bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


You combat action was probably set to "attack with weapon", and it was Mafia preventing the script from adventuring because trying to fight nighstands by auto-attacking with 131 moxie is suicidal.
Yeah, I've seen this for exactly the reason slyz says. My low skilled peeps have to wait until level 9 before going to the bedroom so they can cleesh nightstands.


Active member
Yes, but the if your battle action is set to "attack with weapon" Mafia ignores that the script is trying to use a combat filter that says to run away (I think at least) meaning that unless you set the battle action to "try to run away" (which I don't think the script does, haven't looked that much into it) or have a CCS set Mafia will try to prevent you from going there and get yourself killed.


New member
That fixed my issue, I just wanted to stop in and thank Hippo King for getting back to me. Everyone here has always been very helpful.


Few things, as a regular HC runner with a Green Pixie & Crimbo Pressie-
Please put Crimbo as the second item in http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/maps/bcs_fam_hipster.txt (if you're going to volleyball, might as well volleyball with bonuses if you can).
In the same regard, adding the following- at line 848-
847         return true;
 848     } else if have_familiar($familiar[Crimbo]){
 849         use_familiar($familiar[Crimbo]);
 850       else {

And for Green pixie, I was looking at it and green pixie/ wormwood is a bit more convoluted over the other spleen familiar I believe. But Bale's CounterCheck works well for wormwood, perhaps something could be done there for auto-wormwooding for not-a-pipe's? I already use it (and hopefully other pixie-ers do too), so all your script will have to do to make use of it is use a bottle of absinthe every so often. Let me know if you need help testing it out, as I'll gladly take a shot at it.

Similar spleen regard, auto-pulv might be something to consider. Maybe even auto-prismatic wad if the user has rainbow's graviation (probably per a preference or 2 of course).

Sorry if I'm coming off as demanding, just started a new ascension and started giving this script a run and I'm seeing a few spots due to IOTMs that could be improved.


Active member
The hipster is literally JUST for the hipster. I threw the volleyball and fairy in there just so it doesn't bitch if you don't have one. It's only ever used for the hidden temple. Otherwise, a default familiar option is coming in 0.21.

I've considered swapping in a pixie every now and then, but on the basis of its marginal benefit, I'm not going to automate levelling or not-pipes or anything. I'm also not using familiars that attack because of the small number of times when that would be really annoying.

I'm not sure about auto-pulv, as I've long stated I'm never adding eating/drinking to this, but how would I decide what the user wants to and does not want to pulverise?


About pulverize, there is the Junk list. The player can just click Cleanup and it will autosell and pulverize and use the coin purses etc.


Ohh I just found why the script stop at lvl5 when going to kill the Knob King!
I got the 1k meat oven early this run to see if I could be preemptive, but the script still got stuck. When setting "require in-a-boxen" to false in the Item Manager the script proceeded with creating the knob cake!

However, instead of then going to pwn the King, it decided to go get the Dinghy, which I do not have enough Meat for (2.5k needed, I have 1.7k) and the script stop with:
BCC: We have not completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: Getting plans.
Conditions list cleared.
Unable to check shore progress. I recommend you make the Dinghy manually.


Active member
Yeah, that will be fixed in 0.21 I think. It sort of reserved the shields for the spanglerack and if you don't have one...


Active member
The current logic states that unless you have a hatrack AND a spangly sombrero (which when combined forms the wondeful entity that is the Spanglerack) there are no circumstances under which the script will use your sugar shields.


Active member
So, there were/are two conceptual bugs here?
1) reserving the shield for a familiar that can't use it
2) reserving the shield for that familiar even if you don't have it (the familiar)


So, there were/are two conceptual bugs here?
1) reserving the shield for a familiar that can't use it
2) reserving the shield for that familiar even if you don't have it (the familiar)
3) reserving the shield for spanglerack even if I am a class other than AT which means I cannot get the spangly sombrero (not to mention, why even have that logic in there at all if the script dont even get close to doing the Nemesis quests?)
Newest version not available for download

Hi! I encountered the bug in which bumcheekascend.ash tries to force casting of Magical Mojomuscular Melody. The closed bug report at sourceforge.net says this was fixed in version 0.21, but that file is not available. I don't know how to fix this, was just trying to use it for the first time. :(