Feature - Implemented add a reminder to the astral gash decorator if you have PvP fights left

I've forgotten to use up my PvP fights a few times when ascending, so spent the brief period of time to whip up an addition to the common things to do section of the astral gash page. Patch is pretty trivial, and takes people to the "pick a fight" page in the Colosseum, as I figure that's more appropriate given folk are in the webui than to trigger "steal fame" or the like to auto-use the remaining fights. As usual, build/runs (test w/ and w/out remaining pvp fights) against latest svn, r11332.


The reason I didn't add this before is that there's no warning if you have adventures left, and this seems like a similar thing. That doesn't mean this should not be included, it just means that I was less sure about adding another entry there.
The difference was (is) for me is that for adventures left, they're prominently displayed both in kolmafia and the relay browser. By default (or at least, how I have it configured), PvP fights left are not obvious at all - and with the pvp revamp, it's worth grinding the pvp fights even if you lose to get swagger. :) If the right answer is add an additional line warning if you've got adventures left also, that's easy enough as well. But I do think the two cases are different enough in visibility that there's some real value in displaying the PvP fights left - I've yet to accidentally ascend with turns left, but several times I've ascended with PvP fights left.
A little late to the party, but in my opinion IronTetsubo's logic is spot-on with my thinking; I've ascended with adventures left before because I just didn't care, but I did always know. PvP fights remaining tends to be the kind of thing that doesn't occur to me until it's too late.