I arrived at the tower with 15 adv left and some 4 spare pulls. I was missing pygmy pigment and a !potion which I pulled.
Just looking through the log to see where I intervened. So......
Turn 1 clovered for a big rock and made R&R legend.
Turn 2 buffed hebo weight and red-rayed for L2. I used suckerpunch to set the juju mask.
L4 - I clovered for 2 sonars. Ran loads of +items in bean bat chamber for the bean and 3rd sonar.
L5 - I pulled harem outfit to save a few adv. I don't agree with getting the harem outfit as well as the KGE outfit by the way. One or other is fine

L9 - If I have time, I'll probably putty the ascii art and do the chasm by hand for the extra scrolls.
L10 - I jumped in and used GRAMP runaways while waiting for the castle wheel
Digital key - I'm guessing you expect us to eat digital pies? I adventured manually in 8-bit realm. It doesn't take long and means I can eat better on day 3.
L11 - I did the LFM manually using putty.
L12 - I had to take over for the nuns as the script refused to wear the frat war outfit. (I have reported this on Sourceforge)
Levelling to 10 and 12, I pulled clovers which were used nicely by the script.
Is this the sort of information you were looking for? I could suggest some optimisations but I know the script should work for low skill characters so these probably would be tough to implement. (Running more ML and using noodlebutt). I have the sandworm set to default familiar but I now see that the script uses spleeners as necessary so I may try a run with the BBB as default.
For me the truly amazing thing is that I got to keep my facsimile dictionary!