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  1. StDoodle

    Modular Choice Override

    I was trying to wrap my head around why you'd want this, and then I *think* I got it... Say person A has script X that does stuff you really like for adventure 9875, but the script also does stuff you think is borderline brain-dead (mmm, dead brains) to adventure 9110; you'd rather uses person...
  2. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented When unliving as a Zombie, automatically get the free daily clover from the Hermitage

    Well, the clover is a ten-leaf, and I would expect that mafia would not disassemble it if I haven't set my preferences to do so; yet, I could see how someone could be upset upon getting an unexpected clover adventure if mafia automatically grabbed the clover and left it as-is. Long story short...
  3. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed map_to_file and file_to_map do not work correctly with strings which contain "\n"

    I would love to hear if there is some combination of multi-escaping that works both ways; I never was able to figure it out (I am kinda slow though, so there may well be a way); ended up doing weird replacements along the lines of "OMGWTFTHISWASNEWLINE" when saving data... :p
  4. StDoodle

    Feature - Rejected support for different choice.php overrides

    Damnit V, I'm gonna hear / sing it that way from now on, and I'm blaming you for all the weird looks I get. :p
  5. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug Referencing a non-existent map key in ASH should produce an error

    And to me, it would seem like something I've done intentionally. But thanks for letting me know that following the documentation I was given for the language is silly, I'll try not to in the future.
  6. StDoodle

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    Yeah, made that mistake my first run; simple misclick, didn't read when the page loaded, type-y type-y type-y, then... wait, what? Crap. Thankfully, just four adventures, and I ended up being unable to play for most of a week anyway, so it wasn't the deciding factor in feeling "good" about my run.
  7. StDoodle

    Confused as to why KoLmafia 15.5 won't autocreate 64735 scroll

    Most of the old-school in-combat consulting functions and / or their consult versions return the response text, so you could indeed use those; of course, doing so in a server-friendly way would be quite difficult, but... whatchagonnado?
  8. StDoodle

    Universal Recovery Script

    int spendable_meat() { if (get_property("scriptsIgnoreThisMeat").to_int() > 0) return my_meat() - get_property("scriptsIgnoreThisMeat").to_int(); return my_meat(); } Replace all calls to my_meat() with spendable_meat() in any script you want to play nice with this setting, and then set...
  9. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug Come back with a 20 pound Sabre-Toothed Lime - But I can buff to 20lbs...

    Heavy Petting is also -10% stats... I dunno how that should figure into the equation though. I mean, at the point in a run that BCC's talking about, who cares, but as a general "should the maximizer use it" point...
  10. StDoodle

    Feature - Rejected Auto-abort when Nemesis Thug is encountered.

    For an alternative possible way of handling such things, it could be nifty if there was an "out-of-zone" identifier you could put in your CCS, such that it would trigger on any monster that doesn't "normally" occur in your current zone, without having to hard-code in every FoB monster, Cadaver...
  11. StDoodle

    Help with relay_-script buliding

    If you're doing a relay script, you really don't need to use javascript to do all of your conditional writing... unless I'm missing something huge, it sounds like people are over-complicating this. Edit to add: so this post isn't completely unhelpful... just do what JH said, and make sure...
  12. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented list of all possible outfits

    It's part of the basic mafia package, so a normal install won't show it, but it can still be accessed via file_to_map() just like any other file in your /data directory.
  13. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented add a reminder to the astral gash decorator if you have PvP fights left

    A little late to the party, but in my opinion IronTetsubo's logic is spot-on with my thinking; I've ascended with adventures left before because I just didn't care, but I did always know. PvP fights remaining tends to be the kind of thing that doesn't occur to me until it's too late.
  14. StDoodle

    Newbie Notify Help

    Indeed, that looks like what this should be. I'm just pointing out that since multiple people seem to have thought that was how it worked in the first place, it seems as if it would likely be considered a reasonable one.
  15. StDoodle

    Newbie Notify Help

    Just tested myself, and while the imported script does not trigger a notify during import, running both separately will result in two kmails. Ideally, using the "script" directive would force a once-per-script behavior, methinks. At least, that's my $0.02.
  16. StDoodle

    Newbie Notify Help

    Oh, I see. I coulda sworn I'd done something similar once and it only triggered a single notification, but I could be misremembering. Or perhaps something changed... Ok, did a bit more digging, looks like notifications are stored in your "GLOBAL_prefs" file as "previousNotifyList." I imagine it...
  17. StDoodle

    Newbie Notify Help

    Not really doable without a massive build-your-own solution, as-is. However, you could make the relay script import the cli version. Disadvantage; introduces a single (but put-in-one-threadable) dependency for the relay users. Advantages; simply put the notify in the imported script, and it will...
  18. StDoodle

    Unix Timestamps

    Nope, I've looked at it a bit myself and found no way to go that way. Alas.
  19. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug Is this behavior…"expected"?

    Indeed! I got into a real wiki kick ... er, damn, apparently over two years ago. Anyway, I was really into revamping the ash-related stuff, and shortly after I started Bale & Icon put in a great deal of effort as well (Bale surpassed me shortly after I left, and that's just regular edits, oh...
  20. StDoodle

    HUGE issue with mafia (icon is gone)

    The .jar itself is on the desktop, not a link / shortcut? What OS?