Revision 13 does the following:
1) Save sand castles in tiles.castle.json and
This is for fun; sand castles were part of a puzzle which has been solved, but why not preserve their locations, for posterity?
To my surprise, there were far fewer than I expected. Perhaps people have been combing them? One would hope they would regenerate.
2) Released "verified" tiles are now in tile.rare.verified.json
When you encounter a rare tile, it either goes into (if its not in combo's data) or tiles.rare.seen.json (if it is.)
(Hmm. I shouldn't bother with that, if it is in the new verified list.)
3) "BeachComber prune" will remove "released" tiles from "new" tiles for the following lists:
tiles.rare.json ->
tiles.rare.verified.json -> tiles.rare.seen.json
tiles.castle.json ->
tiles.uncommon.json ->
After doing so, the following files are suitable for submission as user-spaded data
I can take those files into my own "beach" directory and do "BeachComber merge" to add them to the files that I release.
I'm up to 61 known "verified" rare tiles - and 3 "new" rare tiles.
I am holding off on releasing those until I feel I'm more-or-less done and ready to submit them to combo.
That's because once I merge into tiles.rare.json, as coded, the "merge" command clears out the .new file - and I think that is the file that combo will want: just the new tiles, rather than all 800+ existing tiles and the others intermingled.
1) Don't add a tile to tiles.rare.seen.json if it is already in tiles.rare.verified.json
2) Add a new "unverified" keyword to make spading & verifying known rares more efficient: rather than picking from all known rares, pick from unverified. (If you run out, you can go to verified ones and maybe get lucky - or, at least, spade some more uncommons.)
> BeachComber data
Unvisited twinkle tiles: 0
Known rare tiles: 849
Erroneous rare tiles: 0
New rare tiles: 3
Verified rare tiles: 61
Not previously verified rare tiles: 0
Known uncommon tiles: 20272
New uncommon tiles: 0
Known sand castles: 37
New sand castles: 0
Last minutes down the beach spaded: 6037
Beaches with rare tiles: 809
Beaches with uncommon tiles: 5782
Beaches with sand castles: 12
Beaches with unvisited twinkles: 0