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  1. StDoodle

    New Content - Implemented January Stuff

    The libram is the January IotM, the other two are the new yearly familiars. Unknown item found: Libram of Resolutions (5463, 889610035) -------------------- 5463 Libram of Resolutions usable all 0 5463 889610035 book5.gif Libram of Resolutions Libram of Resolutions Free Pull...
  2. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug "password hash mismatch" ad infinitum

    I think it's more "not a bug," as -- I could be wrong here -- but I think it's part of the intended security model of KoL and browser behavior. Again, could be wrong -- but didn't this used to not happen when it should, and Veracity fixed it to behave securely, as it should?
  3. StDoodle

    Automatic Script Updating... Discuss!

    Heh, I think I may be one of those names. ;) Anyway, putting my version-checking more in line with zarqon's has been on my back-burner forever, and I'd be happy with this proposed system as well. The big thing would probably be that users (at least, and authors preferably) have a way to opt-in...
  4. StDoodle

    Getting User Input

    If you want to provide more of a "hint" as to the project, someone may have an alternative that could work for the specific situation. :)
  5. StDoodle

    Getting User Input

    Not in the middle of execution; there are various ways to handle pre-script setup, but once the script starts running, only boolean values can easily be captured. Though, it does give me a curious thought; if you execute the script as a relay script (either info or override should work), you...
  6. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug my_name() adds a space

    Looks fine there, but may well have been fixed when I manually removed spaces from the login box. Edit: Marking as "Not a Bug" since it seems more likely something got messed up purely in my filesystem.
  7. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug my_name() adds a space

    Okay, did a fresh install and I'm getting the expected 0 result.... Something's wonky in a setting somewhere? *shrug* I'd love to have some idea how to fix this, if anyone has a clue on something that doesn't involve losing all of my settings. Weird. Edit: Okay, thought I'd check, and low and...
  8. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug my_name() adds a space

    The gCLI appears to collapse all whitespace into a single space for me, I had to use regex to check the quantity of spaces (hence why the thread title says adds a space). But using your code still returns "(StDoodle )" for me (with that space shown). Edit to add: The following code will show...
  9. StDoodle


    Yeah, mafia chat-botting only works on /clan and the various dungeon channels, and pm's.
  10. StDoodle

    Bug - Not A Bug my_name() adds a space

    Using r10165 on Windows 7, the ash function my_name() returns "StDoodle " for my character (extra 3 spaces on the end).
  11. StDoodle

    Destroy All Monsters

    Thanks for the heads-up, the wife and I are seeing that on Xmas. </offtopic>
  12. StDoodle

    monitoring clan chat

    For reference, here's my simple script that monitors clan for ascension messages (HCN likes to brick new ascenders) and responds to PM's while away. Hope it helps!
  13. StDoodle

    RegEx fun

    If you don't know how many matches you're going to make, I recommend trimming off as much as you can that isn't a match first (with another matcher, maybe), then using while(matcher.find()) to loop through the rest. If you need more help I'd be happy to look closer tonight after work, but the...
  14. StDoodle

    CNCS (Custom Non-Combat Script)

    Just don't forget, a Between Battle Script will never fire during manual adventuring. For that, you'd have to call a script in your mood.
  15. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Issue With restore_mp() Function

    No, it is useful for the authors of other scripts, though the documentation on the wiki should have a note for both functions that mentions the return value can be overriden by a restoreScript, and it's up to a script author to clarify what, if any, such scripts they support. At least UR makes...
  16. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Issue With restore_mp() Function

    One nifty thing I noticed is that the major argument I could see for modifying restore_mp()'s return value would be so that someone else could build a script that directly called restore_mp() after tweaking restore thresholds for niche reasons; however, the way UR stores the "always continue"...
  17. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Issue With restore_mp() Function

    Does restore_mp() predate restoreScript ability? I seem to recall it does, and that's likely why the documentation is lacking in regards to said scripts; it was probably (judging from my mass-edit memory) a mostly copy-pasta job from info that existed either on the wiki already, or from the...
  18. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented my_path() and api.php path numbers

    Booze = 1, according to a clannie under said path. I would be very surprised to see Teet != 2 (I'm guessing the missing 5 is for the path they had planned & started, and scrapped.)
  19. StDoodle

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    It seems it may be simpler to have your own script that checks against your situation for whether or not you wish to free-run, and if so build your own macro / whatever for it; if not, leverage BatBrain. My 0.03125 cents.
  20. StDoodle

    New Content - Implemented Inevitable pumpkin replacement - Peppermint garden

    Is there any possible way under the current code that a reserved number could be used for adv. gains (negative, maybe) that would be parsed by the food / booze / spleen managers in such a way as to display "this item unspaded" in place of the normal range?