BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

I updated BeachComberFix to verify sand castle data.
It handles tiles when it sees 6399,3,1) is a 'common' tile.
It handles sand castles when it sees 2 squares in beach 6399 contain a sand castle
That program scraped my logs and determrined that I'd seen 172 beaches with sand castles.

I figured out how castles work

There are ten words.
Each word has its own stretch of beaches, separated by 11, 33, or 55 minutes, denoting dot, dash, end of letter.
The last letter of a word does not have an end of letter.
Instead, a gap greater than 55 means that the next word starts at the new beach.

For reference, here is the set of castles mapping to words:

EVERY   (9375) 9364 (9309) 9298-9287-9276-9243 (9188) 9177 (9122) 9111-9078-9067 (9012) 8979*-8968-8935-8902
TWENTY  (8482) 8449 (8394) 8383-8350-8317 (8362*) 8251 (8196) 8163-8152 (8097) 8064 (8009) 7976-7965-7932-7899
SECOND  (7479) 7468-7457-7466 (7391) 7380 (7325) 7292-7281-7248-7237 (7182) 7149-7116-7083 (7028) 6995-6984 (6929) 6896-6885-6874
LETTER  (6454) 6443-6410-6399-6388 (6333) 6322 (6267) 6234 (6179) 6146 (6091) 6080 (6025) 6014-5981-5970
OF      (5550) 5517-5484-5451 (5396) 5385-5374-5341-5530
THE     (4910*) 4877* (4822) 4811-4800-4789-4778 (4723) 4712
BOTTLE  (4292) 4259-4248-4237-4226 (4171) 4138-4105*-4072* (4017) 3984 (3929) 3896 (3841) 3830-3797-3786-3775 (3720) 3709
MESSAGE (3289) 3256-3223 (3168) 3157 (3102) 3091-3080-3069 (3014) 3003-2992-2981 (2926) 2915-2882 (2827) 2794-2761-2750 (2695 2684
LOOPED  (2264) 2253-2220-2209-2198 (2143) 2110-2077-2044 (1989) 1956-1923-1890 (1835) 1824-1791-1758-1747 (1692) 1681 (1626) 1593-1582-1571
THRICE  (1151*) 1118* (1063) 1052-1041-1030-1019 (964) 953-920-909 (854) 843-832 (777) 744-733-700-689 (634) 623
Numbers in parenthesis are either the start of a new word or are a letter break.
Solo numbers or numbers separated by a dash are morse code for a single letter
Numbers with a * are sand castles I have not seen - 8 out of the required 180.
I hope to pick them up by and by, but they must exist; when I generate the beach sequence using the 10 specified word start beaches, I get something which encodes the input message as expected.

And when I insert those 8 messages into the sand castle beaches I have seen, it generates the exact same message.

> BeachComberCastles

There are 180 beaches with sand castles
There are 180 castles encoding the puzzle hint

I encoded the message using the rules I described and decoded it - and got the identical message.
I decoded the sand castles I've seen (+8 other specific ones) - and got the same message.

I still hope to see the last 8 sand castles, by and by, but I believe sand castle spading is done.
Revision 23 merges in all the sand castle stuff and also the data for another full traversal of the beach.

It's going a lot faster, now that I am (usually) finding either nothing new or at most one previously unknown twinkle.
I suspect what I am finding is uncommons on "rare" beaches that have been visited multiple times per day by combo users.
I am also making progress "verifying" rares, but that is slow going - for the same reason.

My main will be starting her series of smol runs, soon, and will not be trying to verify rare tiles, except in aftercore, before diving back into the next run. The multis have nothing better but traverse the whole beach, every 5 or 6 days, picking up the last unknown uncommons - and discovering new rares.

Beaches with uncommon tiles: 9892

I bet that all 10,000 beaches have uncommons - but see above comment.

