setting is in my file, as long as chit doesn't reference it?


Active member
Well, I'm stumped at the moment. Often the browser will add html that isn't in the actual page source but is revealed by a "View selection source". I have a personal Greasemonkey script which adds spoilers & links and things to KoL pages which mafia doesn't already provide me, and I ran into this issue just the other day when adding some spoiler info to the new castle page.

Something about adding the rollover timer html has caused ereinion's browser to give the page more height than it "should" have.

I have tried everything I can think of to reproduce the problem. I used ereinions chit settings. I added the add-on toolbar to the bottom of my window and put ad-block plus into it. (Although, the screenshots reveal something which appears to be below adblock plus, which I could not identify.) I tried every version of the topmenu: links, icons, menus (which, interestingly, changes the frameset, although you have to refresh the window to see the change. The icons menu, which arguably takes the most space, allows the charpane more height, while the menus & links topmenus actually extend the topmenu frame across the top of the charpane.) And I am totally unable to reproduce this.

Until this can be reproduced, or someone more clever than I comes along, I don't see a solution to this.
Last edited:


Active member
Looking at that last html more closely, I see that chit is opening the div for walls, but not closing it. Did you have walls enabled and your effects in the walls when you posted that ereinion ?


Looking at that last html more closely, I see that chit is opening the div for walls, but not closing it. Did you have walls enabled and your effects in the walls when you posted that ereinion ?

Isn't that just because he didn't copy/paste any more of it?


Active member
Yes it is. I should have just deleted that. He must have had the walls enabled else the walls div would have been added after the roof (with effects). I realized this after consulting charpane.ash, but then I got distracted with other things.


Yeah, when I don't have anything in the walls the problem doesn't appear, so it's not really something that will bother me normally. And even if I decide to change my setup it seems I can remove the problem for the session by opening that inspection tool :p
Ok I installed everything in the right directories but nothing is working. I did a zlib vars and not of the vars are listed. Can someone help me?
Ok I am still having trouble I added the following vars to my vars_txranger:

chit.roof.layout character,stats,familiar, trail
chit.walls.layout helpers,effects
chit.toolbar.layout quests,modifiers
chit.character.avatar false
chit.stats.layout mainstat,moxie,myst,muscle|hp,mp|mcd
chit.helpers.semirare true
chit.effects.showicons false
chit.effects.layout buffs,intrinsics
chit.toolbar.moods true
chit.stats.showbars true

