Looks like BatBrain may have been running more than once on the same page text. I've just changed it to a method that -- if your properties are set beforehand correctly -- won't care how many times it checks a given page. If your properties aren't set, it'll keep adding 1, even if that means overshooting.
Also, coandco's New-You 2 script has brought to light a conflict that can occur where you may have multiple attraction targets in a single zone. You may even be on a bounty hunt in a zone that also has your New-You quest monster, with a different monster set to be automatically olfacted in your
BatMan_attract setting! In that case, which one takes priority? I see three options:
1) Print a red message (without aborting) letting you know you have multiple valid attraction targets in your current zone. Attentive users can then adjust the configuration as they like, or leave things as they are and end up olfacting the first one that comes along (current behavior). Upside: we don't presume to make that important decision for you. Downside: inattentive users may end up olfacting the wrong monster, significantly extending a quest (odds are, the quest they wanted prioritized).
b) Prioritizing your New-You quest monster. If your quest properties are set (which at present, must be deliberate) and you're adventuring in the quest zone, chances are high you will save more turns by olfacting the quest monster than you would another monster in the zone. Upside: always speeds up the quest you're
probably on. Downside: users who don't care strongly about completing the New-You quest (probably anyone who already has the skill) may set the properties as part of logging in, with the idea that they may be able to opportunistically complete the quest as they go about their regular day, but still prefer that SS olfact the monster they have specified.
III) Not olfacting
any monsters until only one target remains. Olfacting one target will drastically reduce the likelihood of encountering the second target, so wait until there's only one monster to attract. Upside: fastest multiple-quest completion. Downside: we don't know when the reason for olfacting your non-New-You quest target is satisfied, so there will
always be multiple targets until the New-You quest is done.
BatMan_attract setting looks like this at present:
dairy goat, Knott Yeti, violent fungus, dirty old lihc, unemployed knob goblin, giant man-eating shark, desperate gold farmer, mutated alielephant, pine bat, Mer-kin monitor, Skinflute, writing desk, Mob Penguin entrepreneur, angry tourist, anesthesiologist bugbear, creepy eye-stalk tentacle monster, angry mushroom guy, gamblin' man, possessed wine rack, endless winter, pygmy shaman, tomb rat
(Incidentally, it looks like I can remove several of those now.) But the rest of them either speed up quests or maximize my item/meat results in a zone. In the latter case I'd prefer if the New-You monster were Olfacted instead, but in the former case I'd prefer if
no monster were olfacted, so that I could accomplish both goals at once. After completing either quest, I'd olfact the remaining monster.
This all makes me lean towards option III, but it would require adding conditionals for specific monsters in SS, i.e. only olfacting dairy goats if you need the quest cheese. Some feedback from the community would be most helpful in figuring out what to do here: which monsters do you regularly olfact, and why?
For me:
- dairy goat: quest cheese
- violent fungus: amino acids for quest
- dirty old lihc: faster Evil reduction
- unemployed knob goblin: beer lenses
- giant man-eating shark: more harmless than other monsters in zone
- writing desk: speed up quest completion
- anesthesiologist bugbear: speed up clearing the Medbay
- creepy eye-stalk tentacle monster: speed up getting the bugbear communicator badge
- angry mushroom guy: speed up Nemesis quest
- possessed wine rack: speed up getting the bottle of Chateau de Vinegar
- pygmy shaman: hopefully get Thrice-Cursed before the first choiceadv
- tomb rat: speed up getting tomb ratchets for finding Ed
- desperate gold farmer: maximize gold piece drops
- gamblin' man: maximize Chroner from playing cards
- mutated alielephant: maximize lunar isotope drops
- Mer-kin monitor: maximize cheatsheets
- Skinflute: maximize star/line drops
- angry tourist: maximize meat drops