> BeachComber data

Unvisited twinkle tiles: 0
Known rare tiles: 849
Erroneous rare tiles: 0
New rare tiles: 18
Verified rare tiles: 186
Not previously verified rare tiles: 0
Known uncommon tiles: 44745
New uncommon tiles: 0
Known sand castle beaches: 180
New sand castle beaches: 0
Last minutes down the beach spaded: 748

Beaches with rare tiles: 823
Beaches with verified rare tiles: 184
Beaches with uncommon tiles: 9892
Beaches with sand castles: 180
Beaches with unvisited twinkles: 0
My main has been looking for "rare unverified twinkles" - visit known "rare" tiles that we have not successfully visited before and, whether or not the rare tile is uncombed, visit any other "twinkle" in that section of the beach that we have not successfully visited before. Considering that combo (or BeachComber) will settle for a twinkle if the rare is already combed, those sections of the beach tend to be all rough sand or combed sand, so it's difficult to either verify a rare tile or discover a new uncommon tile.

A couple of days ago, a tile was added to tiles.rare.errors.json - which contains tiles that are in the list of "known" rares, but when we saw it as a twinkle and visited it, it turned out to be an uncommon.

> Looking for rare tile at (4569,6,2)

[38796] Wandering 4569 minutes down the beach
Encounter: Comb the Beach (4569 minutes down the beach)
> 6 squares in beach 4569 contain combed sand
> 83 squares in beach 4569 contain rough sand
> 1 squares in beach 4569 contain rough sand with a twinkle
> 170 rare tiles have already been verified
> 334 unverified rare tiles are candidates for combing
> Combing the square at coordinates (4569,6,9) which contains rough sand with a twinkle
Combing square 6,9 (4569 minutes down the beach)
You acquire an item: dull fish scale
> 170 rare tiles have already been verified
> 333 unverified rare tiles are candidates for combing
> (4569,6,9) is an 'uncommon' tile.

This section of the beach supposedly has two rare tiles on it.
We went looking for one of them, but noticed that, although that one was combed, the other was a twinkle.
We combed it and discovered it was an uncommon tile.
We recorded the error in tiles.rare.errors.jso, but didn't say anything special in the log.

1) We should explicitly log that this was a rare "error" event.
2) It's probably not necessary to log the "already been verified" and "candidates for combing", although it makes it explicit that we are on a "verified" hunt - and it's satisfying to see verified go up and candidates go down. (candidates also goes down if we expected/hoped for a twinkle (or rough, if you don't have TwinkleVision™) and see a combed tile.
Oh hey, I didn't realize you were already doing this too.

I started on approx the 2nd of Sep.

So I wrote my own script from scratch and the goal of that was to be self sustaining with it sitting in 2crs for a cheap diet.
It's written as a standalone nodejs script which is half janky as it was made to work, not to be seen.

I did some minor work prior to that to just look at how often rares are resetting exactly, by refreshing every minute on a known rare spot.
I haven't looked at the data recently, but normal sand resets after 2-4 hours as known, but will reset 2-4 hours exactly after being combed. So it'll reset at 5:55 if you combed it at 2:55.

Similar to you, I didn't entirely trust the rare tiles list and we also know there's spots being kept secret. I'm skipping the known spots to focus instead on undiscovered and hoarded areas, though my overall goal is to generate a dataset telling us exactly what each tile is. My personal aim is to make beach combing as boring as possible by manipulating it with a crowdrun script that puts everyone not using said script; at a distinct disadvantage because we know where each rare is, when it should reset and communicate on when we comb it and what areas to comb.

So instead of checking known rares about 10 times a day, we'd check it at least 50 times a day at the least because we're skipping the ones that definitely are not ready.

That is a dream though, with the goal to try force TPTB to randomize beach tiles because of how much we'll make it suck.

Now I'll admit that I didn't fully examine your dataset so I'll do a brief writeup on how mine works.

In each minute I'm storing every tile, from the normal sand to the sparkles. Its effectively the same as the mafia state. Then I store the results of my combs (debugging purposes), the timestamps of combed tiles (so that as I progress it builds a dataset on tiles that haven't reset.)

So if a tile should have reset but I'm finding it combed, it's either being hogged or is a rare tile. I have 319 of those tiles already that has been over 2 weeks and multiple visits, but didn't reset.

It visits new beach areas when there's no rows covered, otherwise it tries to examine unknown sparkles or visit combs that should have reset by now. So even if someone successfully hides a bunch of rares, I'll still ultimately be made aware that this area has an abnormal amount of visits. I have a list of 52 of those areas already, which I can say is likely hiding a bunch of rares. More areas could be candidates, but with less confidence.

It's very recursive, the focus is mostly on discovering hoarded combs.

