Feature - Rejected Auto-abort when Nemesis Thug is encountered.

These stupid thugs are really causing problems for me in Bad Moon as a Pastamancer. It always seems to occur when Im in an easy area, using auto-attack to get some MP back.

Then, the thug appears and kicks my teeth in before I can hit abort.

Is there any way we could add an option to the auto-combat panel under Special that says, "Abort auto-combat script when Nemesis thug is encountered".

I realize this is doable on my own but it would require me to always be using a CCS, even when auto-attacking, plus I'd need an exclusion to "abort" when I encounter any of the 10 or so different Thug types.

Mafia already does this with Ultra-Rares supposedly (not like I have encountered any...), so I think it is a viable option for either the combat menu, OR even a checkbox in the Preferences.

Whatcha think?
Here's the CCS I use when I'm in aftercore burning turns until I can do the nemesis quest:
[ argarggagarg the dire hellseal ]
1: abort

[ default ]
1: consult SmartStasis.ash
2: attack with weapon

[ jocko homo ]
1: abort

[ nacho golem ]
1: abort

[ small-game hunter ]
1: abort

[ the mariachi with no name ]
1: abort

[ yakisoba the executioner ]
1: abort

EDIT: only 8 more names to add to be able to abort on any Nemesis thug :D
You could also do a special section where all the nemesis thugs are handled the same way like I did with the holiday monsters here, they all refer to the section Holiday monster which is set to abort in this ccs, but i can change the abort to something else easy enough and it would apply to all holiday monsters without having to adjust them separately:

[ default ]
1: attack with weapon

[ holiday monster ]
1: abort

[ cadáver ]
1: section Holiday Monster

[ candied yam golem ]
1: section Holiday Monster

[ malevolent tofurkey ]
1: section Holiday Monster

[ possessed can of cranberry sauce ]
1: section Holiday Monster

[ stuffing golem ]
1: section Holiday Monster
Those are all workable solutions, but they are a hard way of doing something that could be easily managed by a Preference setting.

Mafia is already so customizable that surely it couldn't hurt to add a checkbox. Since Mafia already acts this way with ultra-rares, the coding for it should be quick and easy.
I think the general trend set by the first Mafia dev(s) was to keep the number of preferences minimal. Since a CCS already allows you to customize it in this way, and a complete one will surely pop up soon on this forum, I don't think this would make a good preference.
I think the general trend set by the first Mafia dev(s) was to keep the number of preferences minimal.
While that is a good idea, we're come so far from such an ideal that we might just consider the concept to be discarded.
I think the general trend set by the first Mafia dev(s) was to keep the number of preferences minimal.
Hola originally envisioned KoLmafia as a platform for his ideas about good user interface design. He tended to prefer alternatives to checkboxes and other UI configurable preferences. I would defer to Veracity in any discussion of a possible change in philosophy.
In a sense, the user flexibility is already here, since such things can be done without a user preference. It does have a learning curve though, even with this forum and the new mafia wiki.

From an ergonomic point of view, I'm not convinced adding a preference for every single possibility is reasonable, not to mention it would put more strain on an already limited supply of dev time. I would rather have people point out their problem here to get help from the forum's community through ASH, CLI or CCS scripts. This avoids the issue of having to be familiar with Mafia to do things the GUI doesn't offer (and people can also learn by asking for help).

Now, to get back to Sally's problem, pasting this into every single CCS she has would work (not tested, might contain typos):
[ nemesisThug ]
1: abort

[ menacing thug ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Mob Penguin hitman ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ hunting seal ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Argarggagarg the Dire Hellseal ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ turtle trapper ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Safari Jack ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ evil spaghetti cult assassin ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Yakisoba the Executioner ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ arnaise zombie ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Heimandatz ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ flock of seagulls ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ Jocko Homo ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ mariachi bandolero ]
1: section nemesisThug

[ The Mariachi With No Name ]
1: section nemesisThug

But it's not elegant at all. Maybe we could have a CCS include another CCS? So that the above list of CCS sections would sit in the Thugs CCS, and could be included in other CCSs? Or we could have a single CCS that would be included in all the others automatically?
could we have inheritance of ccses? just a single line for special cases like this?

in addition to this being a bad idea, the whole adding machine thing is also a bad idea and really confusing. could that be replaced with a premade ccs?
In a sense, the user flexibility is already here, since such things can be done without a user preference. It does have a learning curve though, even with this forum and the new mafia wiki.

From an ergonomic point of view, I'm not convinced adding a preference for every single possibility is reasonable, not to mention it would put more strain on an already limited supply of dev time. I would rather have people point out their problem here to get help from the forum's community through ASH, CLI or CCS scripts. This avoids the issue of having to be familiar with Mafia to do things the GUI doesn't offer (and people can also learn by asking for help).
I gotta agree here. I like some of the breakfast stuff mafia does, but other stuff has its issues. One script I made would continually check for stuff to summon. While summoning noodles, cocktail ingredients, reagents, sugar sheets, and divine favors is nice to summon first thing on login for the day, if you can't summon them all, it doesn't check again. As it is, I don't have mafia summon any of them, I have a betweenBattleScript to do that instead. This way, as my familiar(s) heals my MP, I can get the most out of my summons.

Having it auto-about on URs is very important, or a lot of people might be ending up with consolation ribbons. (OK, maybe just a few, but still!) As it is though, the only issue I have with the CCS scripts fighting the hitmen are I don't even realize it until after it's happened. Oh look, I just got a pet cheezling.

Eh, my $0.02 anyway. Take it for what it's worth :p
I'm going to mark this rejected. There is no way I can support adding a preference for triggering hard-stops on nemesis thugs. That's a feature that would have a userbase of approximately one.
For an alternative possible way of handling such things, it could be nifty if there was an "out-of-zone" identifier you could put in your CCS, such that it would trigger on any monster that doesn't "normally" occur in your current zone, without having to hard-code in every FoB monster, Cadaver, Nemesis enemy, etc. etc.