OMGZ0r it's update 11!1!11!!! Er,
This update focuses on Batfellow. While I still wouldn't attempt to automate Batfellow at present, anyone playing as Batfellow using Batman RE will have accurate information at hand now (i.e. mousing over the monster's attack will tell you how much damage the monster will deal to you). The damage of punches and kicks is now set correctly.* We've added all the monster attacks, correctly reduced by your appropriate Bat-stat (such as Bat-Bulletproofing for ranged weapons, Bat-Stench Resistance for stench attacks, and so forth). We also account for the weapon being wielded by mooks and criminals. It seems that
my feature request was pretty niche and unlikely to ever be on anyone's radar, so although I would still appreciate the
attack_element field being set for those monsters, the rest has been handled in-script.
Also, now that mafia tracks your Bag o' Tricks usage, we have removed BatBrain's now-redundant code for tracking that.
Cool Enhancement to SimpleSmack
For anyone using SimpleSmack -- the sample consult script in the first post that I've included as an example of how to code consult scripts using BatBrain, which is also the consult script I use for
everything -- I've uploaded an update. It adds an example custom sort called
decimate_action(), which will find your best attack option that
almost kills the monster. I've also added code to use this action versus slimes in the Convention Hall, followed by the G?-gone, so it should be possible to automate the slimes now no matter which skills you have available without changing your CCS.
Enjoy, everyone!
* While the multiplier and modifier are accounted for correctly, the damage for punches and kicks is increased by the amount of times you've used the opposite skill, rather than the amount of times you've switched between them. In practice, however, this leads to BatBrain preferring alternation, which means the incorrectness won't show up unless you manually punch twice in a row, for example, after which BatBrain would incorrectly think your punch still deals 5 (or 10) and your kick now deals 7 (or 14).