When I do a zlib vars this is what I get

zlib autoBasement_break_on_combat = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_element = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_floor = 500
zlib autoBasement_break_on_hp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_level = 100
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mox = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mp_amount = 12000
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mus = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_mys = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_reward = false
zlib autoBasement_break_on_stat = false
zlib autoBasement_combat_equipment = navel ring of navel gazing
zlib autoBasement_combat_stat = Muscle
zlib autoBasement_get_familiar_drops = false
zlib autoBasement_max_potion_price = 2000
zlib autoBasement_simulate_first = false
zlib autoBasement_use_absolute_potions = false
zlib autoBasement_use_Disembodied_Hand = true
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer = false
zlib autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer_amount = 1000
zlib autoBasement_use_percentage_potions = true
zlib automcd = true
zlib BaleCC_ImprovePoolSkills = false
zlib BaleCC_SellSemirare = false
zlib BaleCC_SemirareWindowContinue = false
zlib BaleCC_SrInHC = false
zlib BaleCC_useDanceCards = true
zlib BaleOCD_Ascension = 84
zlib BaleOCD_DataFile = txranger
zlib BaleOCD_EmptyCloset = -1
zlib BaleOCD_EmptyHangks = 0
zlib BaleOCD_MallDangerously = false
zlib BaleOCD_MallMulti =
zlib BaleOCD_MultiMessage = Mall multi dump
zlib BaleOCD_Pricing = max
zlib BaleOCD_RemoveOutfit = -1
zlib BaleOCD_Sim = false
zlib BaleOCD_Stock = 0
zlib BaleOCD_StockFile = txranger
zlib BaleOCD_UseMallMulti = false
zlib BatMan_baseSubstatValue = 5.0
zlib BatMan_profitforstasis = 15.0
zlib cameraPutty = false
zlib chibiParent_allowAdventuring = true
zlib chibiParent_allowBalancing = true
zlib chibiParent_allowDynamicBounds = true
zlib chibiParent_childName =
zlib chibiParent_distanceTillAdventure = 2
zlib chibiParent_haveChat = false
zlib chibiParent_irresponsible = false
zlib chibiParent_pause = 5
zlib chibiParent_respawnChild = true
zlib defaultoutfit = current
zlib eatdrink_accordionGet = false
zlib eatdrink_accurateMake = true
zlib eatdrink_ate_choco = April 4:0
zlib eatdrink_ate_fancy = April 4:0
zlib eatdrink_ate_vitac = April 4:0
zlib eatdrink_autosellWhileRonin = false
zlib eatdrink_avoid_booze-soaked_cherry = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_giant_marshmallow = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_gin-soaked_blotter_paper = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_sponge_cake = true
zlib eatdrink_avoid_wet_stew = true
zlib eatdrink_budget = 20000
zlib eatdrink_considerCostWhenOwned = true
zlib eatdrink_costOfPull = 3000
zlib eatdrink_fav_pr0n_chow_mein = true
zlib eatdrink_fav_rockin'_wagon = true
zlib eatdrink_fav_twinkly_wad = true
zlib eatdrink_favUse = false
zlib eatdrink_getBartender = 30000
zlib eatdrink_getChef = 5000
zlib eatdrink_gloriousLunch = true
zlib eatdrink_loopCount = 3
zlib eatdrink_make = true
zlib eatdrink_maxAge = 2.0
zlib eatdrink_minimumAverage = 1.0
zlib eatdrink_minimumQuality = 0
zlib eatdrink_noNoodles = false
zlib eatdrink_ode = true
zlib eatdrink_pause = 3
zlib eatdrink_piePriority = true
zlib eatdrink_priceFlexibility = 1.25
zlib eatdrink_priceOfNontradeables = 999999999
zlib eatdrink_priceOfQuestItems = 999999999
zlib eatdrink_priceOfUnknowns = 999999999
zlib eatdrink_simConsume = true
zlib eatdrink_simLevel = 0
zlib eatdrink_simRonin = false
zlib eatdrink_stepMeat = -1
zlib eatdrink_suppressNoMilk = false
zlib eatdrink_suppressOverdrink = true
zlib eatdrink_valueOfNonPrimeStat = 2
zlib eatdrink_valueOfPrimeStat = 10
zlib flyereverything = true
zlib ftf_grin = Procrastination Giant
zlib ftf_olfact = Blooper, Dairy Goat, Shaky Clown, Zombie Waltzers, Goth Giant, Knott Yeti, Hellion, Violent Fungus
zlib ftf_yellow = Knob Goblin Harem Girl
zlib har_bountyhunt = true
zlib har_bountyhunting_fam = Pair of Stomping Boots
zlib har_bountyhunting_famequip = Mayflower bouquet
zlib har_bountyhunting_mood = buffs
zlib har_bountyhunting_outfit = meatfarm
zlib har_bountyhunting_putty = true
zlib har_duckhunt = true
zlib har_duckhunting_fam = Pair of Stomping Boots
zlib har_duckhunting_famequip = Mayflower bouquet
zlib har_duckhunting_mood = buffs
zlib har_duckhunting_outfit = meatfarm
zlib har_duckhunting_putty = true
zlib har_farm = true
zlib har_farming_disco_combos = true
zlib har_farming_fam = Mutant Cactus Bud
zlib har_farming_famequip = sugar shield
zlib har_farming_location = Giant's Castle
zlib har_farming_mood = buffs
zlib har_farming_olfacted_monster = none
zlib har_farming_outfit = meatfarm
zlib har_farming_putty_olfacted = false
zlib har_farming_sea_hat = none
zlib har_gen_bbs =
zlib har_gen_budget = 100000
zlib har_gen_buy_recordings = false
zlib har_gen_ccs = default
zlib har_gen_completed_setup = true
zlib har_gen_concert_effect = none
zlib har_gen_consume_script =
zlib har_gen_defaultocd = false
zlib har_gen_demon_to_summon = none
zlib har_gen_dosemirares = true
zlib har_gen_finish_up_script =
zlib har_gen_friar_blessing = booze
zlib har_gen_hatter_buff = none
zlib har_gen_pool_style = aggressive
zlib har_gen_postconsumption_script =
zlib har_gen_preconsumption_script =
zlib har_gen_sugarshields = true
zlib har_gen_verbosity = 3
zlib har_puttyfarm = false
zlib har_puttyfarming_fam = none
zlib har_puttyfarming_famequip = none
zlib har_puttyfarming_mood =
zlib har_puttyfarming_outfit =
zlib har_rollover_outfit = Rollover
zlib is_100_run = none
zlib nemesis_autobuy_LTS =
zlib nemesis_farm = true
zlib nemesis_farm_CCS =
zlib nemesis_farm_familiar = none
zlib nemesis_farm_location = Giant's Castle
zlib nemesis_farm_mood =
zlib nemesis_farm_outfit =
zlib puttybountiesupto = 19
zlib spaaace_escortmanually = false
zlib spaaace_othergoal = none
zlib spaaace_useitems = true
zlib threshold = 4
zlib unknown_ml = 170
zlib verbosity = 3
zlib WHAM_AlwaysContinue = false
zlib WHAM_happymediumglow =
zlib WHAM_hitchance = 0.5
zlib WHAM_maxround = 30
zlib WHAM_noitemsplease = false
zlib WHAM_round_limit = 15
zlib WHAM_safetymargin = 0
(If no values were shown, no settings or values matched your input text. Type "zlib vars" to see all.)

I have all the 0.8 stuff in the directories below:

/data - chit_effects
/relay - chit.js, chit.css, charpane.ash
/images/relayimages - chit

Am I missing a command or something?