Feature Maximizer Limits


Staff member
Once upon a time when KoL and KoLmafia were different I could trivially select a maximizer option in Ronin and it would only consider items that were already in storage. This was changed and while I complained at the time, the extra clicks to set the options to Pull or Buy and check the price limit at 100 pretty much did the same thing. But in my senility I find I don't always remember to review that I have set a price and then set the buy limits. Today the mazimizer bought me a hypnodisk for 90000000, a cursed swash buckle for 8500000 and a Mr. Accessory Jr. for 11250000. While I accept responsibility for my error a part of me was naively expecting autoBuyPriceLimit=20000 to apply here as well. I would like something to change so this doesn't happen to me again, since I will eventually reacquire such wealth.

I can suggest various solutions but a GUI option for the maximizer that would pull but never buy seems like it would fix my problem with low impact on others. If there is already a parameter that controls this I would like to know about it and will use it but I do think cluttering the GUI would still be most useful for me.

Displaying the price would have helped but this is basically User Was Clicking and Not Paying Attention.
Do you want a warn on pricy items feature? Maybe a pref for prevent/warn/go nuts?

id like to separate pull from buy, because sometimes I want to window shop and sometimes I want to use only what I have. Right now Imsolve this by filtering my results with “-pull”, but it would straight up use the pull I’m budgeting for drinks to stop it from buying a 1 meat item which was +10 instead of +11…
As a non-solution solution, I tend to keep the amount of liquid meat I have on hand limited (<50M) and convert my hoards of meat to dense meat stacks. This prevent mafia from buying crazy expensive items when I forget to set my limits correctly.
If the operator error cannot be protected against then dense meat stack sounds like a good idea. Thanks.
Once upon a time when KoL and KoLmafia were different I could trivially select a maximizer option in Ronin and it would only consider items that were already in storage. This was changed and while I complained at the time, the extra clicks to set the options to Pull or Buy and check the price limit at 100 pretty much did the same thing. But in my senility I find I don't always remember to review that I have set a price and then set the buy limits. Today the mazimizer bought me a hypnodisk for 90000000, a cursed swash buckle for 8500000 and a Mr. Accessory Jr. for 11250000. While I accept responsibility for my error a part of me was naively expecting autoBuyPriceLimit=20000 to apply here as well. I would like something to change so this doesn't happen to me again, since I will eventually reacquire such wealth.

I can suggest various solutions but a GUI option for the maximizer that would pull but never buy seems like it would fix my problem with low impact on others. If there is already a parameter that controls this I would like to know about it and will use it but I do think cluttering the GUI would still be most useful for me.

Displaying the price would have helped but this is basically User Was Clicking and Not Paying Attention.
See https://kolmafia.us/threads/max-price-field-in-the-maximizer-appears-to-do-nothing.26107/
As far as I can see, it should not have done that if the section of the help dialog I screenshot in that thread is to be believed.

There's also a maximizerMaxPrice property which might do something (I tried reading through the code to see if it did back when I posted that thread but I can't remember my conclusions now).
Related but what I think I did was was set a price but NOT change the radio button from Don't Check to Buyable.

There is a use case for gathering and presenting the data without regard to price, but there is also precedent for protecting users from their own stupidity - autoBuy limit, clover adventure, etc.

In this specific case the issue is executing an action suggested by the Maximizer that includes "buy", for example "buy & pull".

The least intrusive thing I can think of is to include the "mall price" of the item to be bought in the execute string, i.e. "buy and pull item (12345)" and add a visual clue on the price if it exceeds the autobuy limit. "buy and pull item (12345)".
I can look into this today or tomorrow. I've got relatively good at the maximizer now