bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker


Active member
Fixed those that don't have the same name like the knights, I need to get the facts for the others off the wiki to distinguish.


In case it helps, these ones aren't being recognised for me. Have included the image name and text of first factoid.

In addition, something strange appears to be happening with Slime Tube. For me it shows just one entry, at 0 (though I have all Slime Tube factoids), with a total of 3/6.

Oh, and El Vibrato has 12 sets of factoids, 6 when not wearing translator, 6 when using translator (though one set of those is bugged and identical in both forms - acknowledged as a bug by Gemelli).

Slime Tube monster	noart.gif	The Slime Tube is not intended as a giant double-entendre. Come on man, don't be gross.
Hobelf	elfhobo1.gif	The proper plural is Hobelfs, not Hobelves.
X-dimensional horror	dimhorror.gif	This particular horror is a little more horrifying than the colour out of space, but not as unpleasant as the odor out of time.
knight	wolfknight.gif	If it weren't for the knight's crippling addiction to dreams and lights potions, he would probably be a baron by now.
knight	snaknight.gif	From the symbol on his shield, it seems likely that this knight was from House Alethino, who were famous for their chivalry, and for swallowing their food whole.
Next-generation Frat Boy	emofrat.gif	The first frosted tips occurred by accident, when a frat boy was suspended above a tub of industrial bleach and forced to drink until his hair grew half an inch.
[somebody else's butt]	butt.gif	The fax machine was originally invented as a diagnosis tool for proctologists, so that patients could be examined by specialists without having to travel to another hospital. It is only recently that these machines have been used for business purposes.
remains of a jilted mistress	mistress.gif	In life, the jilted mistress was quite the looker. Now she's more of a disemboweler.
Trippy Floating Head	monahead.gif	Some professional chemical enthusiasts believe the enigmatic smile means "I'm secretly a gender-swapped self-portrait."
Trippy Floating Head	kasemhead.gif	If you think the giant floating head is weird, just wait'll you see the talking dog
Trippy Floating Head	tarkinhead.gif	This particular trippy floating head's title is Grand Moff. We're not sure if there are other ranks of Moff, or if that's just an insulting nickname.
guard turtle	frenchturtle.gif	Guard turtles with red shells walk back and forth, but guard turtles with green shells can only walk in straight lines.
Neptune, the Dog that Is a Respected Equal and Not a Pet cast member	mc_respect1.gif	Being a suit-wearing mascot is a terrible job, but honestly it could be worse -- you could have to stand out in the hot sun spinning a plywood sign around as well.
Susie Soyburger cast member	mc_soy1.gif	The Suzie Soyburger costume weighs 80 pounds and heats up to internal temperatures of 110 degrees. But hey, at least it teaches people to avoid animal cruelty!
Timmy Tofurkey cast member	mc_tofu1.gif	Magic Commune employees are forbidden to take off their costumes in front of guests, even if they feel nauseated or if their chakras become unaligned.
Novia Cadáver	novia.gif	Though many have asked, nobody ever found out who her superman was.
Novio Cadáver	novio.gif	The Novio wears a quantum bowtie, that is sometimes a clip-on and sometimes a real tie. It's a real pain in the neck to put the thing on, no pun intended.
Padre Cadáver	elpriest.gif	The Padre didn't believe in ghosts when he was alive, and he just barely believes in them now that he is one.
Persona Inocente Cadáver	bystander.gif	In life, this man's name actually was "Persona Inocente". His parents were kind of strange
panicking Knott Yeti	yeti.gif	Knott Yetis don't panic easily, but when they do, they panic thoroughly.
angry piñata	pinata.gif	The most popular candy for filling a piñata is the jellybean, because of its colorful confetti-like qualities. Less popular are red licorice whips, and sausages.
C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. Operative	carnivore.gif	C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. operatives are morally opposed to keeping pets, so they just release the animals they save into the nearest comparable habitat. That's why there's a laundry room in the frat house that's full of ducks.
(shadow opponent)	30.gif	Look, the shadow opponent is basically a negative-matter version of yourself. Do you need a bunch of fun facts about the opposite of you, or can you extrapolate 'em yourself?
Brutus, the toga-clad lout	togafrat.gif	The toga party was invented by a frat boy who thought it might be somewhat easier to get sorority girls between the sheets, if they were already wearing the sheets in question.
Pr Imp	primp.gif	The Pr Imp uses a combination of styling gel, succubus guano, and the tears of the damned to get his hair to stay perfect.
one-eyed Gnoll	gnollpatch.gif	The one-eyed gnoll gave his eye to gain wisdom and the ability to see the future. Just kidding. He lost it in a poker game.
mimic	barrel.gif	Mimic eggs greatly resemble gold coins. When newly-hatched, the larva are flat and leathery, and look like lost wallets.
mimic	barrel.gif	The least pleasant part of being a barrel-mimicing mimic is when someone fills you full of wine.
mimic	barrel.gif	The only thing a mimic can't mimic is another mimic mimicking a mime!

Note - This isn't exhaustive, as I still have zero entries for 49 monsters


New member
I think the script is failing to notice the SGEEA martini discovery. I know I've discovered it and it hasn't shown up on my page after multiple tries. Also, none of the people on the leaderboards have it. Maybe the name is too long?


New member
Dunno if that's the problem for SGEEA martini. It should be all lowercase though. Fettucini épines Inconnu could be the same thing I guess.

Also, these are completely missing, not just failing to be marked green:

misc - things made from skeleton, bubblin' crude, and papier-mâché glob
meat pasting - blessed large box
cocktail - carrot claret
cook - carrot cake, papier-mâché glob


Active member
I'm not making any additions or changes to any of the discoveries and consumptions for the moment. I'll amend the manuel stuff above after work today.


Actually, Rad Libs is missing too. But I haven't pursued those on the bug reports page, since I don't have them and would rather not see 'em. :p
Last edited:


"Also, if you want the quantity of each war medal you have to be displayed, enter the digit "1" in the relevant box."

The profile setup says this and taunts me.
I enter '1' and go to section 5 of my profile, and look - and I do not see the quantity of my war medals.
What am I doing wrong?


Okay, I know this has probably been covered before, but I made an error whilst tweaking my profile, and now, even with a newly reset password, cannot seem to undo the mistake I made.

As you may see at http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=wertperch there's a lot of stuff not showing up. I know what I did (mistakenly putting commas in rather than just spaces) but I have tried everything I can see to try and fix it, without success.

Even when I try and change it using my new password, I still get an error, and to add insult to injury, am told that I used the wrong password.

Does anyone have any idea how to correct this? I am baffled.


Staff member
Determining if a person has Pen Pal and/or GamePro subscription is a bit tricky. You need at least 2 things for the Eudora tab to be accessible (account.php?tab=correspondence). If you have none of them, the Correspondence tab won't be available in messages. If you have exactly 1 of them, you can check the Correspondence message section to see which one is available, as long as the person hasn't deleted all of those messages. If those messages are deleted, it is impossible to tell which one they have.


Nothing yet. There may be later though, but so far nothing to add. I say give it another day.

Unless he means from the Game Magazine, in which case the answer is 5 monsters :
Video Game Minion (weak)
Video Game Minion (moderate)
Video Game Minion (strong)
Video Game Miniboss
Video Game Boss