Bug - Not A Bug my_name() adds a space


Using r10165 on Windows 7, the ash function my_name() returns "StDoodle " for my character (extra 3 spaces on the end).
Cannot confirm.

> ash print("("+my_name()+")");

Returned: void

No problem here. Using Windows XP. Does java really work differently under XP and Windows 7? Can you please run the same line of code? (Since you didn't tell us what code produced your error.)
The gCLI appears to collapse all whitespace into a single space for me, I had to use regex to check the quantity of spaces (hence why the thread title says adds a space). But using your code still returns "(StDoodle )" for me (with that space shown).

Edit to add:

The following code will show the number of trailing spaces in my_name():

ash int i = 0; matcher m = create_matcher("\\s*$",my_name());if (m.find()) print(length(m.group()));

More Info:

Using Java v1.6.0_25b06

Noticed the error because my breakfast script gave the abort error that should only occur if I try to run it on my multi (or any other character technically, but I've never logged into anything but StDoodle and Astris). I had thought I'd seen said error before, but I'm not 100% and never looked into it until today.

For the record, the above code returns "3" for me.
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Okay, did a fresh install and I'm getting the expected 0 result.... Something's wonky in a setting somewhere? *shrug* I'd love to have some idea how to fix this, if anyone has a clue on something that doesn't involve losing all of my settings. Weird.

Edit: Okay, thought I'd check, and low and behold, the login box had the extra spaces too. I dunno how they got there; I'm guessing a mis-type at some point, though whitespace errors from the program I use for syncing mafia between computers may be a possibility. I imagine the "actual" login process trims trailing whitespace, so it works as normal with KoL, but mafia uses the entire contents of the login text box for storing your name. Or, this could be the reverse of what happened. Regardless, trimming the spaces in the login box appeared to fix things. Weird, weird, weird.
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My guess is that your saved character name involves a space for some reason... Check your global prefs?
Looks fine there, but may well have been fixed when I manually removed spaces from the login box.

Edit: Marking as "Not a Bug" since it seems more likely something got messed up purely in my filesystem.