I expect someone abusing multis could hoard rares easily, or constantly comb a few random areas to obscure the data. I expect if it became obvious then we could get TPTB to investigate, it should be easy enough to track abnormal amounts of combs.

9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    SAND: 231560
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 4026
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    UNKNOWN_SPARKLE: 5830
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    COMBED: 2720
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    HEAD: 4
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    CASTLE: 78
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    RARE_SPARKLE: 2
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    We have data on 24.42% of total tiles, we know exactly what 96.5% of the tiles we have are, with 2720 being combed, and thus suspicious. We have 5830 sparkles to test that we know. We have 319 dodgy tiles that have been consistantly combed, but may just be RNG. And 52 really dodgy beaches..
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    Dodgy areas: 1, 4, 15, 16, 19, 24, 34, 49, 57, 74, 75, 79, 89, 100, 127, 134, 135, 149, 152, 160, 184, 196, 200, 204, 215, 220, 235, 271, 280, 286, 301, 320, 323, 325, 356, 393, 395, 396, 404, 410, 431, 438, 439, 465, 483, 500, 525, 528, 571, 580, 585, 615
9/23/2023, 12:00:09 PM    1695427210    We've visited 2655 of 10k beaches (26.55%), and of all visited beaches we have fully uncovered the secret of 54 (2.03%) of them. 8869 (88.69%) of beaches need to be revisited when there are no waves

Given the different approaches in code and data storage, and that I explicitly want to store each minute with every single tile. I'm not sure the two projects are mutually compatible. I'm also using a slightly different format for the tiles than mafia uses, in that it's using different characters. Which is somewhat annoying at times. I'm also using a giant json file, which I need to optimize.

My own project aims on recursively checking tiles, constantly rechecking to build datasets instead of focusing on exploring unless its a 0 rows covered day. I'm also pretty sure my weights on minutes to checked is bugged in some way but it's helpful in building a list of tiles that should've been reset so idm really.

I wouldn't say my approach is better than yours. The only notable differences would be that it's standalone, which results in possible performant gains. But slower as I'm not optimizing file storage.

It's also using a hardcoded diet and tiny daily activities (ode), and although it does support multiple accounts, it'd have to be setup the exact same way in 2crs.

Although adding another account or two to my combing would be a good idea, ascending multis is a pain and using more than one account feels like I'm asking for trouble.

I'm also trying to build up the dataset myself without crowdsourcing it, so unless you wanted to look at my own raw data, I don't feel a need to github it. I don't feel like it'd assist much as you've been running this for far longer than I have, and with more than a single account. And I recursively check areas; aka burn turns.

Also, a consideration is if someone is acting in bad faith and the data is public, then when they know we found their rare; They could just focus on other rares by hitting them more often. Multi abusing would make it pretty much impossible for us to find stuff over a decent timeline.

As far I have two rares, one would be completely unknown as it is at the first row. The other was definitely being hoarded. I intend to make a PR to combo at some point, just don't care to add only 1-2 rares at a time.

Anyways, my final closing thought is that we should be able to find a lot of potentially hoarded rares with the simple fact that I believe they're combing every sparkle in that area. So as a method to quickly narrow this down, you'd visit an area twice. The first to see what's combed, the second a week or two later to see if it's still being combed and wasn't just a one-off.

Possibly could be an opt-in for combo to check those areas to poke for rares.

If we're looking for unknown rares, then visiting the first few rows that are normally covered is where I believe they'd be found. There's probably only a few rares that are not automatically hoarded.
To clarify, I think my current efforts is probably mostly treading your ground. But I already got my setup automated, so :D
Whoah. I just got up. Need coffee. I just skimmed your note, but will study in more detail, soon.

There are 10,000 beaches with 100 tiles per - 1,000,000 total, with from 0-4 rows underwater at any given time.
That's a lot of data to save - especially with timestamps!
But you could potentially discover how long it takes to regenerate a tile after its been combed.

My focus as well, has been to discover hoarded tiles.

I have 5 multis which are simply visiting the beaches from left to right. It takes that small "army" about 5 days to go through all 10,000 beaches and comb not-yet-visited twinkles. My main has been going only to not-previously-verified rare tiles from combo's rare list.

