Confused as to why KoLmafia 15.5 won't autocreate 64735 scroll

I'm in Bad Moon Kittycore. Every time it's encountered a RAM it just attacks instead of tossing the scrolls at it. Is there some setting I am missing?
I don't know that it is a "feature", exactly. It's just that the built-in scroll creation routine is sort of simple minded; it expects that everything will go as expected, and, since the Black Cat can make things go wrong, we won't even try.

I think the built-in function could be made more robust in the face of failure, so that you could automate scrolls out of the box even with a Black Cat. I also think that you should be allowed to have your own CCS or consult script work correctly with the adding machine. There happens to be a Feature Request already for this.
It's already possible to automate scroll making with a combat filter function, but I'm not sure if it's possible to make it do it any smarter than mafia's built-in routine. I've always used combat filters to build a macro that will finish the fight, but I've never tried to use one to do an action, then check for success/failure, then make a decision about the next action based on that success/failure. Is that kind of thing possible with combat filters?
Most of the old-school in-combat consulting functions and / or their consult versions return the response text, so you could indeed use those; of course, doing so in a server-friendly way would be quite difficult, but... whatchagonnado?
The problem is if you try to use a consult script Mafia will take over and perform the option chosen in the drop down no matter what (WHAM has special handling for RAMs but that only fires if Mafia decides it has nothing to do with it, and then WHAM will wait 20 seconds and attack). I guess you could do it via a visit_url-call and whatnot but that is, as you say, hardly efficient, or you could possibly do it in a adventuring script (not sure though).