BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

(9063,3,7) is a rare?

> BeachComberUtilities combed verbose

Loading rare tile data...
Loading verified rare tile data...
Loading uncommon tile data...
Loading common tile data...
Loading beach head data...
Loading sand castle data...
Loading combed tile data...
Done loading tile data
There is 1 unknown combed tile on 1 beach.

That is, literally, the only tile I have only seen as "combed" which is not in combo's raretiles.json.

By the way - once I have seen all "combed" tiles, I will update my data files to make columns run from 1-10, rather than 0-9.
I sort of understand why combo did that - the _beachLayout property lists rows from 1-10, but then gives a 10-character string for each row - and the character index in the string runs from 0-9 - but that's a computer-readability thing, not a sensible human-readable notation.
Funny. So 1001 rare tiles.
We could have a false rare, but frankly it should've been found by now and I'm assuming you've have mentioned it if you found it.

As Rinn said in discord, 1001 is similar enough to 11
Funny enough of a number, 1002 and 999 is just weird.

I have 198 rares to verify, no other tiles remaining.

1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Sand: 949,500
1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Uncommon Sparkle: 48,976
1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Rare Sparkle: 803
1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Castle: 512
1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Unknown tiles: 198
1/24/2024, 11:50:36 AM  1706050236      Head: 11
I added that "combed" tile to tiles.rare.json (which now has 1001 entries) and removed it from tiles.combed.json (which now has 0 entries).
I therefore removed detection of new combed tiles; the only remaining ones are simply unverified rares.
I changed "spade all" to go after unverified rares rather than "combed" - and stop after it has looked at all of them.
I also removed "combed" and "uncommon" from BeachComberUtilities, since they are no longer useful.

Iterating over 10,000 beaches, 10 rows, 10 columns

Total rares = 1001
(Unverified rares = 377)
Total uncommons = 48976
Total commons = 949500
Total beach heads = 11
Total sand castles = 512
Total: 1000000

You have 198 unverified rares and I have 377 of them. Other than that, aside from terminology, we are in agreement.

I guess I am gradually removing "spading" features. Once I have personally seen all 1,000,000 tiles, MY spading will be done.
I'll adjust the data format to be more human (rather than machine) readable, and tiles.{rare,uncommon,common,head,castle}.json will be the ground truth for every tile on the beach.

And BeachComber will simply be functionally equivalent to a more efficient version of combo. :)
Revision 37 adds another 51 verified rares. It also publishes tiles.combed.json, which contains the remaining 332 unverified rares.
BeachComber spade all will visit only beaches with unverified rares that are not washed by the tides.

Next revision:

- I'll be simplifying the format of the various files to be much more compact and, presumably, much faster to load.
- I'll also be generating a tiles.txt data file which has a million lines keyed 1-1000000 and a single string - rare, uncommon, common, head, castle, combed. "combed" is assumed to be "rare", but is not yet verified (by me). That will readable by file_to_map().

Total rares = 1001
(Unverified rares = 332)
Total uncommons = 48976
Total commons = 949500
Total beach heads = 11
Total sand castles = 512
Total combed = 332
Total: 1000000


Accumulating tidal data for 10 rows


Here we go. It could be improved and definitely could have the source tiles and whatnot included and compiled into said packed version..
But there's only so much effort its worth.
I'm currently on like, 52 rares left to verify. But I just marked every unverified tile as a rare for the built file.