Results as of today:

Uncommon twinkles: 45,402
Verified rares from combo: 199
Erroneous rares from combo: 1

Previously unknown (hoarded) rares: 23.
Rows: 1:3 2:1 3:0 4:3 5:0 6:3 7:4 8:5 9:1 10:3
Most of those are rows that are always visible.

I wonder when combed tiles regenerate? If it's at rollover, then bad-faith hoarders can simply run turns right then and check their private tiles.
The Wiki indicates that tiles regenerate over a variable period of days. If so, KoL knows when each tile was combed and decides when each regenerates, and they might be regenerating at random times throughout the day - in which case there'd be no advantage in combing right after rollover; anybody combing any time during the day would have a chance of seeing a freshly regenerated tile.

I hope it is that way.

More later, after coffee. Thanks for sharing!
Because I had some power cuts, this isn't as reliable as I like. I didn't auto restart the bot. But firstly, tiles are not reset at rollover.
I also believe that waves don't reset them, though I never verified it.

The uncommon sparkles are confirmed to have reset on the minute mark. I didn't test for the exact second, not sure it matters either.
I observe the ranges where it resets from combed to sparkles as

Sand: 1 to 4 hours

Uncommon: 94 to 165 hours.
3 days 22 hours to 6 days, 21 hours

The rares tiles however, because of mentioned power cuts I'm not sure on the accuracy of these. Of the three rares I saw reset, only one of them was on the minute. And I'm sure I had power cuts between them, and don't care to investigate further.
The only thing I'm 100% confident on is that the 419 range is accurate. The lower bound could be smaller than 212.

Rare: 212 to 419 hours
8 days, 20 hours to 17 days, 11 hours

This was done on beach minute 3136 and looking at the claimed time period (12 to 21) for rares, I can't help but doubt if we're actually getting true rares.

Row 10,9 reset after 15 days, 10 hoursish
Row 7,2 reset after exactly 17 days, 11 hours. So it's a definite rare.
Row 8,4 reset after 8 days, 20ish hours.

I think combo needs an update to log if it's a false rare. I think in the above three rares, two of them may be fake and there's only one rare. With the two fake ones being combed while the bot was offline.
If you see rough sand but not a twinkle, it is a common - assuming you can see twinkles.

KoLmafia doesn’t actually have a setting to record that. I’ll add one and set it to true if you visit Grandpa and ask for the right story.

I was planning on making my script require twinkle sight for spading, but not necessarily for just rare harvesting.
If you see rough sand but not a twinkle, it is a common - assuming you can see twinkles.

KoLmafia doesn’t actually have a setting to record that. I’ll add one and set it to true if you visit Grandpa and ask for the right story.

I was planning on making my script require twinkle sight for spading, but not necessarily for just rare harvesting.

I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

When I say "sand" I mean sand that doesn't have a twinkle.
The common & rare does.

And yeah, I see twinkles in my script and I don't assume there's more to twinkles or not than is known. I use the twinkles to identify comb targets.
You (and combo?) assume that you have asked Grandpa about hierfal. You only have to do it once, ever, in order to see twinkles. It’s simple to do - if you have ever freed Grandpa in The Sea - but until you have done it once, you don’t see twinkles.

All I am saying is that doing that - once - is a requirement for your script - and also combo - if you want “rough sand” to mean “false rare”.

My question was, is that currently an explicit requirement for combo? As coded, it currently takes “non combed” for a “known” rare as “good enough to comb”.

You are adding “false rare detection”, but adding a requirement.

I also have that on my to do list for this script.
You (and combo?) assume that you have asked Grandpa about hierfal. You only have to do it once, ever, in order to see twinkles. It’s simple to do - if you have ever freed Grandpa in The Sea - but until you have done it once, you don’t see twinkles.

All I am saying is that doing that - once - is a requirement for your script - and also combo - if you want “rough sand” to mean “false rare”.

My question was, is that currently an explicit requirement for combo? As coded, it currently takes “non combed” for a “known” rare as “good enough to comb”.

You are adding “false rare detection”, but adding a requirement.

I also have that on my to do list for this script.
Oh! I see what you mean, yeah. That does sound somewhat important..
I'll mark it as a draft for now, detection of the state should be as simple as listening to grandpa, or detecting a twinkle on the beach.
I'll leave the PR as a draft until we get that sorted.
Yeah, let me know if you're interested in making that mafia pr otherwise I'll eventually do it in the next week or so when I'm feeling inspired.

