bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

I think it's checking for the wrong nemesis-quest TT familiar. The hatchling is called "untamable turtle" ... I have one in inventory but it's not showing up on my snapshot.
His site's been back up for some time (a day? two?). Is it the same error message as listed above, or is it different?
I just noticed that the No Seals Tattoo is missing from everyone's profile!

There appears to be another interesting problem about now in that http://bumcheekcity.com/ does not seem to respond. Neither to the script, to Firefox, Pings not tracert. The last to gives the wonderful error of "Unable to resolve target system name"...
There appears to be another interesting problem about now in that http://bumcheekcity.com/ does not seem to respond. Neither to the script, to Firefox, Pings not tracert. The last to gives the wonderful error of "Unable to resolve target system name"...
It is responding for me just fine (a few hours after your post). I hesitate to suggest this to someone who knows enough to try ping and tracert to diagnose a failure to answer, but the "Unable to resolve..." message suggests the domain name service (DNS) being used might have a problem. DNS is normally provided by your ISP unless you have configured your system to get the information from somewhere else.
It is responding for me just fine (a few hours after your post). I hesitate to suggest this to someone who knows enough to try ping and tracert to diagnose a failure to answer, but the "Unable to resolve..." message suggests the domain name service (DNS) being used might have a problem. DNS is normally provided by your ISP unless you have configured your system to get the information from somewhere else.

The tracert and ping still does not show anything, but surprisingly enough Firefox just served up the page. It is very possible that my the firewall at work has been tweaked for some stupid reason to block it, even though i can't for my life come up with a good reason for that.

Oh well, th script just updated perfectly so I'm just going to put that down to a temporary error (even though the DNS still does not want to resolve the site name for a tracert).
The tracert and ping still does not show anything, but surprisingly enough Firefox just served up the page. It is very possible that my the firewall at work has been tweaked for some stupid reason to block it, even though i can't for my life come up with a good reason for that.
The firewall and nanny software at my work tend to block pings and tracerts. The justification is along the lines that normal users doing authorized work don't need the functionality. Keeping it off the network reduces usage and eliminates the possibility of various attacks on the network such as a ping flood or the "ping of death".
Nah,it's still being really strange. It obviously communicates with the server, but after that nothing shows up...

http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=nymall (I tried again today and nothing)

http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=fronobulax just worked for me (except for the fact that the nanny software on this network is blocking the images from kingdomofloathing). Perhaps the problem has something to do with generating the snapshot on March 3 (works) rather than March 5 (your page with no content).

Tangentially I get a couple of strings like "You have found of these discoveries.". I'd prefer to see "You have found 0 of these discoveries." if that is not too difficult. Admittedly, never-ascended characters are an edge case.
I'm sorry... I feel like an idiot... I figured out what I was trying wrong. I was adding section numbers to the public section order slot...
Another suggestion. In the hobo items section, I think Frosty's arm should show green if you have the staff of the deepest freeze.
Well, you could show that section in yellow to demonstrate that he had the arm even though it isn't an arm anymore...
Another suggestion. In the hobo items section, I think Frosty's arm should show green if you have the staff of the deepest freeze.
As a collection completist, Frosty's Arm and the Staff of the Deepest Freeze are two distinct items for me and the fact that I have one does not make me any less anxious to obtain the other ;)