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  1. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates() behaviour has changed since r25982

    Confirming fixed in r26054 and later. Thanks for the super fast fix @heeheehee (y)
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates() behaviour has changed since r25982

    In Cobb's Knob Treasury I'd banished the accountant & MBA using Snokebomb & Louder than bomb on consecutive turns. Having played no turns since (so both banishers have their full duration still applied) In r25982 > ash get_property("lastAdventure").to_location().appearance_rates(false)...
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed beGregariousFightsLeft is decremented when encountering other sources of the beGregariousMonster

    use 1 envyfish egg Preference envyfishMonster changed from Knob Goblin Embezzler to Preference _envyfishEggUsed changed from false to true Preference lastAdventure changed from Noob Cave to None [718439] envyfish egg Preference lastEncounter changed from crate to Knob Goblin Embezzler...
  4. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Crimbo 2021

    Items from the advent calendar -------------------- 10806 bread man 340392384 breadman.gif food t 0 bread man 1 1 crappy 0 0 0 0 Unspaded # Item bread man -------------------- -------------------- 10807 plain candy cane 694467495 candychalk.gif...
  5. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Protonic pack ghosts are no-copy
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Protonic pack ghosts are no-copy

    I had a quick look before I posted this but I couldn't find where it's stored (I looked in src/data/monsters.txt as it looks like src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/persistence/ gets the data from that file). I also don't have a Java dev environment to build & test my changes first.
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Protonic pack ghosts are no-copy

    Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from Knob Goblin Embezzler to The Icewoman I can still back-up to the KGE after this happens. This isn't the only one I've noticed it happening with, it's all of them. Full list needing updated are at...
  8. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented The 3rd appearance of the bookmobile

    -------------------- 10798 The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells 147329106 book5.gif usable t 0 Item The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells Skill: "Dead Nostrils" -------------------- -------------------- 205 Dead Nostrils 0 0 0 # Skill Dead Nostrils: Stay fresh a...
  9. Malibu Stacey

    New Content August 2021 IotM - Our Daily Candles order form

    @Aenimus said in Discord that it's not currently seeded but will likely be when CDMoyer gets back from his holidays. So for now spading is moot. Also the easiest way to spade most things these days is to install Excavator ->
  10. Malibu Stacey

    New Content August 2021 IotM - Our Daily Candles order form

    -------------------- 10782 Abracandalabra 945645633 candlecabra.gif offhand q 0 Abracandalabra 0 none Item Abracandalabra Spell Damage Percent: +100, MP Regen Min: 5, MP Regen Max: 10, Maximum MP Percent: +100, Lasts Until Rollover --------------------...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Sure, if you completely ignore the following 10 words in that sentence (as you did in that edited quote) then yeah you're right.
  12. Malibu Stacey

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    Where did I blame everything on KoLMafia? I know you're not in Discord so I'll forgive you for not being privy to any of the reams of discussion of this issue. All I will say is, with the very notable exception of @MCroft, I'm probably the most informed person on this topic at present. I take...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    As one of those aforementioned script authors, I absolutely love that an error caused entirely by KoLMafia using an SVN library to access repositories hosted on GitHub gives an error that straight up says it's the scripts fault :rolleyes:
  14. Malibu Stacey

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    FYI this isn't a thing which has actually happened in the real world. They've changed the default branch name for new repo's to "main" which is actually in line with source control software that pre-dates Git (e.g. Perforce) but that doesn't affect existing repo's and even if you created a new...
  15. Malibu Stacey

    Feature Maximizer Limits

    See As far as I can see, it should not have done that if the section of the help dialog I screenshot in that thread is to be believed. There's also a maximizerMaxPrice property which might do something (I...
  16. Malibu Stacey

    New Content July 2021 IotM - Clan Underground Fireworks Shop

    Even just buying rockets in the relay browser throws debug errors You spent 2,500 Meat You acquire blue rocket (10) Unexpected error, debug log printed. At least it buys them though. The call to buy() in my first post just fails to do anything.
  17. Malibu Stacey

    New Content July 2021 IotM - Clan Underground Fireworks Shop

    > ash buy($item[blue rocket]) Purchasing blue rocket (1 @ 237)... You spent 250 Meat You acquire an item: blue rocket Preference _fireworksShopHatBought changed from false to true Preference _fireworksShopEquipmentBought changed from false to true Unexpected error, debug log printed. Purchases...
  18. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    I was about to test it but it throws errors parsing status when logging in. Character is in aftercore & hasn't been logged in since before rollover today.
  19. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    I mean I'd like to have a warning for people who do stupid things in general but unfortunately I don't have the time to write checks for absolutely every stupid thing someone can do before running autoscend and basically if they do stupid stuff manually then run autoscend (like the person who...