I feel like this should be pretty simple, and easy to make tests for.

The grandpa text always triggers and isn't special the first time. So getting html is not hard once you get access to him.

And the beach itself, we can just check for the existence of twinkles when we're parsing it. I don't think there should be a need for more than two html files and one test for each.

Feels disarmingly simple really.
Pretty much what you called for, eh? ;)

In any case r27617 has the "hasTwinkleVision" property, which is set when you ask Grandpa about hierfal or when you see a twinkle on the beach.
Revision 24 has two things:

1) If you have TwinkleVision™, we'll detect "false rares", just like Irrat added to combo: if we visit a beach, expecting to find a rare tile and it is "rough sand", we'll mark that as an error in the rares data.
2) More uncommons and verified rares after two more complete passes over the beach.
I'm up to 25% verification of the imported "rare" tiles database.
Since I started this project I've combed lots and lofts of pieces of driftwood, 4 whales, 11 cursed pirate items, and 8 messages in bottles.

> BeachComber data

Unvisited twinkle tiles: 0
Known rare tiles: 849
Erroneous rare tiles: 1
New rare tiles: 24
Verified rare tiles: 216
Not previously verified rare tiles: 0
Known uncommon tiles: 46228
New uncommon tiles: 0
Known sand castle beaches: 180
New sand castle beaches: 0
Last minutes down the beach spaded: 994

Beaches with rare tiles: 828
Beaches with verified rare tiles: 213
Beaches with uncommon tiles: 9911
Beaches with sand castles: 180
Beaches with unvisited twinkles: 0
I was away from KoL - and KoLmafia - for more than 2 weeks recently. I was going to make a new release before I left, but it was an emergency, and I did not have time. I'm back now, so, time to release all my newly discovered rare tile data.

I adapted BeachComber to be a spading tool and started using it on August 15, 2023.

I started with combo's list of rare tiles.

My spading has discovered 43 previously unknown rare tiles.
Irrat's spading discovered 14 - including 2 from my list.

We also discovered errors on combo's list: supposed rare tiles which were actually not rare.

There are currently 902 "known" rare tiles.
My spading has verified 335 of those.

That leaves 567 tiles yet to be verified.

In three months, I have verified 37% of the known rares (including tiles that I personally discovered).

The horde of combo users is interfering with my spading. Stop it! ;)

1) Current results, published in release #25:

> BeachComber data

Known rare tiles: 902
Locally discovered rare tiles: 43
Erroneous rare tiles: 1

Verified rare tiles: 335
Newly verified rare tiles: 0
Total: 335

Known uncommon tiles: 47635
New uncommon tiles: 0
Total: 47635

Known sand castle beaches: 180
New sand castle beaches: 0

Unvisited twinkle tiles: 3
Last minutes down the beach spaded: 9142

Beaches with rare tiles: 858
Beaches with verified rare tiles: 328
Beaches with uncommon tiles: 9929
Beaches with sand castles: 180
Beaches with unvisited twinkles: 3

Note that I have now released all my newly discovered rare tiles. I had delayed it because I didn't want to lose my running total of discoveries: Locally discovered rares and errors.

I solved it by not clearing and tiles.rare.errors.json when I merge. I'll just keep adding to them, which will not interfere with subsequent merges, since it only adds new tiles.

2) When I started tracking sand castles, I generated the expected beaches that have them by starting with the expected message from the Wiki and deriving which castles were needed to generate each word. There are 180 beaches with castles. Initially, even after multiple passes over the beach, I was missing half a dozen of them. After many more complete passes, I have now seen all 180 sand castle beaches - and no extras. I don't know why they weren't all showing up. Were people combing them? Or were the only castles on those beaches washed by tides?

> BeachComberFix 20230815

Beaches processed

sand castles: 180

I declare my sand castle spading effort to be complete. data/beach/beaches.castle.json contains all 180 beaches.

3) I find it curious that "Beaches with uncommon tiles" is only 9929. With 100 tiles per beach, surely every beach should have at least 1 uncommon tile?

My assumption is that the missing uncommons are on beaches with rares - and that when they are visited for the purpose of combing the rare, if it has not regenerated, the uncommons get combed instead.

