New Content - Implemented Inevitable pumpkin replacement - Peppermint garden

Peppermint twist drinks not showing in Item Manager->Usable->Booze

I apologize if this has been reported already, I didn't find it with a couple searches.

As the title implies, drinks from this IotM aren't appearing in the Booze manager, whether they're already created or not. I only have "per drunk" and "by room" checked, and filtering confirms they aren't in the list.

They do show up in Creatable->Mixable, however.

I guess I should mention: I'm using r10118.
This is because they are not entered into inebriety.txt due to missing or untrustworthy data regarding its quality.
Booze does not show up on the booze tab unless it is entered into inebriety.txt.
Ditto for Food and the food tab and fullness.txt.
And ditto for spleen items and the spleen tab and spleenhit.txt

Sometimes, we add new booze and food and spleen items with 0 adventures and 0 stats, just so they show up.
That results in bug reports, since that data is obviously incorrect.

Used to be, we'd enter consumables with whatever random consumption data the Wiki had. Since it takes a while - years, sometimes - for accurate spading data to reach the Wiki, that also results in bug reports. It also requires us to edit the file a second time.

My current technique (apparently adopted by others) is to wait until accurate consumption data is available and THEN add the consumables to the appropriate file.
Apparently, as this thread shows, that also results in bug reports.

So how should I respond to this?
- Since the items are INTENTIONALLY not in inebriety.txt yet, should I mark this Not a Bug?
- Or should we take this as a reminder that NEW CONTENT has not been added to the database yet?
- Or should we just merge this in with the existing New Content thread dealing with the peppermint patch?

I lean towards the last option, since that thread is intentionally not marked implemented yet, primarily because of this exact reason.

Edit: merged.
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Sorry for creating a fuss, I guess I didn't understand the philosophy you are following. It is totally reasonable to wait until accurate data is available. I guess I just thought that early estimates were put up and then replaced by more accurate figures, but I see how this could lead to lots of erroneous data lingering in the files.
Is there any possible way under the current code that a reserved number could be used for adv. gains (negative, maybe) that would be parsed by the food / booze / spleen managers in such a way as to display "this item unspaded" in place of the normal range?
Ignoring the code changes needed, how would that be shown to the user? Anything short of saying "unspaded" won't be obvious enough to prevent bug reports. Actually saying it like that seems bulky.
Well, the point as I understand it was that saying unspaded is bulky. Not saying unspaded makes more bug reports. Leaving it like it is now creates bug (or new content) reports.
There's no 10 adventure result in that data. Which leads either to questioning the 10 adventure result reported by someone else or considering the fact that there could be a 14 adventure result that just didn't show up.
There's no 10 adventure result in that data. Which leads either to questioning the 10 adventure result reported by someone else or considering the fact that there could be a 14 adventure result that just didn't show up.
I just drank one of each drink. I had Ode To Booze - which adds 2 adventures to a 2 drunk drink - and got adventure ranges from 12 - 14. So, the 10 adventure result is in.

I notice that each drink adds a smaller amount to 2 stats and a larger amount to 1 stat.
I'm in a Muscle sign, so my Muscle gains are boosted by 10%
Today is Mysticality day, so my Mysticality gains are boosted by 25%
I have no Moxie experience modifiers, so lets look at those.

For the "big moxie" drinks, I got 27 and 50
For the "little moxie" drinks, I got 17, 16, 20, and 12

I'm going to assign each drink an adventure range of 10-13, "little stat" gains of 10-20, and "big stat" gains of 25-50

Drinking 1 Crimbojito...
You gain 13 Adventures
You gain 21 Strongness
You gain 45 Mysteriousness
You gain 17 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Crimbojito.

Drinking 1 Feliz Navidad...
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 11 Strengthliness
You gain 25 Enchantedness
You gain 50 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Feliz Navidad.

Drinking 1 Gin Mint...
You gain 12 Adventures
You gain 14 Muscleboundness
You gain 25 Enchantedness
You gain 27 Smarm
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Gin Mint.

Drinking 1 Mint Yulep...
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 32 Muscleboundness
You gain 21 Enchantedness
You gain 16 Smarm
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Mint Yulep.

Drinking 1 Sangria de Menthe...
You gain 14 Adventures
You gain 18 Fortitude
You gain 52 Enchantedness
You gain 20 Chutzpah
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Sangria de Menthe.

Drinking 1 Vodka Matryoshka...
You gain 13 Adventures
You gain 44 Strengthliness
You gain 19 Magicalness
You gain 12 Chutzpah
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
Finished drinking 1 Vodka Matryoshka.
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And to complete the very initial spading, I ate 7 peppermint patties, with Milk - which adds 2 adventures for a 2 fullness food.

adv 12 13 13 11 12 11 12
mus 15 19 21 15 11 13 22
mys 23 18 17 21 15 25 15
mox 10 11 13 11 18 14 16

With 10% muscle gains and 25% mysticality gains, this is consistent with a range of 10-20 or so per substat.

The Wiki - with no "discussion", i.e., no published data whatsoever - claims the adventure range is 9-12. I got 9-11, but maybe 12 is better for EPIC food, so I'm going with 9-12.

Is it clear now, I hope, why we don't automatically include whatever random preliminary crap is on the Wiki page for new food and booze?
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When the peppermint parasol is used in combat for a free runaway, the message is "You hold up the parasol, and a sudden freak gust of wind sends you hurtling through the air to safety." Cut it down to "sudden freak gust" for SBIP safety. That should increment _navelRunaways. It should probably also increment a new parasolUses setting, which needs to be reset to 0 by "Man. That last gust was more than your parasol could handle. You throw away the shredded (but delicious-smelling) wreck that was once a useful tool." Cut down to "You throw away the shredded" for SBIP, and also reset when ascending.

Edit: That last message also needs to remove a peppermint parasol from inventory.
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