and it would only cast them if you had them, else it would simply silently continue. Has this behaviour changed?
Wel, the mood is no problem. The issue is that I do have Moxious Madigral Hardcore Permed but if the script do not cast Madigral, it will never be cast and maintained / rebuffed.
Also, this is probably a Mafia bug but, I just ran out of the Madigral buff. it is set in the Mood to "When I row low on the Mxoious Madigral, cast 1 Moxious Madigral" and I have even made sure that the setting to maintain the Mood during manual adventuring is set in case that is how Mafia see scripts. Still, mafia allowed Moxious Madigral to run out and not be rebuffed. I had to stop the script and rebuff it myself.
Having it run out made me get wtpwned by the Archfiends at the Friars.
EDIT1: Starting the script today I thought I might as well keep an eye on it, consdering it wanted to get 3 more Sonic bisquits, but all went well and it went for the Boss Bat and killed it.
This time, it He-Boulder:ed the Harem and got all the items but made no attempt for the King. Last run the King was alive the wholw ascension so I'll keep an eye on it (if I can remember) and see when and if it go back to kill the king.
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage [8bit].
I thought I'd go back and check the CLI before closing Mafia for the day, and good thing that.
The CLI list is not long enough for me to find when it set [knobking] to completed, but a manual check show that the King is very much alive.
What I do know is that it did Yellow Ray the Harem to get all the pieces, then went for the shore to get the Dingy and then the 8-bit realm for the key. When I restarted the script because my Madigral buff ran out it said the King was completed.
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [tavern].
The Council claim I have not completed the Tavern quest, but the faucet have been closed. Manually talking to Bart Ender completed the quest and gave me the three Typical Tavern swill. After the Faucet is closed, set the script to talk to Bart Ender before tagging the quest as completed.