Bug - Not A Bug Come back with a 20 pound Sabre-Toothed Lime - But I can buff to 20lbs...


Active member
When doing the NS tower automatically, the game tells me I need a 20lbs lime. I have sympathy (+5lbs passive) and access to empathy, leash and pet buffing spray. This should get me 20lbs. Is there a reason mafia doesn't use these?
It uses only non-limited resources, a la the CLI maximize command, which also will not use pet buffing spray.
So anyway, working as intended.

If there's an articulable feature request here, I'm down with that, but marking as not a bug for now.
I have the KGE outfit, so it's basically just a couple hundred meat. I would suggest that using pet buffing spray would be a good idea if it was available via KGE.
Heavy Petting is also -10% stats... I dunno how that should figure into the equation though. I mean, at the point in a run that BCC's talking about, who cares, but as a general "should the maximizer use it" point...
I wouldn't consider making it default maximizer behavior.

In this specific instance, it's a possible -10% HP/MP for the upcoming fight. Not huge, but probably enough of a reason to make it a dubious feature.
It's ironic.

The sorceress lair quest script used to call the familiar trainer, which had a specific list of items, effects, and skills that it would invoke to try to get the familiar up to 20 lb. People complained for years that it didn't do this or it didn't do that.

When the maximizer was created, the complaints turned into suggestions/requests/demands that the quest script use the maximizer.

It now does so.

And, having caved into the repeated demands, it is now apparently a "bug" that we do what the maximizer says, rather than use the familiar trainer and its fixed list of items, effects, and so on. Makes ME not want to put in features unless they specifically improve MY KoL/KoLmafia experience and behave exactly the way that I want and expect them to behave.
And, having caved into the repeated demands, it is now apparently a "bug" that we do what the maximizer says, rather than use the familiar trainer and its fixed list of items, effects, and so on. Makes ME not want to put in features unless they specifically improve MY KoL/KoLmafia experience and behave exactly the way that I want and expect them to behave.

I think the problem is that the maximizer, in the regard of calling "maximize familiar weight", only performs equipment changes. It never uses any of the items (which is fine since that may well cause you to spend loads of meat) but it will make any item previously hard coded in to not be used now.
I wouldn't consider making it default maximizer behavior.

In this specific instance, it's a possible -10% HP/MP for the upcoming fight. Not huge, but probably enough of a reason to make it a dubious feature.

I didn't recall this - it makes perfect sense to not utilize heavy petting in this instance.
I think the problem is that the maximizer, in the regard of calling "maximize familiar weight", only performs equipment changes.
I thought the FReq was to add maximizer functionality for the Sorceress's familiars part. (search search search read read read) http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?7669 It seems the FReq just asked to use the maximizer. So I guess a new FReq would need to be made to follow up with certain skills/buffs/items to achieve the appropriate weight.
The default command is now:

familiar weight -tie

Is there a command to get maximizer to also consider skills/items? If there is, maybe we should just have the sorceress lair handler submit that command instead and mark this as fixed.
The maximizer will not automatically utilize skills/items.

An option to automatically utilize skills from cli and ash would not be a bad thing, although I would NOT want to add an option to automatically use items.
I cannot envision an acceptable CLI version of maximize that would use items or skills. For every benefit I can associate at least one drawback.

An ASH maximize that does some item/skill casting is perhaps more reasonable. Though still, I can foresee many issues with that. Maybe a function that returns some sort of aggregate containing the recommended items, skills, and their scores would be more appropriate.