New Content July 2021 IotM - Clan Underground Fireworks Shop

Malibu Stacey

Active member
> ash buy($item[blue rocket])

Purchasing blue rocket (1 @ 237)...
You spent 250 Meat
You acquire an item: blue rocket
Preference _fireworksShopHatBought changed from false to true
Preference _fireworksShopEquipmentBought changed from false to true
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Purchases complete.
Returned: true

Prices for all items are listed incorrectly (appears to be showing the Five Finger Discount price even on accounts without Five Finger Discount).

Revisiting the shop in the relay browser fixed those 2 properties so there is a workaround for now.

> version

KoLmafia v20.7 r20782


Oh that was silly of me, I just priced them without thinking
Got the same issue when running
acquire red rocket


Even just buying rockets in the relay browser throws debug errors

You spent 2,500 Meat
You acquire blue rocket (10)
Unexpected error, debug log printed.

At least it buys them though. The call to buy() in my first post just fails to do anything.


I've not become any less aware of the bug since it was posted!
r20784 and r20785 fix the prices and mark the shop as a simple NPC store (i.e. it is not a coinmaster) respectively
Looks like purchasing isn't working now:
> version

KoLmafia v20.7 r20786

> acquire yellow rocket

Purchasing yellow rocket (1 @ 250)...
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
You need 1 more yellow rocket to continue.

> ash buy($item[yellow rocket])

Purchasing yellow rocket (1 @ 250)...
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)
Returned: false
You can't /buy a blue rocket until you visit the shop for the first time in a session. You can't even /go to the shop until you visit it manually. I expect the Mafia commands will also fail until a manual visit happens.
Oh I was accidentally checking the second floor of the lounge on clan refresh. r20787.

EDIT: Wait this is not what I was expecting. That's just a KoL bug. I can add a manual visit if they don't fix it first
It should be true if you have access to a fireworks shop. It seems to be that there's a daily flag set to true if you have visted a shop that day at all and changing clans to one without a shop still allows you to buy fireworks - I may move this prop over to tracking that
r20795 does the above. It also brings handling in line with how other lounge items tend to work. Having never implemented one before, I got a few bits wrong.