Hey guys, first I have a question about the bcasc_RunSCasHC setting. I can not find where it is changed. I have looked in the relay settings and in settings and in data. Not sure if it is currently not being called or if I am just terrible at finding it.
Second, I would like to share my code for the new desert temple. There are a few minior issues with it but it should work mostly alright. Here is what I have currently and the issues it faces.
Oh, and I warn you I am very new to this kind of thing and don't really code in a normal setting so sorry if it sucks.
Link to .ash file:
I have tested it with SC character and it only ran into one problem that I noticed....
When I find the gnome the first time, I get an encounter and I am not 100% sure how to properly handle it.
I added:
"if (get_property("lastEncounter") == "A Sietch in Time")
visit_url("choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=805&option=1 &choiceform1=Whoops.");
Not sure if this is the correct way to do it. When I got the gnome KoLmafia gave me this warning:
[1841] The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
Encounter: A Sietch in Time
A Sietch in Time
Unsupported choice adventure #805
choice 1: Whoops.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
But it didn't get stuck like the last time I tested it. Instead it kept going through the steps (bought a killing jar next and finished up the quest). However, when I went to relay browser that choice was the first thing it popped up. So I don't know what happened.
The other two minor issues are....
1. I think it would be faster for people to skip the killing jar if they can not buy/pull it. So it might be best to comment that out.
2. I have not tested the very bottom part, the "if (i_a("worm-riding manual page") == 15) {" etc section. I think it should work fine. However, it would probably be faster to skip using the drum machine if your exploration is higher than say 85%-90%. It I don't think there is currently a good way to check the current exploration but the KoLMafia devs are working on implementing that along with other things regarding the area. Anyways, I hope this helps some what