I wrote a program to crunch the dats:

> BeachComberUtilities

71 beaches have no known uncommons.
7 beaches with no uncommons have a verified rare tile.
2 beaches with no uncommons have an unverified rare tile.
62 beaches with no uncommons have no known rare tile.

I wonder if those 62 beaches have hoarded rares?

I will add a "uncommons" filter parameter and my character who is devoting her turns trying to verify the rare list will use "uncommons unverified twinkles" to try to flush them out.

4) I also intend to improve the results.json structure.

I want the json object to hold 3 other objects - "rare", "uncommon", "common" - containing counts and Meat and items.

I want a "results" directory which hold the results for each character, and results.json will continue to be the total of all characters, as currently.

Perhaps I am the only one spading with multiple characters, so it will be moot for you.
I need to read the old data, update, and write the new data.
When I tried file_to_buffer, it aborted if the file did not exist.
When I do buffer_to_file, it creates a new file with no problem.
I need to look into this.

I'll update BeachComberFix to generate the per-character results from your session logs, by and by.
Ah yep.

I think you're using terms that I don't fully understand myself. So I'll just post what my scraper outputted for today

Rows hidden by waves: 2, rollover will expose a row
Turns Spent: 599
Tiles combed: 75
Combs wasted: 524

Sand: 943,924
Uncommon Sparkle: 45,501
Unknown tiles: 10,004
Combed: 3,489
Unknown tiles not on rare beach: 3,112
Mystery Sparkle: 985
Castle: 498
Rare Sparkle: 61
Head: 11
Whale: 1

Beaches viewable uncombed: 8733
Beaches fully spaded: 7994
Tiles fully spaded: 99%
Dodgy Beaches: 100
Dodgy Tiles: 1920
Rares beaches exclusions: 752
Rares tiles exclusions: 25900
Beaches with concealed rows: 553
Beaches needing spading: 1203
Total Rares found: 62
Known Rares found: 26
New Rares found: 36
Exposed Beaches Needing Spading: 891
Exposed Beaches Broken Spading: 0

So basically I have 8k beaches fully spaded, 2k beaches needing spading.
Coming the 0 rows hidden in a few days, I'm interested to see how fast that number drops.
You can see that I've marked 100 beaches as almost definitely hoarded rares.

But total rares found: 62 - My script has combed that many
Known Rares Found: 26 - This was already in combo
New Rares Found: 36 - This wasn't in combo

Exposed beaches... - Added for debugging cos my script was being weird

Anyways, the only beaches that need spading now are really just those with hoarded tiles. So every run it's finding new rares and doubtlessly throwing off someone's profit margins.
I intend to push only the rares on fully spaded beaches to combo in a few days, that so it doesn't make it harder to figure out the rest of the combs on that beach because it's now fighting against the hoarders + combo.

Also, this

Put the attached file into your "data" directory as "meteorite.html" and type the following command:

test showhtml meteorite.html

I found one of these a couple years ago when I was visiting 11 (free) random beaches per day.
Today, I found it when I was spading by simply visiting the next 400 or so beaches in order.
I found a rare - known but unverified - and combed it.


So I parsed your data and compared it to mine.

Irrat has COMBED but Vera has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 1674
Irrat has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE but Vera has nothing: 1066
Irrat has COMBED but Vera has RARE_SPARKLE: 846
Matched RARE_SPARKLE: 48
Irrat has RARE_SPARKLE but Vera has nothing: 30
Irrat has MYSTERY_SPARKLE but Vera has RARE_SPARKLE: 7
Irrat has WHALE but Vera has RARE_SPARKLE: 1
Irrat has SAND but Vera has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 1

It appears you have a mistake in your data.

  { "minute": 9077, "row": 10, "column": 4 },

Preference _beachMinutes changed from 0 to 9077
Preference _beachLayout    changed from to    2:rrrrrrrrcr,3:rrrrrrrrrt,4:rrrrrrrrrr,5:rrrrrrrrrr,6:rrrrrrrrrr,7:rrrrrrrrrr,8:rrrrrrrrrt,9:rrrtrrrrrr,10:rtrrrtrrrc

Did you want me to make a PR to add any new tiles to your lists?
Edit: Also, I'm not going to be adding any tiles to combo if I don't know the entire beach