bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

It's a hardcore script, so none of the SC pulls would be built in. I'm sure that would be a new level of complexity, and I'd defer to BCC to whether he ever intends to include stuff like that.
What recently happened to Winterbay (being sent to the Noob cave despite assurances to the contrary) just happened to me, as well. Appears to happen only in the Hidden City, only for Myst classes, and only immediately before/after sub-boss fights or finding altars/temple.
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Anyone else having problems with the unusual characters of this spell:

case $skill[Käsesoßesturm] :
				return (16*bPer + 0.20*myst*bPer + min(15, bAbs) + bElm)*isWeak($element[stench]);

Mafia won't even run:

> call scripts/bumcheekascend v0.23.ash

Bad skill value: "K‰sesoflesturm" (bumcheekascend v0.23.ash, line 687)
And please, differentiate between mafia not running, and the script not running. Those are two VERY different things. :)
What recently happened to Winterbay (being sent to the Noob cave despite assurances to the contrary) just happened to me, as well. Appears to happen only in the Hidden City, only for Myst classes, and only immediately before/after sub-boss fights or finding altars/temple.

This should be logged on the sourceforge and I'll get to it.
I'm doing a myst ascension, and the automation is stopping after running into a monster that it wants me to use a yellow ray against. (It took me a moment to figure out that was the reason it was stopping.)

[830] Wartime Frat House
Encounter: Frat Warrior drill sergeant
Round 0: lordderby wins initiative!
> BCC: We are using the hebo against the right monster.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

The same thing happened to me for Racecar Bob, as well.
I'm doing a myst ascension, and the automation is stopping after running into a monster that it wants me to use a yellow ray against. (It took me a moment to figure out that was the reason it was stopping.)

For what it's worth, I'm getting any number of "Click here to continue in the relay browser" aborts. I've seen it happen a number of times in the junkyard with the combat filter, but also in my fax+arrow consult script. I was trying to get a better repro case before filing it as a KoLmafia bug, but I wanted to mention here that it's not just due to the HeBo combat filter.
The problem I had was that the part going soemthing like:
if(my_hp() < 100)
   return skill lasagna bandages
never worked and it sometimes stopped.
For what it's worth, I'm getting any number of "Click here to continue in the relay browser" aborts. I've seen it happen a number of times in the junkyard with the combat filter, but also in my fax+arrow consult script. I was trying to get a better repro case before filing it as a KoLmafia bug, but I wanted to mention here that it's not just due to the HeBo combat filter.

Yes, I generally haven't bothered using the script for myst ascensions, because it so frequently will not script combat. This was the first time that I could clearly identify the reason it was stopping.
It probably started about a week ago at most.

(Randomly, do you foresee any point in the near future that you'll get less busy and have more time [or interest?] to keep pushing this script forward?)
I feel like i saw a list before, but can't seem to find it right now. I was wondering what skills are most usefull right now for making the myst runs easier for the script to run. I think it might be cool to have an over all list too, perhaps in the first post.
It probably started about a week ago at most.

(Randomly, do you foresee any point in the near future that you'll get less busy and have more time [or interest?] to keep pushing this script forward?)

I am slowly picking it back up again. I realised that it was not the best idea, only playing on bumcheekcity with all my stuff and skills, and I've decided to test on a character without a lot of that stuff. I'd like the script to be slightly better for low-skill characters and move into Bad Moon as a "next stage". I personally feel happy with leaving some of the bugs in Myst ascensions to focus on that.

But, now that I come to think about it, this is the kind of thing I may as well ask about. This script IS continuing, I am still interested, and will keep pushing it forward. Where would people like to see it go?

- Iron out myst ascensions. I would suspect that this recent "play in the relay browser" error may be a mafia change, as there's clearly been no change to the script.
- Move into making the script better for low-skill and Bad Moon.
- Move into making the script better for softcore.
- ???

And in answer to funny_snake_100, for Myst, you'll be wanting mainly fusilli, flavor of magic and cannon. Those three spells will go a long way, actually.
But, now that I come to think about it, this is the kind of thing I may as well ask about. This script IS continuing, I am still interested, and will keep pushing it forward. Where would people like to see it go?

Speaking personally, my goal would to be able to call this script (or a script that uses this script) once per day and have it be able to complete a hardcore ascension for any class in five days without any user interaction. So, in that sense, I care mostly about automating what's not automated and fixing bugs.

Also, I'm probably going to try to write better telescope handling soon (hopefully as a patch) and once this event is over, I'll probably give muscle and myst ascensions a try.
Yeah, my wish goal for the script would be to tweak it until it can do consistent 5 day HC ascensions* (when you have sufficient skills). Its just so convenient to be able to continue to progress your character without burning out from trying to do consistent back to back to back to back ascensions all the time.

I think a big thing for that would be incorporating ML, Bug bear use, smarter back farming with ML ect. I did my last two myst runs manually, and was able to run Urkles, Bug Bare, and MCD pretty consistently.

Whether or not SC is worth it probably comes down to what day count you can pull off (3-4 day?). But with all the toys there are to play with in SC... why not SC manually at that point, or just continue to HC perm skills when your not doing a SC run if its not that much faster.

To the myst perm list for quality of life question...

I actually found it easy to pick up the relevant spells in run. Spell damage ends up being the biggest issue which is Flavor of magic, and the SS level related one. though with the new IoTM and the day 2 +20 spell damage one hander... The same passives from before with HP and MP are still relevant. There's also a little more emphisis on Init, even more so with the change to the quest. There's not much else you wouldn't already get for the other classes, and eventually get the spells starting from highest to lowest.

I'll update the post that was just linked with the myst suggestions.
I'd be happy if I could do a 6 day ascension in any class. I collect pork elf goodie sacks, so I simply cannot start out with the expected 2,500 Meat. Playing by hand, I can end up at Level 6 on Day 1, but it can take quite a long time to be able to afford a detuned radio. 20 turns, due to pure RNG screwage, last run. And I suppose remembering to make and equip a sugar shirt would help me level - but I easily forget simple things like that. :-/

I have 17 ascensions to go before I finish my HCP goals - and they will require every single character class. Right now, I do a run when I feel I can spend a couple hours a day for 5 or 6 days in a row, followed by possibly weeks in aftercore before I feel I have time to try again.

I'd like to try this script. Can I run day 1, managing my own meat and leveling, and then hand over control?

(Although, shit: I KNOW I'm not optimal, but I also tend to do the Nemesis quest in run. I build up to chasing away my Nemesis in the Cave by level 8 or so, and then at the beginning of level 10, I defeat him there, which means that as soon as I hit L11 and have a reason to go to the Poop Deck, I can open the Volcanic Island - and I defeat him there at L11 and enjoy the epic weapon and such for the rest of the run. And I like to get a Wossname. That's why I am happy to finish NS + Nemesis + Wossname at L13 in 6 days. :))
The script is surprisingly resilient to starting up at later levels. If you do a lot of things before you start it it will set the things you have done as done when first run and continue from there. There are a few things that aren't detected but they do not matter for the execution of the rest of the script (like if you do guild challenge 1 before you run it, it will never catch up on that but it does challenege 2 anyway so not a problem).